More and more people suffer from unpleasant pain in the stomach. Many advertisements offer us a variety of ways of rapid drill pain. But few people want to find out the true reason for the appearance of discomfort in the stomach...
Dyskinesia digestive tract – this
The diagnosis implies a violation of motility and esophageal peristals,
Stomach, biliary tract or intestines. All this is connected with a low-key
lifestyle and irrational powers. Love of sharp dishes,
Spice, annoying mucous membrane of the digestive tract,
leads to the occurrence of the disease. In our difficult time it is impossible
Avoid stress.
All this affects the development of diskinesia
digestive tract…
In addition, diskinesia of the digestive tract are more susceptible to women.
Young girls often torture themselves with strict diets. Wrong,
Irregular nutrition with small portions often provokes development
Diseases. The cause of dyskinesia digestive tract is also
Neurotic disorders, conflict and stressful situations,
Endocrine disorders, heredity.
Discower escapes
Discower escapes It is characterized by a violation of its tone (atony), sometimes even a paralysis of the esophagus occurs.
What is it connected with? The appearance of disknesia of the esophagus is associated with the defeat
central and perfiric nervous system. In addition, if
the tone of the muscles of the membrane of the esophagus is reduced, it can also lead to
Symptoms of the disease. It is often marked by pain for the sternum, frequent belching and
Jumping, it makes it difficult to swallow, dyspetic occurs
Diagnosis. It is necessary to eliminate the esophagus cancer, which often has similar symptoms.
Treatment. Contraindicated physical exertion, recommended
Shattering diet. Food should be frequent and fractional (4-6 times a day).
Associate soothing, antispasmodic and cholinolitic
Dyskinesia stomach
Dyskinesia stomach
It occurs when its motor function is disturbed. With wrong
Nutrition, after transferring infectious diseases may be observed
Relocation of the stomach. Then its tone is reduced, and Athony arises or
Sometimes the tone of the stomach revolves. The highest degree of increase in the tone of the stomach is its spasm.
What is the reason for the appearance of the disease?
Athony of the stomach may occur when myocardial infarction,
Peritonitis, pneumonia. In some severe infectious diseases,
After transferred surgical interventions.
- Hypertension
The stomach is observed against the background of common diseases characterized by
spastic state of musculature (tetanus, some species
- In addition, the disease may occur in
A result of changes in the peristalsis of the stomach, which happens under ulcers
stomach, gallstone disease and.T.D. Sometimes a consequence
mental stress stress.
Symptoms of the disease. For atony, the stomach is characterized by gravity in the stomach,
urge to vomiting, stupid pain in the stomach. Symptoms are rapidly growing,
There is a life-threatening situation.
Hypertension proceeds asymptomatic or characterized by ulcery-like pain.
Treatment. In atony, the stomach is applied sensing, in order to extract the contents
Stomach to restore it tone. Treatment of the main disease,
which led to atony and expansion of the stomach. Fighting dehydration,
The introduction of drugs stimulating the increase in tone and increase
Pottalities stomach.
Hypertension is treated with sedatives. cholinolitic,
Slavsmolitical means. It is necessary to observe a gentle diet,
Right work and recreation.
The diagnosis is made on the basis of X-ray and gastroscopic research.
Dyskinesia bile trapes
Dyskinesia bile trapes – very common in our time.
His appearance is associated with hormonal disorders.
It occurs reflexively as complicing of ulcerative disease, colitis,
Appendicitis. In addition, it is often a consequence of insufficient
Food, a larger lifestyle. He has two forms –
Hyperkinetic and hyokkinetic.
Symptoms of the disease:
- pain in the right hypochondrior or grapple-shaped character;
- sweating;
- pallor;
- Elevated heartbeat.
Treatment. Proper nutrition, normalization of lifestyle,
sufficient sleep, thermal physiotherapy, antispasmodic and
Holinolithic means.