What is sepsis


  • Sepsis
  • Sepsis symptoms
  • Treatment of sepsis

  • Sepsis

    Sepsis is a serious infectious disease,
    caused by diverse pathogens and their toxins.
    Characterized by a kind of body reaction with the same type
    clinical picture, despite the difference caused it
    pathogens. Sepsis can be primary or secondary. At the beginning
    Diseases can detect entrance doors - the presence of primary
    The focus, however, in the process of development, the influence of it for the course
    the septic process can decrease and become poor.
    In rare cases, when the cause of sepsis is to establish
    It fails, he is called cryptogenic.
    The source of the total purulent infection may also be traumatic
    Damage (open fractures, extensive burns, wounds, etc.),
    as well as such purulent inflammation like Carbuncules (especially
    On the face), phlegmon, purulent lesions of the apparent sinuses of the nose,
    Plevra, peritoneum, joints, etc. Sepsis can develop when
    The presence of inflammatory foci of any localization and magnitude, however
    more often occurs with extensive purulent processes.

    What is sepsis
    With a lightning sepsis, the disease develops violently, leading
    to the manifestation of the complex of symptoms literally for several
    hours, maximum 1-2 days.

    When acute sepsis takes several days to detect a complete picture of a total purulent infection.

    When subacute, the symptoms of sepsis does not happen
    pronounced, as at the first two forms, and the process develops
    slowly for several weeks.

    Chronic sepsis is determined by the sluggish stream and the presence of low-cost changes that are observed for months.

    Recurrent sepsis is characterized by changing the periods of exacerbations,
    When all the symptoms get bright manifestation, and periods
    remissions when it fails to reveal any noticeable
    Signs of infection.

    Sepsis with metastases is manifested by the development of multiple
    Jumps in various fabrics and organs, which is accompanied by
    exacerbation of symptomatics. Opening of uluses leads to a decrease
    its brightness, for example, to a decrease in temperature, however
    The new formation of uluses these manifestations arise again.

    Sepsis clinic without metastases usually more severe and constant,
    Remisses are not observed. Great influence on sharpness
    Clinical manifestations has a degree of reactivity of the body
    On the stimulus.

    Sepsis symptoms

    Frequent signs reflecting the common state disorders
    and nervous system activities are headache,
    Irritability, insomnia, the oppression of the nervous system, acknowledgment
    or even loss (in severe cases) consciousness. Permanent is
    Increase in temperature, which in sepsis without metastases is usually
    High levels (39-40°C)
    and significantly hesitate in the morning and in the evening
    Metastasis. Important is a symptom expressed in stunning
    chills and pouring. Characteristically,
    progressive deterioration of well-being, despite the treatment.
    Sometimes hemorrhagic rash appears on the skin. From side
    Cardiovascular system usually marked: sharp pulse,
    reduction of its filling, decrease in arterial and venous
    Pressure, degradation of cardiac activity, trophic
    and vascular disorders (breakdowns, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis,
    swelling). The functions of parenchymal organs are also noticeably violated.
    The deterioration of the kidney activities is observed (reducing relative
    urine density and the appearance of protein and uniforms
    Elements), liver (often the development of jaundice and hepatitis phenomenon),
    The spleen increases.
    Typically, violations from the gastrointestinal tract are noted:
    Lack of appetite, dry criste, stubborn septic diarins,
    nausea and vomiting.

    Local symptoms

    Wound at sepsis pale, edema, granulation sluggish, pale,
    discontinued scarce dirty-muddy species, often with a grinding
    Vascular thrombosis, lymphangitis and lymphadenitis are observed.
    Symptoms listed under sepsis differ significant resistance.

    Treatment of sepsis

    Is also underway as the treatment of any infectious process,
    but with a common purulent infection should be etiological
    and pathogenetic, t.E. Provide comprehensive conduct
    Events and means affecting microflora, local
    Hearth, as well as on the functions of organs and systems of affected
    If necessary, re-surgical
    Intervention (Opening of an abscess, gleaming of veins during rising
    thrombophlebitis, amputation limbs, etc.). For success you need
    have an individual treatment plan for each patient compiled upon
    taking into account the characteristics of the body and the flow of the septic process, its
    Phases and others.

    Common events are as follows:

    • Creating a patient most favorable
      Sanitary and hygienic conditions, ensuring full rest,
      Careful overall care, oral hygiene, etc.
    • Food, being a healing factor, has a very large
      value for the outcome of the septic process. It must be full,
      high-calorie, tasty rich in vitamins and diverse. This is
      Especially important due to severe intoxication in a patient with sepsis,
      lack of appetite and large energy consumption. In violation
      Secretor and motor function of the gastrointestinal tract of the patient
      It is recommended to feed in small portions, giving it before eating
      hydrochloric acid with pepsin. Be sure to enter
      in the body from 2 to 3 liters per day
      in the form of soups, tea, milk and vitamin drink (morse, juices
      and etc.)

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