Treatment of breast kids


  • Krivoshoy in infants and its causes
  • How the Krivoshoy is treated

  • Krivoshoy in infants and its causes

    Treatment of breast kidsUsually, the wrong position of the head draws attention already in the hospital. Often the forced position of the child's head is associated with the defeat of one of the breast-curable-bed-like muscles. The sick muscle is shortened, while the head of the child leans towards the affected muscle and turns toward healthy.

    Curvas causes many. For example, a long incorrect position of the fetal head in the uterus, congenital malformation (dysplasia) of the breast-curable-length-like muscle, compression of the baby's neck cord, causing ischemia (circulatory disorder) intrauterine or in childbirth, breaks and muscle tensions during heavy childbirth, cervical injury Spine and others.

    Most often, Krivoshoy in infants is caused by an increase in the tone of the breast-curable-bed-like muscle as one of the manifestations of neurological disorders arising from a child as a result of oxygen starvation of the brain with a complicated course of pregnancy and childbirth.

    Perhaps this is the most favorable form of Krivoshei - the correction of it is not so painful for the child and with timely and active treatment gives a good result. Child with such a diagnosis must constantly observe a neurologist and orthopedist.

    How the Krivoshoy is treated

    Treatment of muscle krivosha need to start as soon as possible - from 2-week age. The long-term forced position of the head in an infant may cause asymmetric deformation of the face and skull, and at a later age of Krivoshoye, left without treatment, can lead to deformities of the face and spinal curvature (scoliosis).

    The best results can be achieved with complex treatment, which includes the treatment of the situation, massage and therapeutic gymnastics. If Krivoshoya is the result of any common disease, you need to treat it.

    Perhaps the doctor will appoint physiotherapy procedures to your child. And, of course, the result of treatment largely depends on the active participation of parents in the treatment.

    Massage with curvocy, as, however, and at any other disease, it is better to charge a specialist.

    The treatment of the situation is necessary both for passive stretching of the affected muscle and for the formation of the correct body scheme, that is, in order for the wrong position of the head is not familiar, not perceived by the child as a normal, natural.

    Treatment of position is carried out constantly: and if the baby lies in the crib, and if you keep it in your hands. In this form of treatment, the role of parents is paramount. No one will replace you.

    The child must lie on a hard mattress without pillows. Under the head, he can put a rolled several times a diaper. It is important to stimulate the turn of the head towards the affected muscle. To do this, you must approach the child from the sick muscle, there should also be putting toys, from the same side there should be light. Child, watching what is happening in the room, involuntarily stretches the affected muscle.

    The head of the baby in bed must be fixed in the right position with heavy linen bags, filled, for example, salt, cotton marlevision «Baranca» or a marlevary dressing with fixation through the axillary cavity of a healthy side. Do not forget to control the baby's body to lay correctly, symmetrically.

    If your baby often jumps out, then the proposed laying can not be applied! In this case, the child can be laid on the side. If the kid sleeps on a healthy side - without a pillow, if on the sick, then under the head put a high pillow.

    Apply the treatment of the position and then when you wear a baby on your hands. To do this, limit your cheek to the baby turn towards a healthy muscle. If you like to wear a baby in a stay lying on my side - put it on the sore side, lifting your head in a healthy side hand.

    Naturally, it will necessarily need a daily correctional set of exercises, choosing which a specialist will help you. And remember that the child who suffered a Krivoshe at an early age needs constant control of doctors - orthopedics during the first few years after the diagnosis is removed.

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