Why are some people all the time feel good and do not notice the change of weather, and others are sick even with minor changes? It's all about meteo-sensitivity - the pathological reaction of the body on weather conditions caused by the disruption of adaptation mechanisms. All about meteo-sensitivity - in our article.
- Who suffers from change of weather?
- What's happening?
- Light ailment or illness?
- Five types of weather conditions affecting a person
- How to reduce meteo-sensitivity?
«Nature has no bad weather, every weather grace...» — NSthen the statement for weather-sensitive people is very controversial. They are so
Cutely and painfully react to weather cataclysms, which is easily and better
Any barometer can predict them to change their health. What
Weetchosensitivity — Dar of Nature or Grave Test?
Meteorality has nothing to do with clairvoyance. From the point of view of medicine, it is a pathological response of the human body, arising from changes in meteorological conditions and caused by the disorder of adaptation processes, broken immunity and / or exacerbation of chronic diseases. |
Who suffers from change of weather?
According to statistics, shift
Weather affects the health status of every third person,
living in temperate latitudes. Most often, meteo-dependence symptoms relate to cardiovascular and nervous
systems, therefore, people suffering from chronic diseases of the nervous system,
hearts and vessels having old injuries and diseases of the joints feel
Any shifts in weather conditions.
Even in healthy people with sharp
Weather change may occur irritability, drowsiness, hypochondria and
Headaches, however, mostly natural changes pass unnoticed.
Among people who have chronic diseases, meteo-dependent 50-70%, and
among «Hearts» weather «feels» every second.
According to the observations of doctors, weather-sensitivity is often
Patients with impaired psyche suffering from neurosis, disturbing disorders
and depression. Psychologists notice that dependence on weather conditions
people are distinguished with a weak type of nervous system, that is, melancholic, or with
Strong, but unbalanced type of higher nervous activity — choleric.
Especially subject to meteo-dependence people having a narrow
climatic comfort zone, those who are forced to conduct most of the time
indoors who are not enough in the fresh air is engaged in mental labor,
has a sedentary job and does not play sports.
The probability of the development of meteo-sensitivity increases in
Time of hormonal rearrangements, that is, during puberty, during
pregnancy and climax, as well as when endocrine diseases.
What's happening?
Man is a warm-blooded animal, unlike
cold-blooded animals in its body exists system supporting
Constancy of the inner medium, i.e. body temperature, blood pressure,
Certain level of exchange processes and many other parameters. Availability of this
Systems gave a person an advantage over other animals and allowed him
take the highest level of evolutionary stairs.
In the regulation of the body functions, a big role is played
Vegetative nervous system, having two departments: sympathetic, when activated
which are narrowed by vessels, the frequency of heart rate increases, arterial
Pressure, body temperature and activity of metabolic processes, and
parasympathetic, whose influence is reflected in the opposite
Violation of relations between the vehicle neural departments
Systems lead to the development of vegetative dystonia, which makes adjustments
In the well-being of a person during the change of weather
Light ailment or illness?
In case of meteo-sensitivity change in the atmosphere
cause tension of adaptation and some distortion of biological rhythms.
The body's easy reaction is comparable to a barely noticeable wave appearing on
Lake with dover breeze. In severe cases there is a vegetative «storm», EXTERNAL
all on their way.
Doctors highlight three degrees of meteo-sensitivity.
- With mildness prevails general
Disadvantaged, weakness, drowsiness, irritability, mood change. -
With moderately increases or
blood pressure decreases, tachycardia arises, arrhythmia, changes
ECG. -
With severe meteo-dependence arise
Significant violations of health status expressed in five types of reactions.
- Heart type reactions: heart pain,
shortness of breath, reinforced heartbeat, interruptions in the heart. - Brain Type Reactions: Headaches,
Dizziness, noise and ringing in the ears, the appearance of circles and flies in front of the eyes. - The mixed type of reactions is characterized by a combination
heart and brain symptoms. - Astheno-neurotic type of reactions: apathy,
drowsiness, insomnia, irritability, blood pressure fluctuations. - Uncertain reactions: Slabs in the joints, pain
in muscles, general weakness.
Five types of weather conditions affecting a person
First of all, the human health is reflected
fluctuations in atmospheric pressure that affect the circulatory system on
Tone of blood vessels and blood pressure.
Toning Type of weather conditions beneficial
affects man, especially on patients with chronic respiratory and oxygen
Insufficiency, hypertensive disease and heart disease. Even those,
Who suffers from serious meteo-dependence, not
Hurt head when changing the weather to the side of the toning type.-
The spastic type of reaction is manifested when changing the weather towards the cooling,
An increase in atmospheric pressure, clarification and increasing oxygen content
in the air. People suffering from hypertension can mark rise during this period
Pressure, Headache and Heart Pain. -
The hypotensive type of reaction is manifested when
reducing the partial pressure of oxygen in the air, for example, before the rain or
Cloudy weather. At this time, hypertensive may notice improvement in well-being,
And people suffering from heart failure and lung diseases feel
lack of air. -
Hypoxmic type of reaction occurs when changing
Weather towards warming and decrease oxygen concentration in air
Rain or snowfall. He aggravates oxygen deficiency caused by
any diseases.
The appearance of wind also affects health
man because air movement causes irritation of skin receptors. Wind
Provocates the attacks of heart pains with ischemic heart disease.
The change in air humidity affects the thermal exchange and
Potting. To high humidity accompanied by a decrease in content
Oxygen in the atmosphere, sensitive patients with hypertensive disease,
Ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis. With air humidity 80-95%
Most cores feel bad, their worried pain in the heart,
shortness of breath, skin pallor.
Sharp temperature differences are fraught with colds and exacerbation
all chronic inflammatory diseases.
Change solar activity and indignation of electromagnetic
Earth fields, called magnetic storms, usually foreshadow weather change and reflect
On the health of people in one or two days before changing meteo conditions. Magnetic storms
Even healthy people can cause headache and nervousness, brake
Reactions to external stimuli. Patients with people are observed as a reaction to the storm
The aggravation of chronic diseases. Not in vain during magnetic storms sharply
The number of challenges of ambulance brigades increases
heart attacks and strokes, bouts of bronchial asthma and epilepsy.
How to reduce meteo-sensitivity?
First of all, attention should be paid to its
Health. The path to overcoming meteo-dependence — Treatment of major diseases. -
Need to maintain a sufficient level
physical activity, to do therapeutic physical education and sports, and better
In the fresh air, combining exercise with air and sunbathing. -
Fighting with dystonia helps hardening,
coniferous, carbon dioxide, electrosone, mud. -
In the spastic type of reaction to the weather change
Effective distracting procedures: hot foot baths, contrasting shower,
breathing exercises. -
With a tendency to reduced arterial
pressure shown Adaptogens: Eleutherococcus, ginseng, tincture of aralia and lemongrass. - Survive the change of weather without prejudice to
well-being will help diet with high content of vitamin C, calcium, potassium and
gland. On the table in sufficient quantities there must be a fish, dairy
Products and vegetables, but meat, starchy products, sweets, canned,
smoked on it is not a place. People prone to hypertension during sharp
Weather changes, doctors advise to limit salt and fluid consumption.