Starvation, types of starvation


  • Starvation. Stages of starvation
  • How «go out» From starvation
  • Types of starvation

    Supporters of any kind of starvation claim that their system is not intended for any trivial weight there, but for the improvement and purification of the whole organism. Miscellaneous - the side effect of this painful, but the enlightening event.

    Starvation. Stages of starvation

    First, the body is slightly surprised - why it does not feed it. In surprise mode, it can exist from 12 to 24 hours - it is so enough of the backup carbohydrate stock. After which it starts to part with nutritional reserves.

    In the next few days, the starving becomes irritable, painfully reacts to the smells of food, can sleep badly. Some will serve as a consolation that weight these days can decrease almost two kilograms per day. Alas, it comes out not fat, but glycogen and excess moisture, intestines cleared. Fat so just disappear does not want. In order to break up with him, there are still a few more circles of fasting hell.

    Starvation, types of starvation The most difficult stage in terms of well-being stage is an acidotic crisis, coming on 5-10 hours of starvation (depending on the individual reaction of the body). At this stage, the body is trying to synthesize glucose by oxidation of fats. But, unfortunately, the oxidation of incomplete. That is, the fat fats are not converted into water and carbon dioxide, but to toxic compounds: acetone, acids and aldehydes.

    During an acidotic crime, you will have to feel all signs of poisoning: nausea, dizziness, weakness in the whole body. Slightly console can only be the fact that the acidotic crisis will fast, and from that moment the body begins at the expense of the internal reserves. That is, true starvation.

    After an acidotic crisis, it becomes better to live, it becomes more fun. The starving the mood improves, the unpleasant smell of mouth disappears,. Now the main thing is not to overdo the self-protection.

    By starvation, the body should be accepted gradually. Novice experts advise to start with one-day. If you have entered the essence of the process, and you liked it - you can proceed to starvation to an acidotic crision: from 4 to 10 days. That is, until it becomes a chore. Next fasting should include acidotic crisis and occupy about two weeks.

    And finally, the final stage - for Acing - long starvation from 20 days. Their term is calculated depending on the internal reserves. That is, if you have accumulated precursor fat reserves, then twenty days can be not enough.

    Once again I remind: without having a short-term starvation experience, to take for long-term - dangerous to health!

    How «go out» From starvation

    Newcomers mistakenly seem to be in starvation - «day to chase, yes the night hold out». In fact, the most important input and output from the process. This is the preparation of the body to function in a hungry form - and vice versa: adaptation to the existence in the usual. The most important thing (it is the most difficult) - the gradual transitions there and back.

    Nothing pleasant, believe me, you will not happen if after two-week starvation you immediately push the sausages. Similar behavior of the many blocks exported from Leningrad on the road of life: hiding on bread and steam veal, many of them died. The fact is that the digestive tract of the starving loses the processing skill of a large amount of food.

    Reverse mistakes make glamorous ladies, fascinated chops and pastries and solved «from tomorrow is hungry». Organism for it «thanks» Do not say.

    To come in: To smoothly enter the starvation, you need to drink fruit juices for a couple of days and eat vegetables, meat and oily - eliminate.

    Go out: To get out of starvation, it is worth a day to devote to drinking juices and only then start a fusion life with non-heavy carbohydrate food, after some time to supplement it with proteins, and lastly - fats.

    Types of starvation

    Fasting species - like dogs. Many of them proudly worn by the author. Starvation «on Bragg», «According to Shelton», «in Malakhov», «in Nikolaev», «According to Voytovich». Immediately I want to warn: if you like some method from «Svetila», Watching for a start, is it at least some kind of medical or natural scientific education. And even better - consult your doctor: there are already a lot of contraindications for a particular type of starvation.

    Dry starvation (it is absolute). When neither food, no water in the body does not. Accordingly, the preparatory period is very important for dry starvation, which should last at least a week. During this time, all food of animal origin, sweet and oily. Dry starvation itself lasts from 3 to 5 days, plus a week must be put on exit from the process.

    It must be said that, despite all the wellness charms of dry starvation (among which the purification of tissues, and the regeneration of organs, and the skin rejuvenation), there is an impressive list of contraindications to it. Here are ulcers, varicose veins, and liver diseases, and endocrine disorders.

    Other types of fasting can be dilatancy «wet». There is still impossible, but drinking water is not rebeling. It is on this wet, a large number of famine guru grazing the field, which insist on their understanding of this process.

    Fasting on Bragg - 7-10 day starvation without limiting water. Moreover, water should be distilled - they say, it better cleans the body. During starvation, an active lifestyle is welcomed, and the enemas are not welcome.

    Fasting for Shelton - Full (from 20 days) Fasting on the water (only when you want to drink). During starvation, the body should relax. Shelton, like Bregg, against use.

    Fasting in Malakhov - Fasting S Preliminary cleansing of the body (liver, kidney, lymphs). During fasting, it is advisable to use enemas with urinic or diopranslated. And more move. Malakhova recommendations on the influence of the Moon phases on the starving.

    Fasting in Nikolaev - Long (20-21 days) starvation in stationary conditions under the supervision of the doctor. In addition to the water of the starving in Nikolaev it is not forbidden to drink tinnistant. Accordingly, any «Water techniques» or tincture - strictly on schedule and in limited quantities.

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