Exotic diet for weight loss

Not the last place in the diet occupies its composition as far as he is acceptable in taste quality and medical reasons. I want to introduce readers with varieties of exotic monodines, namely, with a banana diet for weight loss, grapefrute and pineapple. Such diets are not only useful and effective, but also very pleasant in taste.

Many women wishing to lose weight, in addition to exhausting training in the gym resort to help diets. However, today there is a great variety of diet diets: fruit, vegetable, citrus, buckwheat, rice, as well as diet specially developed by nutrients-nutritionists and actors. Therefore, among this diversity of schemes and recipes for weight loss, the main task is to choose the most effective diet. Recently occupies the composition of the diet, as far as it is acceptable in taste quality and medical testimony.

In this article I want to introduce readers our site with varieties of exotic monodi, namely, with a banana diet for weight loss, grapefrute and pineapple. Such diets are not only useful and effective, but also very pleasant in the taste of the feelings, which makes them acceptable for any person.

Banana diet for weight loss

Advantages. Bananas are distinguished by balanced Complex Vitamins and trace elements included in their composition. So, the bananas contain vitamins of group C and B, vitamin B6, as well as calcium, iron and phosphorus. Therefore, the banana diet is useful not only for weight loss, but also to normalize the work of the cardiovascular system, and to improve skin condition.

In a banana diet, the ratio of proteins and fats is optimal for the successful consumption of body fat deposits, so the banana diet can be safely called - an effective way of weight loss.

Flaws. This diet is contraindicated to people suffering from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as contraindicated in the case of individual intolerance to the product. The banana diet should also not be proceeding if there are diseases of the biliary tract, liver, kidney or gastric ulcer.

Banana diet varieties

Banana, grapefruit and pineapple diets
There are two varieties of a banana diet for weight loss: for 3 days (more hard) and for 7 days. There is also a discharge banana diet for 2 days, such a diet I recommend using readers our site for cleaning the body after holidays. In any case, if the banana diet brought you positive results, it is recommended to repeat it in 10-14 days.

Menu Banana diet for 3 days.
Daily norm per day: 3 ripe banana and three glasses of low-fat milk or kefir with 1% fat content. Daily food rate must be divided into 3-4 reception.

Menu Banana diet for 7 days.
During the day you will need to eat 1-1.5 kg of bananas, 1 tablespoon of any low-fat porridge or a thin piece of boiled chicken breast (you can alternate 1 day - porridge or meat), as well as drink 1 cup of green tea. The daily rate must be divided into 5-6 receptions.

Loading Banana Diet Menu for 2 days.
This diet is most popular in Italy and France. Daily, for two days, you need to eat 1.5 kg of ripe bananas. And bananas need to be used as mashed potatoes. Daily norm of bananas divide on 6 receptions.

Grapefrute diet for weight loss

Advantages. Grapefruit contains a large amount of vitamin C, which has a positive impact on immunity, as well as magnesium, calcium, potassium, provitamin A and antioxidants. In addition, grapefruits contain substances and minerals that break fats and contributing to weight loss. That is, the grapefruit diet helps to get rid of extra kilograms, thanks to the features of the composition of the grapefruit, and not only due to the input for the diet of restrictions in food and reduce the total number of calories entering the body.

Flaws. The grapefruit diet is contraindicated with the stomach ulcer and the availability of any other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Be sure to consult with the dietroom of the relative, whether you can lose weight on this diet. Also ask which of the varieties of a grapefruit diet will suit you.

Varieties of grapefruit diet

Banana, grapefruit and pineapple diets
There are several types of grapefruit diets, but they are all equally effective and useful due to the characteristics of this citrus. Diets differ only in duration and secondary food supplies in the diet.

Grapefruit diet for seven days.
If you conscientiously stick to the menu of this diet, it is possible to say goodbye to 5-7 extra kilograms in a week.

Approximate grapefruit diet menu.

For breakfast: Half grapefruit + grapefruit juice, two tablespoons of oatmeal with raisins or 2 boiled eggs (alternate every other day).

For lunch: Half grapefruit + vegetable salad. Plus alternate every day 200 grams of boiled potatoes or 1 piece of boiled fish.

For dinner: Half grapefruit + two baked tomatoes with chicken breast without leather.

Three day egg-grapefruit diet.
An egg-grapefrute diet designed for three days will allow you to get rid of two to three unwanted kilograms. The diet is unloading, so it can be combined with a grapefruit diet for seven days.

For breakfast: one boiled chicken egg + half grapefruit + tea with lemon or coffee.

Lunch and dinner: the same as breakfast.

Important! Tea and coffee must be prepared without adding sugar.

Pineapple diet

One of the most popular diets. However, requires certain costs of funds on its menu.

Advantages. Pineapple can be attributed to unique exotic fruits that have amazing properties. So, 100 grams of pineapple pulp contains only 56 kcal. Also as part of pineapple is a useful bromelaine enzyme, which enhances the effect of gastric juice and speeds up the digestion of proteins. However, all useful properties are contained only in fresh pineapples, and canned not represent any value for weight loss.

Flaws. Pineapple diet, like most other diets, is categorically contraindicated by people suffering from gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, colitis (acute and chronic), as well as liver disease and biliary tract.

Varieties of a pineapple diet

Banana, grapefruit and pineapple diets
Pineapple diet for 2 days. During this diet for two days, it is necessary to use only pineapples. And the daily rate is 1.5-2 kilograms of data of exotic fruits. So, the daily rate must be divided into 4-5 receptions and use small portions.

Pineapple diet for 2 days helps to get rid of 1.5-2 kilograms.

Unloading a pineapple diet for 3 days. Like the previous, this type of diet includes 1,5 kilograms of pineapples in its menu. However, in addition to the portion use (4-5 times a day), the daily menu should also add 100 grams of lean boiled meat (or birds to choose from), as well as 50 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.

Pineapple diet for three days helps to get rid of 2-2.5 kilograms.

Pineapple diet for 5 days. In the course of this diet for five days, it is necessary to use 100 grams of pineapple and half the boiled chicken egg (or a thin slice of rye bread to choose from, you can alternate a slice of bread and 1/2 chicken egg). Tea without sugar (black or green to choose from).

Lunch and dinner during this diet will be different.

So, on the 1st day of the diet.

Lunch will include 100 grams of boiled rice + 50 grams of low fat curd, 100 grams of pineapple. You can 2 dry rye loaf.

Dinner: 2 boiled potatoes + 100 pineapple gram, glass of green tea.

2nd day diet.

Lunch: Celery soup, 150 grams of boiled chicken + 100 grams of pineapple. Glass of Green Tea and Thin Slice of Rye Bread.

Dinner: Fresh Vegetable Salad + 100 Grams Pineapple.

3rd day diet.

Lunch: Fresh vegetable salad, 2 dry rye loaf, 100 grams of chicken meat, 100 grams of pineapple, green tea.

Dinner: 2 dry rye loaf, 1 boiled potato, 100 grams of pineapple.

4th day diet.

Lunch: 1 boiled potato, fresh vegetable salad, 100 grams of pineapple.

Dinner: Celery Soup. For dessert 100 grams of pineapple.

5th day diet.

Lunch: 2 tablespoons of boiled rice, vegetable salad, 100 grams of pineapple. Tea without sugar (black or green to choose from).

Dinner: 1 tablespoon of boiled buckwheat, 100 grams of pineapple.

Choose any of the above offered exotic diets, taking into account your taste preferences and the indicated contraindications. Site effectively, but with health benefits! Good luck!

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