Violation of urination (Dizuriy options)


  • Pollakiuria
  • Steguria
  • True urinary incontinence

  • Urination disorders (dysuria) are typical, as a rule, for diseases of the lower urinary tract (bladder, prostate gland, urethra) and there are two main species - a rapid and difficult, the latter is often accompanied by urination delay.

    Student urination (Pollakiuria) may be a state of physiological or be a consequence of non-erastic and urological diseases.

    With an average diurea of ​​1500 ml and the normal tank of the bladder 250-300 ml in healthy faces, urination occurs 4-5 times in the afternoon and 1 time at night. Its participation in abundant drinking, cooling or excitement is considered as a physiological phenomenon. In sugar or nonachon diabetes, the stripped urination is accompanied by a normal or elevated amount of allocated urine.


    The rapidly rapidly for an hour, small portions, different intensity of painful urination, not dependent on the time of day, takes place when acute cystitis. However, in some diseases, Pollakiuria changes its rhythm. So, in patients with the prostate gland hyperplasia, urination is rapidly rapidly at night (Night Pollakiuria), which is due to the irritation of the sphincter due to blood tide to the pelvic authorities during sleep and increasing the volume of the gland. With a stone of the bladder, on the contrary, the night urination is not rapidly, and during the day when the patient moves and the stone, moving, irritates the nerve endings of the mucous membrane, it is rapid. Pollakiuria is often observed in women when omitting the front wall of the vagina, bending, or uterine tumors and is associated with circulatory disorder in the neck of the bladder neck.


    Difficulty of urination (Straguria) usually occurs in the presence of an obstacle to the urine outflow - hyperplasia and prostate cancer, stricture, stone or tumor of the urethra, the narrowing of the extreme flesh (phimos), the tumor of the bladder cervix. However, it may occur in its absence in diseases or damage to the head or spinal cord. Depending on the nature of the lesion, the urine jet is thinned, its intensity is reduced, the act of urination is lengthened. The patient has to be stirred, straining the muscles of the abdominal press, expect the beginning of urination. At the same time, the urine is thin, sluggish, often does not describe arcs, falls down it. In the far cases, the urine has been highlighted by drop.

    Violation of urination (Dizuriy options)To overcome the difficulty when urination, hypertrophy of the muscles of the bladder (detrumery) occurs, the abbreviations of the muscles of the abdominal press, the crotch increase. Urination becomes a multi-acting - the patient produces part of the urine, then after a while again rises and displays the following portion and T. D. With these actions, first time it is completely emptied by the bladder (compensated bladder). However, at a certain stage of the disease, he cannot do this (decompensated bladder) - a residual urine appears, the number of which gradually increases and can reach 1.5 liters and more,. E. There is a chronic urination delay (Ishuria).

    Unlike chronic urine delay, developing gradually, the acute urination delay occurs suddenly and is expressed in the impossibility of emptying the bladder, despite its sharp overflow. Its most frequent causes are hyperplasia and prostate cancer, the stone of the rear urethra, acute prostatitis, injury, much less often - operational interference on the organs of a small pelvis, an emotional factor and T. D. Promotes her blood hypers to hyperplazed prostate gland during constipation or diarrhea, exacerbation of hemorrhoids, polishing the bladder inxication.

    Women more often observes a chronic retention of urination at a tumor of genital organs or urethra and is associated with the compression of the urethra.

    In children, acute or chronic urination delay occurs when phimosis and acute cystitis, when a child refrains from urination due to pain.

    It is necessary to differentiate the igvuria from Anururia due to the symptom general for these concepts - the absence of independent urination. It should be remembered that when Ishuria, the bladder is overflowing, there are calls for urination, but the patient cannot purle; When Anuuria, the bladder is empty, there are no urge to urinate.

    True urinary incontinence

    Urinary incontinence is a state at which the urching urget expiration occurs (true incontinence) or girlfriends channels (false incontinence) and can be installed visually. The main reasons for the occurrence of true incontinence are violations of the function of the detour and sphincter of the urethra, as well as the removal of the bladder, the false - born defects of the ureter, the bladder and the urethra, the urinary or rocker fistulas.

    There are several basic types of true urinary incontinence - imperative, stressful, from overflow, night.

    Violation of urination (Dizuriy options)Imperative (urgent) incontinence - separation of urine in different amounts of urethra at the height of the irrepressible imperative (imperative) urge on urination. These patients, at this moment, the feeling arises that urination will begin and any delay can endure the irreparation of urine. May be observed with the inflammation of the bladder, especially cervical, rear urethra and prostate gland, as well as the latter hyperplasia. The most common cause of the imperative urinary incontinence is the hyperactivity of the detour.

    Stressful (at a voltage) incontinence - involuntary separation of urine on urethra with cough, sneezing, lifting weight and t. D. It is due to an increase in intra-abdominal and intravenous pressure in patients with insufficiency (weakness) of the urethral sphincter and the muscles of the pelvic bottom. Observed during injury and tumor of the spinal cord, Melitis, after operations on the rectum, extirpation of uterus, transurethral endoscopic manipulations, and T.D. In men, the most frequent stress incontinence of urine is observed after adenomectomy or prostatectomy, which is due to damage to the urethra sphincter. It can be permanent or occur with minimal voltage, for example, the change of body position from horizontal to vertical. In women, one of the frequent reasons for stressing urinary incontinence is the displacement of the urethra and neck of the bladder during the voltage under the front wall of the vagina, as well as in the menopacteric period in connection with the emerged estrogen deficit.

    Injection of urine from overflow (Paradoxical Ishuria) is an involuntary expiration of urine in urethra as a result of overflow and passive urinary bubble. Independent urination is missing and urine constantly stands out on the urethra outward from the extremely crowded, excellent, decompensated, atonic bladder, which is due to a significant excess of intravenous pressure over the urethral. Typically, paradoxical izhuria develops with infrae-sickened obstruction of any genesis, but more often with hyperplasia and prostate cancer, stricture of urethra. It may be due to neurological pathology, for example: diabetic neuropathy, sclerosis or damage to the sacrum of the spinal cord, the denervation of the bladder at a traumatic operation on the organs of a small pelvis.

    Night urinary incontinence (enuresis) - involuntary urination in a dream at normal afternoon. It is usually observed in childhood, mainly in boys. Arises due to the absence of the absence of a conditional reflex to suppress the urge on urination during sleep. In addition to the inflammatory component, the phyms, worms and diseases of the nasopharynx are predisposing.

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