Elderly man and family


  • Elderly and attitude towards them
  • Do not make older feel unnecessary

  • One of the requirements of human morality is respect for older people and the concern for the older generation. In some families, problems arise in relations with the elderly. Sometimes conflicts become so serious that it is impossible to work together. Why this happens? What is the reason for these conflicts? Or in com? Why some old people create problems for family members and for themselves, reproach homemade in what they do not care about them, they do not like them. After all, just nothing happens.

    Elderly and attitude towards them

    Elderly man and familyYou noticed that small children and older people find a common language well? They are happy to spend time together: walk, play. This is because the kids positively perceive the elderly.

    And in youth and more mature age attitude towards older people, old men more critical. Sometimes even negative. Although it would seem, the energy of youth, experience and wisdom of old age should complement each other and go side by side.

    In old age, people usually summarize their lives. And here it is very important to what conclusion the person comes. If at work, in the family, it has reached good results for which pride, joy,, of course, confidence will be an important source of normal relations in the family. If the elderly person rejoices the achievements of children (whether in professional activity, whether in family life), if they are respectful to others, hardworking, then it is from this source that he will draw power for life.

    But there is another category of older people who have everything - exactly the opposite. Yes, plus everything - health problems. How to be them how to spend the balance of years in harmony with yourself and with the environment? How to be if, having lived for many years with my second half, after her death, the feeling of loneliness does not leave, if he devotes children all his life, you do not get due attention? Of course, it is hard with a man closed, uncommunicative, concrete, which always reproaches you in the inattention, sometimes threatens moving, leaving the family. Of course, such an elderly person in the house is care, care and patience, and only next to the grandchildren and children of his life can be filled with meaning.

    Do not make older feel unnecessary

    The problem of loneliness of older people can touch any family. Older people in the family should need. Old people tend to have a lot of free time, unlike young. After all, our parents are accustomed to work, any inaction for them is unacceptable. And the task of the family - help with something to occupy this free time. You can, for example, entrust a walk with a grandson (this is useful, and the child will be delighted with communication with grandmother or grandfather) or ask to tie warm mittens or scarves for children. Or maybe just ask to tell the fairy tale, prepare children to sleep (agree, sometimes I want it to do anyone for you).

    With the age of a person pulls to the ground, and work in a garden or in the garden, growing vegetables or flowers brings great satisfaction with our old men.

    In the traditions of any people, including Russian, - West and respect for the elders. Elderly man should feel that he needs his family, children, grandchildren. Support benevolent relationships to older people. More often talk about how you love them that much without them could not do. Advise on some issues. For example, how best to prepare this or that dish. Or offer to cook something to a family dinner. After all, if you have a real family, it means, dinners and dinners in a family circle have a place to be. Sat the most senior family member at the head of the table. Ask about the past - deliver the least pleasure - because they love to tell about it.

    Older people - like children. Pleasure them just like children. Give me from time to time gifts, buy delicious. Show maximum attention, love and, most importantly, respect. And then the problem of attitudes towards older people will not affect your family. And do not forget - our children take an example with us.

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