Not everyone knows about him, although scientists have long paid attention to its unique properties. CENSIME Q10, capable of filing a person by vital energy, push the old age and protect against illness related to it.
- What is UBILINON?
- If the body does not have enough Coenzyme Q10
- Who is shown Urinaon?
- Who can help them?
- Ubiquinon — Source of energy and youth
Perhaps you had to hear about him, and maybe not. This substance is known not to everyone, although in the circle doctors they speak very often. Scientists consider it a gift to humanity capable of ensuring health and push old age. Speech about Coenzyme Q10, or Ubiquinone — a coherent present in each living cage without which it is impossible to exist.
The existence of Coenzyme Q10 scientists learned back in 1955. Then it was found that this fat soluble substance is contained in cell mitochondria — Structures generating energy for the implementation of all vital processes. The largest amount of ubiquinone was discovered in myocardial cells and hepatocytes, which is quite logical, because it is the highest level of energy exchange that the heart and liver tissue and liver.
It turned out that Ubiquinon is partly synthesized in the human body, the remaining needs are satisfied due to its admission with food. However, this studies did not end, and after some time it was found that Coenzyme Q10 — The most powerful antioxidant constituting the basis of the antioxidant system of the human body, due to which our cells retain their functional activity and unchanged.
If the body does not have enough Coenzyme Q10
During the study of Ubiquinone and his role in the human body, scientists found that the amount of this substance in the human body decreases with age. Maximum satisfied with the coenser cells of young people aged twenty years — this is the time when the energy beats through the edge and the supply of health seems inexhaustible. By forty years, the number of coofers falls by 30%, during this period per person «attack» First diseases, active aging begins. In the sixty-year-old people, Coenzyme Q10 is already twice as smaller than that of young people, which is not surprising: old age comes on the heels, and the goods of chronic diseases clone towards Earth.
On the other hand, the deficiency of the Ubiquinone cannot be associated with only age. Scientists have established that a decrease in the content of coenzyme in cells is associated with diseases such as atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, Parkinson and Alzheimer's disease. Its quantity can decrease with bronchial asthma, hypothyroidism, hepatitis.
Who is shown Urinaon?
Attempts to treat human diseases to Ubiquinone were undertaken in the second half of the last century. In 1978, Ubiquinon was first used in cardiovascular therapy, and very successfully. Since then, interest in the fawn has become steadily increasing, and in 1997 an international center for the study of Ubiquinone was created.
To date, the preparations of ubiquinone are created with maximum biological accessibility. Modern dosage forms provide rapid suction of the substance in the intestine, its transport in mitochondria and inclusion in the reaction of the energy exchange.
Who can help them?
People with ischemic heart disease: angina, myocardial infarction, post-infarction myocardioosclerosis. Coenzyme Q10 in comprehensive therapy improves the condition of the heart muscle, as a maximum — completely restores the size of the heart and its contractile function, at a minimum — Improves the patient's condition, and it has been proven by numerous clinical studies.
- Patient with heart failure. Studies conducted by Italian scientists confirm that against the background of receiving the ubiquinone in patients, the swelling decreases, the complexion of the face is improved, they stop disturbing severe heartbeat, dizziness, insomnia.
- In arterial hypertension, ubiquinone contributes to a pressure reduction of approximately 16 mm RT. It allows you to apply a coenzyme as a monotherapy in the initial form of hypertensive disease, functional hypertension, vegetative dystonia or in addition to hypotensive drugs with a significant increase in blood pressure.
- For the prevention of atherosclerosis, which in one degree or another threatens each person. Ubiquinone as an antioxidant improves the condition of blood vessels and prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
- In pediatrics, coenzyme Q10 is used to treat organic and functional diseases of the heart and blood vessels, heart rate disorders, to replenish energy from often and long-friendly children.
Ubiquinon — Source of energy and youth
Ubiquinon as a vitamin-like substance can take healthy people.
- It is shown at elevated physical exertion and is effective as an additive to the nutrition of athletes.
- Ubiquinon activates metabolic processes and promotes weight loss, so it will be useful to those who are concerned about the problem of excess weight.
- The coenzyme is stimulated by immunity and can be successfully used to increase the body's protective forces with frequent colds and exacerbations of chronic ailments.
- Coenzyme Q10 warns premature aging and helps to preserve the youth of the skin. Tighten the skin, the anti-aging cosmetics will reduce the amount of wrinkles and pigment stains, and increase its rejuvenating effect.
Coenzyme Q10 — This is a unique substance that can fill every cell of the human body with vital energy, to give youth, push the old age, protect and cure from related diseases.