Hydrogen peroxide and its use


Hydrogen peroxide and its use
Hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide) — Solution for
outdoor use, representative of oxides, antiseptic (intended for
Fighting pathogenic microorganisms) with a hemostatic effect. Peroxide
hydrogen — not a sterilizer: this tool eliminates microorganisms only on
Some time. When joining hydrogen peroxide and damaged
Skin section or mucous membrane takes place wound and inactivation
Poto, proteins and blood. At the time of use of this solution there is a feeling
burning in the affected area and pinching.

Hydrogen peroxide is well used as a means
for washing and rinsing under certain states. These include:

  • stomatitis;
  • angina;
  • Gynecological
  • Surface
    Wounds of the skin;
  • small
    bleeding from wounds;
  • bleeding
    From nose.

In rare cases, hydrogen peroxide can cause
Allergic reaction. The drug is safe for pregnancy and lactation, but
It is impossible to use it for a full irrigation of cavities. With local outdoor
Application Use hydrogen peroxide solution 1-3%. For rinsing mouth and
throat, as well as processing mucous membranes, it is necessary to dilute a 3% solution
Water in a ratio of 1:11 before obtaining a solution of hydrogen peroxide 0.25%.
Directly treatment with a solution is carried out either inkido, or with a cotton
and gauze tamponov. Hydrogen peroxide does not affect the suppression of the virus when infected

Internal use of hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide and its use
For internal use, solutions are used
hydrogen peroxide. With proper use, they contribute to enrichment
organism oxygen and improving the general condition, regulate
Redox processes and normalize digestive functions
Systems. Before starting the internal use of hydrogen peroxide solution,
You must consult with your doctor. Illiterate internal administration of peroxide
hydrogen provokes the development of serious diseases: erosion, stomach tumors and
Burning. There is an intravenous way to introduce peroxide, which also requires
Strict observation of a specialist.

If you after consultation with your doctor came to the conclusion
On the feasibility of internal use of hydrogen peroxide, remember
The following rules:

  • can
    Use only well purified solution;
  • initial
    doses should be small;
  • apply
    The solution on the replenished stomach (after the meal must pass at least two
  • not
    There are after applying hydrogen peroxide inside for 40 minutes;
  • after
    ten-day applications need to take a break for four days on average.

With the first internal use of hydrogen peroxide
Perhaps the body poisoning and deterioration of the condition associated with sharp
By destroying bacteria.

The use of hydrogen peroxide by nonsense

AND.NS.Neumyvakin — Doctor of Medical Sciences and Laureate
State Prize. He brought his own scheme for applying hydrogen peroxide
Inside to improve well-being. According to the imperious 3% peroxide solution
hydrogen must be diluted in 50 ml of water and take three times a day 1 drop
On the first day, by the tenth day of use reached up to 10 drops. Next need
Make a break for a couple of days, after which it is used to apply a solution of 10
droplets three times a day. When burning in the stomach, ripples and sweating
Dose must be reduced or take a break.

For rinse throat and
The oral cavity is suitable for a solution of several teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide (1-3%)
in 50 ml of water. To get rid of the unpleasant odor of the oral cavity and
bleeding gums need to make dental «paste»: half a teaspoon
soda drip lemon and 10-20 drops of hydrogen peroxide.

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