Generic: «Cat in a bag» or decent alternative to dear medicine


Generic: & laquo; Cat in bag & raquo; or decent alternative to dear medicineImagine the situation, the doctor discharged you dear and effective
drug, and in the pharmacy you offer a cheaper analog it,
claiming that the result will be the same. What thoughts will visit you in this
minute? You want to sell cheap, enjoyed and inefficient means? Or you
discharged a dear drug, while you could do much
smaller cost? How to be in this case, believe your doctor or yet
go about the desire to save money? Why Analogs of expensive drugs several times cheaper than original
drugs and what they differ in general? Let's try to figure it out.

Generics, namely so called cheap analogues of expensive drugs, are not criminal
products, these are the same patented drugs, like their
Original «branded» brethren. Generics contain the same valid
active substances, but at the same time differ from the originals with auxiliary composition
Components. Most often Cheap analogs
expensive drugs
Begin to release when the validity period ends
Patent protection of the corporate drug, that is, when the cost of its invention,
Tests and other resource-intensive pharmacological processes
paid off with interest, the manufacturer's company appears another priority
Direction of activity, and the demand for the drug is somewhat falling. To obtain
Additional profits from the production of drug, some pharmaceutical
Companies support generics, expanding their production in countries with
cheap workforce and fairly developed pharmaceutical industry.
But most often Cheap analogues expensive
appear after 12-25 years, when the patent action ends
the original when the release of a cheap drug-analogue can be organized without
help of the company of the progenitor, for the permit for generic production is no longer

According to WHO, 10-20% of all generic produced are not at all
tested quality control. Pharmaceutical plants specializing
On the release Cheap analogs dear
Often buy cheap and low-quality raw materials in China,
India, Vietnam - countries supplies the whole world with counterfeit drugs.
So, buying generic, it is impossible to be confident that it is safe for health.

Generics really possess the same basic properties that
and originals. But due to the fact that the auxiliary components Analogs of expensive drugs do not differ in quality and degree
purification of these drugs is not characterized in the best way, their effect
actions may be less pronounced. Generics may have side
Reactions that are not from branded preparations, but arapeutic action
drug can be expected much longer.

The concept of generic can not be understood as analogue of the term «Equivalent
Medicinal substance». The thing is that drugs with a similar composition and
The same action produces various pharmaceutical digins under
own branded names. In this case, medications are equivalent to each other
not only pharmaceutically, but also biologically, and therapeutically.
Pharmaceutical equivalence implies the same composition similar
Dosage forms and methods for administering the substance. In addition, it is implied,
that drugs are identical on the impact. Biological equivalence means,
that medicines are absorbed into the body at the same speed and create
the same concentrations of active substances in the common points of the application via equal
Time intervals. Bioequivalence studies are held on two dozen
volunteers, require certain cash investments, and time, but even these
Costs do not compare with test for therapeutic equivalence,
implying a full-fledged expanded expensive clinical study.
Generics can be pharmacological and even biological analogues of expensive
medicines, but at the same time they never pass tests on therapeutic
Equivalence, that is, can have a completely different security profile, other
Words, represent some danger to the body.

Of course, a huge advantage of generics is their affordable price,
What is especially important for people with lowest. And this is the only nuance,
which can justify the use of a cheap analogue of an expensive corporate drug,
but it is impossible to save on your own health, because the medicine is as much as
It is worth. Buying generic, you should make sure of credibility
manufacturer companies and purchase the drug only in the event of a certificate
Quality and licenses for its sale.

The list of drugs is published in the article «Cheap
Analogs of expensive drugs».

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