Gevisson, instructions for use

In the global market, the drug Gevisson has been present for more than forty years, and in Russian pharmacies he appeared quite recently. Television advertising positions this medicine as a means that quickly eliminates heartburn and other uncomfortable sensations.

Recent statistics reports report that heartburn and disorders of the digestion suffer about 73% of people. Moreover, each fifth symptoms of heartburn repeat each week. Doctors call this phenomenon «Acid reflux». When the acid in the stomach falls into the esophagus, this ailment occurs. Acid irritates a gentle mucous meal, lining esophagus, so a person begins to disturb the unpleasant, painful sensations for the sternum, in the opposite region (burning, discomfort), as well as an acidic taste or nausea. Their duration can be from a few minutes (5-10) and up to several hours.

Our site suggests to figure out what is part of the drug Gevisson, how to take it when to give preference to this.

General information about gavisson

Gavisson, diet when heartbuilding, stomach, heartburn, increased acidity

Gevisson are currently referring to the new group of medicines - alginates. Their therapeutic effects are similar to the influence on the body of antacid. Therefore, in a number of information sources, you can find information about Gev.N., as an antacid.

The main component of the gavisson manufactured in the UK - sodium alginate. It is obtained from brown sea algae.

In the pharmacy you can see several dosage forms of this drug, which is very convenient to use:

  1. Chewing pills having lemon or mint taste. Each tablet present 250 mg sodium alginate, as well as sodium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate, auxiliary ingredients (magnesium stearate, mannitol, aspartame, potassium acesulpha, copovidon, flavors). Packaging contains 32, 24, 20, 16 or 8 tablets.
  2. Suspension in bottles of 300, 150 or 100 ml (with mint taste). In 5 ml of such a white suspension contains 250 mg of sodium alginate, as well as sodium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate. Auxiliary components: carbomer, methylpaultydroxybenzoate, sodium saccharinate, propyl aprichedroxybenzoate, sodium hydroxide, peppermint oil, purified water.
  3. Suspension called «Gevisson Forte» In bottles of 300, 250, 200, 150 or 80 ml (with mint or anise taste). It can be packaged and in bags, in the package there may be 20, 16, 12, 8, 4 pieces. In 5 ml of such a suspension of sodium alginate, it is two times more, that is, not 250 mg, and 500 mg. Sodium bicarbonate in it is not, but there is still potassium bicarbonate. Auxiliary substances Manufacturer takes the following: calcium carbonate, methylpaultsibenzoate, carbomer, sodium hydroxide, propyl aprichedroxibenzoate, purified water, flavors (fennel or mint), sodium saccharinate.
  4. Chewing tablets and suspension called «Gevisson Double action», packaged in vials of 600, 300, 200, 150 ml and bags of 10 ml. This is a new version of the medicine «Gevisson», which successfully was registered in the Russian Federation in April 2012.

Gevisson improves the dyspepsia state, which appears when increasing the acidity in the stomach and ailment, called gastroesophageal reflux (when the contents of the stomach throws into the lumen of the esophagus). At the same time, the heartburn appears, the severity in the opposite region, behind the sternum, the bumping is acidic after a while after eating. Such symptoms are not necessary for diseases of the digestive tract and in women during pregnancy.

Action Gevisonon

Gavisson, diet when heartbuilding, stomach, heartburn, increased acidity

If you purchased the Tablets Gevisson, then adults and adolescents, whose age is older than 12 years old can be rolled 2-4 tablets for one reception. If the child is not 12 years old, then the dose prescribes a pediatrician individually.

The suspension presents calcium carbonate, which has antacid properties, so if you take any more medicines (especially for tetracycline antibiotics, fluoroquinolones, H2-histamine receptor blockers, digoxin, ketoconazole, glucocorticosteroids, beta-adrenobleholders, iron, neuroleptics preparations, and Dr.), then take them with an interval at least two hours.

People holding a diet with a small salt content (it is appointed with kidney problems, heart), it is important to know that in 10 ml of suspension Gevison present 141 mg sodium. In 10 ml of suspension «Gevisson Forte» Sodium 106 mg. And in four sodium tablets, respectively, 246 mg.

MirSoveto will emphasize that women who are pregnant or feed the baby breasts are allowed to take Gevisson. The main components present in the giewishon are not absorbed into the blood. Gevisson only contributes to the formation of a protective alginate barrier on the surface of the food lump, which does not give gastric content to get into the esophagus.

Are there any side effects and contraindications?

Gavisson, diet when heartbuilding, stomach, heartburn, increased acidity

Medicine Gevisson is well tolerated by patients, without causing any unwanted effects. In rare cases, allergic reactions were recorded. If the patients exceeded the maximum daily dosage, then some of them have arose Owl of belly.

Contraindications of the drug a bit:

  • Individual intolerance to those substances that are indicated in the composition, hypersensitivity to them;
  • Age up to 6 years (this applies to Gev.);
  • Age up to 12 years (this concerns only «Gevison forte»).

With caution it is necessary to use hevison, if the blood level of calcium is increased in the blood and at the ICD (so abbreviated called urolithiasis).

Although this drug can be bought at the pharmacy without a recipe, if you are often worried about heartburn, you must visit the doctor that the treatment is productive, helped get rid of this unpleasant symptom.

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