Treatment of urticissian folk remedies


  • Urticaria, causes of urticaria
  • Treatment with folk remedies

  • Urticaria, causes of urticaria

    Urticaria is an allergic skin reaction of an immediate type, which can be called various internal and external factors. The disease is widespread. After bronchial asthma, the urticaria ranks second in the frequency of distribution and may arise at any age.

    Rash at the Krapinnice are due to the increase in permeability of capillaries and acute swelling of the near. This is due to the allocation of the organism (in response to the introduction of allergen) of biologically active substances (histamine, serotonin, etc.).

    The urticaria can develop when the alien protein is introduced: therapeutic sera, milk, vaccines, after blood transfusion. The cause of the disease may be colitis, enteritis, diseases of the liver and biliary tract, kidney disease, diabetes mellitus and t.D.

    Two types of urticaria distinguish: Allergic and idiopathic. Allergic form has an immunological mechanism of education, the causes of idiopathic form are not established.

    In practice, the urban is most often classified according to the principle: food, drug, thermal and t.D. Often the development of urticaria is associated with violation of the function of internal organs, especially liver (glider invasions, inflammation).

    Treatment of urticissian folk remedies
    The main sign of the urticaria is the appearance on any skin of numerous skin rashes, bright pink, strong itchy, having dense consistency and blurred contours. In a bright pink background, blisters arise, the rash of which continues for a long time (1-2 hours), then they disappear without a trace. Usually, the wretchedness lasts a few days, but sometimes the disease stretches to several months. In the acute period, patients complain of headaches, malaise, chills.

    The disease in children is developing against the background of exudative diathesis, the bowl of artificials and the colorable children. Disease can be attributed to the group of food allergies. Children's urticaria may also arise with insect bite, chronic foci of infection (tonsillitis, sinusitis and t.D.).

    In case of inspection, the rash of a large number of blisters, which are quickly organized in the nodules of pink-brown, conical or semi-shaped. At the top of each node there is a small bubble (peopopapes).

    Favorite localization of rash elements - on buttocks, torso, in the field of large folds, on the upper limbs. Patients constantly worried about severe itching, their skin is usually in combs, erosion and bloody crusts appear. Children are restless, capricious, lose sleep and appetite, lose weight. Sometimes there are diarrhea and vomiting.

    In rare cases, rash spreads to the whole body and the patient's condition deteriorates even more. The disease usually takes place to 6-7 years, but there are often cases when it goes into chronic neurodermatitis. Children's Hardwriter It is necessary to be able to distinguish from scabies, since they have very similar symptoms.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    In the treatment of urticaria, first of all try to eliminate allergen, which caused the disease. Antihistamine and desensitizing agents, calcium, laxative and diuretic drugs, activated carbon in large doses.

    Outwardly used means of removing itching (salicylic acid solutions, diphrol, menthol alcohol solution, etc.D.).

    With an acute urban, caused by intake of food or medicinal substances, it is necessary first of all to designate laxatives: sulfuric acid magnesia, castor oil and medicinal plant substances, disinfectant intestines: cleanliness, decoction of nails, algae preparations.

    Folk Medicine recommends that the following plant drugs are recommended forrticate.

    The root of licorice is bare size with beoline 1-2 times a day.

    Peppermint. Preparing infusion: 2 tablespoons of mint pour 300 ml boiling water, insist 1 hour. Take 50 ml 3 times a day.

    Nettle deaf (clarity). It is used with a stripper in the form of salads from young leaves or as an infusion or decoction from chopped in a powder of flowers. Preparing infusions from the aboveground part (1 tablespoon on a glass of boiling water). Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day

    Marjoram. Prepare infusion (200 g of plants on 2 liters of boiling water) and used for baths (fastening the infusion in bathing bath).

    mistletoe. 1 teaspoon of leaves on a glass of cold water. Insist 12 hours, strain. Glass - daily dose.

    Horseradish. Khrena juice and bee honey mix in equal doses. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

    Hop. 1 tablespoon on a glass of boiling water. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

    For local treatment (bath, douse, wiping, grafting) use champs and infusions of oak (bark), juniper, chamomile, flax (seeds), walnut (leaves), elderberry.

    Treatment of urticissian folk remedies
    Nettle dummy (hence the name «hives») Assigned in the form of infusion: 1 tablespoon for 200 ml of boiling water. Brew and drink like tea.

    Timyan Creeping. Preparing infusion at the rate of 2 teaspoons on a glass of boiling water. Insist for 1 hour, strain. Drink 1/2 cup three times a day.

    Prepare Collection: Hop, Melissa (Grass), Valeriana (rhizome). Take all components of 20 g, crushing. 1 tablespoon of mixture pour a glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Take 1/3 cup three times a day.

    Good effect with the Hardeer will give Celery juice, which takes 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day. Celery juice can be successfully used for compresses.

    As a toning of the skin, the means apply the broth of beans (20 g per liter). Apply for compresses or baths.

    Burdock. Applied infusion root of burdock (1 tablespoon of crushed root on a glass of boiling water).

    Prepare Collection: Hypericum Grass - 15 g, Flowers of Pijmas - 10 g, Trypholi leaves - 10 g, Flowers of immortelle - 20 g, Mint leaves - 5 g. Mischive. Two tablespoons of mixture pour 300 ml of boiling water and insist for an hour. Strain. Take 1/2 cup three times a day before meals.

    Passiflora extract take 30 drops three times a day.

    Duckweed. The dried row is taken as a powder on 1 tablespoon 4 times a day (you can with jam or honey).

    Decoration out of the rock: 1 tablespoon of unwinded algae per 100 ml of boiling water, insist 30 minutes and immediately drink.

    Collection: Linden flowers - 25 g, the grass of the crazy - 20 g, the leaves of walnut - 5 g, mix, crush. 1 tablespoon of mixture pour a glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Drink 1 cup three times a day before meals.

    Prepare Collection: Lilac leaves - 10 g, Fashion leaves - 10 g, Dandelion root - 10 g, Cico root - 10 g, Grass Repheka - 20 g. Preparation and application, as in the previous recipe.

    Prepare Collection: Walnut leaves, tricolor violet grass, burdock root. All take robbing, crush, mix. 1 tablespoon of mixture pour 300 ml boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals.

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