How to avoid headaches


How to avoid headachesJust a few simple and understandable rules — If you observe them and honestly — Cut away from unexpected and painful headaches.


The first reason for sudden headaches — Processing. And okay if you ship bags with sugar or build a house — You will rather scream up to the muscle drop, and the head will remain fresh. Our first recommendation — For everyone who works for a computer screen.

Than dangerous not to rest? Human brain requires sugar — that in blood. When you forget about breaks in the work, the level of adrenaline and cortisol stress hormones increases dramatically, the blood sugar level decreases — and the brain is not allowed. Hello, headache!

To eliminate one of the most frequent causes of headaches, rest! Just five minutes per hour will get rid of you from piling to your tired brain.

Snacks — This is good!

How often, earning, you forget to eat? First, if you eat three times a day, but from the soul, you have a bad service of your figure and your health. A lot and rarely, if we talk about food, — many times worse than often and slightly.

Going to relax, get out of the office, grab the apple, pear, banana, a dozen nuts, yogurt or cucumber. The easiest way to keep vigor all the time — not to starve. The head will tell you thanks, because the constant influx of nutrients provides the brain smooth operation.

Only in no case are not a snack by fast food, chocolate bars and other unhealthy industrial food. Considerable amount of food additives do not just spoil the skin, teeth, hair and stomach, but also violate the ability of nerve fibers to carry out electrical impulses. Here you and migraine.

Not just eat, but also drink

When the brain lacks the liquid, the head begins to hurt. When the head hurts, it's too late to drink water so that it does not hurt (although it is still necessary). Therefore, if you still do not drink at least two liters a day, have learned yourself to liquid from today. Every hour on a glass — And by the end of the day you will get the required minimum.

Follow the back

Hold you posture? Do you have a back muscles? If you are tormented from the headaches and at the same time sludge, urgently do the spine! It should be straight and when you go, and when sitting at the table at work, and when we rest on the couch at home. And get a straight back can only be training. So urgently in the gym! Thousands of people were surprised to find that, strengthening her back, they broke up with a headache. Forever and ever.

Weak spin, curve spine — This is a disturbed discharge of the spinal cord, poor blood circulation, oxygen starvation of the brain. Ignore posture — Crime towards yourself and your head.

Get ready to sleep

If you work around the clock — not only solve important tasks in the office, but also take care of children and other family members, run on shopping, prepare food, look order, make repairs, — You have to relax not just enough, but also fully. It means plowing, without rejecting, until eleven in the evening, and then fall into bed without legs — Very bad idea. To sleep need to be prepared!

So that the body can relax, and the brain stopped buzzing as an overloaded processor, at least two hours of transition — Preparations for the night. This means that in two hours before bed you finish all the cases, make up a plan for tomorrow and start relaxing. Book, Easy Film, Pleasant Conversation, Laughter and Positive Communication with Children — What you are shown to do to prevent headache. Warm bath or contrast shower, simple board games, chatter with a friend or girlfriend on the phone, sex — Another small set of pleasant and useful classes that will allow you to deny the problems and difficulties of the day. And cleaning and cooking will wait. No one will die. But you will not wake up with a heavy head and do not earn a headache to dinner.

Check out!

How to avoid headachesSport not only makes you stronger, rushing, more beautiful and younger. Sport also prevents headaches. First, during physical load cells, oxygen flows are obtained (especially if engaged on the street). Secondly, even ordinary charging, warm-up, simplest «Palegushki» Passing out of the cells accumulated during the seating on the chair carbon dioxide. You will sleep better, and feel cheerful.

If you have never been doing anything easier to drop the bags on the shoulder, do not worry. Start with normal walk. Not sporty, but on the stairs. First down — instead of elevator (start with a descent to one floor), then up — Already in pleasure. Put your own records. Even in the model shoes, you can climb a couple of spans, already benefit. And if you like it (and the physothelogue quickly begins to give pleasure), you will quickly move away from stairs and shoes to the gym and sneakers.

Set the mode

«That I am small, regime!?» — exclaim some adults who are recommended to go to bed and stand always at the same time. Did you think that children have so much forces, why parents have already opened the second, and the third breath, and they are all nipple? Children live by regime. Children do not hurt a head. Tied these two facts you get a wonderful and very simple recipe for dull headache.

No matter how you try to prove to all the world that you are cool, nature will take. You will not comply with — You will continue to suffer from pain in my head, early at night, you will become an irritable and nasty older, which neighbors cannot tolerate. We exaggerate, of course. But are you an enemy?

If nothing helps

If you honestly tried all the means, if, despite the months of the strict mode (with a bed for 8 hours), proper nutrition, a lot of water, recreation and sports, you still have a headache, drop everything and go to the neuropathologist. Headache without obvious and easily eliminated causes — it's very bad and dangerous. Do not feel fate. be healthy!

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