The composition of the diet, as well as the treatment regime, first of all, affect the digestive system. Especially sensitive to the errors in the healthy nutrition of the pancreas.

In the process of evolution, the pancreas was configured to work in a certain mode. And if there are too long intervals between food consumption, then the rhythm of the work of this gland is broken, the risk of developing severe diseases is increasing: diabetes mellitus and pancreatitis. Prescribed in such cases drugs for the pancreas remove inflammation, but warns recurrences only diet.
Diet during the exacerbation of pancreatitis provides for a complete refusal of food for 3-4 days. The subsequent diet is expanding to dairy and crushed herbal products. Receiving products with high fat concentrations, as well as fried and too salted dishes forbidden for life.
As we see, when the disease occurs, the resolved food does not make up its diversity. Therefore, it is reasonable to follow the principles of healthy eating as prevention – In order to prevent the development of these diseases. First of all, the prevention of the pancreas and prevention of diseases is in fractional meals – There is little, but often – Five to six afraid.
Prefer food prepared for a couple. The first and second meals are best prepared from dietary meat species – those in which the small fat content. Refuse to eat salla, foir, and similar products. Vegetables with high fiber content – Dill, cucumbers – Also better limit – Alternatively, choose Nice Ripe Fruits.
Gazirovka, coffee and tea should be replaced by decoction of rosehip, compote and diluted water with juices – they do not cause gas formation. Removes such a symptom as gases in the intestine Treatment of herbs – To do this, it is better to choose harmless to the pancreas as a shepherd bag and celery.
It is worth remembering that in the digestive system everything is interconnected, and if there is, for example, gastritis, reactive pancreatitis is very often hidden. Therefore, this diet is recommended to take to all having a gastrointestinal disease. These recommendations are useful not only to people with exacerbations, but also to all those taking care of health.