Disabled and work


  • Sad story
  • Why the disabled person is hard to find work
  • How to solve work problem

  • Sad story

    26-year-old Lyudmila Devishenko by education Operator EUM. Also has a specialty pastry. But she works… Cleaner. Another vacancy for a deaf girl just did not find.

    «I would like to work on a computer, with accounting, with documents. Studied programs: Word, Exel, office work, graphic design. Graduated in 2003. More than once tried to get a job, but employers say my knowledge is outdated».

    Luda - disabled since birth. Doctors diagnosed - neuritis. Mom Nadezhda Fedorovna cared for the development of his daughter: he was engaged in her herself, drove to specialists, in correction schools… The girl rose active and cheerful. She knows how to read, write and even says a little. Loves to travel with friends and play sports. Among her hobbies Shooting, Darts, Table Tennis, Bowling, Volleyball. In this picturesque picture lacks the last stroke - the opportunity to implement yourself.

    The case of Ludmila is not the only one. According to statistics, only up to 10% of disabled people of working age have to work. As a rule, it is unqualified low-paid work: seamstress, packers, detail collectors…

    Why the disabled person is hard to find work

    Disabled and workIt is more difficult to find a disabled person than the average citizen. There are a lot of reasons. This is the rejection of society, which still thinks stereotypes and considers these people «special». And environmental environmental (lack of a surrowing in telecasts, lack of ramps, lifts, specially equipped toilets…). And low level of education of the people with disabilities, their pessimism, insecurity…

    In the database of the employment center, there is hardly a suitable vacancy. Night shift, severe physical activity and other working conditions go against the recommendations of a medical card disabled. Those who really want to work, it does not scare - they are arranged where they take. «Wheelchairs», the weak and weakly impaired more difficult - they need special conditions, creating which the company is unprofitable.

    According to employers, prevailing attitudes towards people with disabilities on their part. Look at the level of education, the ability to learn, the desire for development - in a word, for personal qualities. Disabled with higher education for Russia. So you have to do psychological training more often. Specialists advise?

    How to solve work problem

    Not all lost, even if you are disabled. Here are some tips to help you find a job:

    • Need to want to find a job. From the mood depends a lot.
    • You need to know what you want. Solidly decide what you want to do. Rod classes, area, profession… Check how much this profession coincides with your presentation about it.
    • It is necessary to achieve the goal. Be prepared for failure. Refer to it calmly and ask the interlocutor about the reasons for refusal. Consider them later.
    • Need to find. Make a list of organizations where your position could be in demand. Addresses and phone numbers can be found in the telephone help service. Read ads in newspapers, in transport, at stops… Use any opportunity.
    • Need to be able to file yourself. Prepare a story about yourself about your interests. At the interview, it is advisable to come without delays, to warn and apologize if you delay. Come in the Cabinet, pre-ending. If you have a job, do not throw it, continuing the search for another, more interesting. Remember that the output is always - hope for the best!

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