Chronic pain at the bottom of the abdomen, in the lower back, in the area of the perineal and external genital organs - these sensations can accompany various diseases, but, in fact, they are stacked in the picture of chronic pelvic pain syndrome, the treatment of which is quite complex. So it is possible to get rid of pain?
Chronic pain in the lower back, back and abdomen, in their lower departments it is customary to call the pelvic pain. Patus — This is not a diagnosis, it is only a syndrome that can accompany the most different diseases, this is a state requiring differential diagnosis, search for the causes and selection of the optimal treatment method.
Chronic pelvic pain syndrome often accompanies gynecological, urological diseases, intestinal diseases, backs and joints, injuries of nerve fibers, myofascial disorders. Often, chronic pelvic pain is associated with depression, stress and violence.
Methods for the treatment of chronic pelvic pain?
The choice of the method of treatment of chronic pelvic pain, first of all, depends on the cause of its occurrence.
- Chronic back pain, in the region of lumbar-sacrivenoye, at the bottom of the abdomen, in the crotch area, which gives the front-internal surface of the hip and the external genital organs is typical of women suffering from algodismenoreans, disparenurium, vulvention, ovulatory disorders. The gynecological character of pain always indicates its connection with the menstrual cycle. The pathogenetic treatment of chronic pelvic pain caused by functional disorders, as a rule, includes the appointment of hormonal contraceptives and progesterone preparations. Simple analgesics and antispasmodics are used as symptomatic preparations.
In the presence of inflammatory processes in the genitals, antibacterial anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.
- Eliminate chronic lower back pain, abdomen, crotch after generic injuries, nerve damage, physiotherapy procedures, healing gymnastics, acupuncture helps violations of muscle tone.
- In myofascial syndrome, the blockade of trigger points and muscle relaxants are used.
- When depressed, the post-stress state and the syndrome of chronic pelvic pain, pathogeneticity includes the appointment of antidepressants, the use of psychotherapeutic techniques.
- Surgical methods of treatment and prophylaxis of chronic pelvic pains are shown in endometriosis, benign and malignant tumors of genital organs, intestines and other problems that can be eliminated by the operational way.
Chronic pelvic pain syndrome: antispasmodics treatment
Chronic back pain, at the bottom of the abdomen caused by spasm or stretching a hollow organ, for example, a reduction in the uterus, uterine pipes or intestines, is quite well removed by antispasmodic drugs. Inflammatory processes causing the reflex spasm of blood vessels and smooth muscles, violation of blood flow also amenable to spasmolytic therapy, as actually chronic pain in irritable intestinal syndrome.
The use of antispasmodic drugs is recommended at the very beginning of the formation of chronic pain syndrome. At the same time, the drug used should be the most efficient and simultaneously safe. Treatment of chronic back pain and abdomen during spastic colitis should not be caused by unwanted adverse reactions in the form of hypotension and digestive disorders. So in spastic pain, a drug is selected, which has a selective effect on the smooth muscles of hollow organs, for example, drochloride hydrochloride.
Vitamins and magnesium with chronic back or stomach pain
In recent years, it has been established that in the development of gynecological diseases, emotional disorders and the formation of increased neuromuscular excitability, a lack of magnesium and vitamin B6 plays a major role. With a modern stereotype of food, many have a shortage of trace element and vitamin B6. The deficit exacerbates the use of diuretics, heart glycosides, antibiotics, caffeine, estrogen-containing contraceptives and other drugs.
The purpose of organic salts of magnesium (orotata, lactate, citrate and others) in combination with vitamin B6 significantly improves the condition in chronic pelvic pain accompanied by a shortage of these substances.