Kidney Carbuncoon: Symptoms and Diagnostics


  • Carbuncoon kidney
  • Symptoms and diagnostics of kidney carbuncule

  • Carbuncoon kidney

    Kidney carbuncoon is
    purulent-necrotic lesion with the formation of limited infiltrate
    in korea kore. Kidney carbuncoon may occur as primary
    The disease due to massive bacterial invasion from the remote
    purulent focus. At the same time, a bacterial thrombus is formed in a large
    Blood vessel kidney bark either in several small vessels,
    Located close to each other. In the first case, the big
    The focus of a septic infarction, and in the second - a few small foci,
    which are quickly merged.

    With purulent melting, the carbuncoon can
    go on the brain layer of the kidneys and open either in the lochank or in
    Paranefral tissue, which leads to the development of purulent paranefritis.
    If the kidney carbuncoon is a complication of acute pyelonephritis, then he
    may occur as a result of hematogenic septic thrombosis
    large blood vessel and due to the compression of his lumen
    Inflammatory infiltrate.

    Symptoms and diagnostics of kidney carbuncule

    Kidney Carbuncoon: Symptoms and Diagnostics
    The most frequent causative agents of the kidney kidney are golden
    and white staphylococci, intestinal wand and protea. Combination of Carbunkula
    kidneys and apostatient pyelonephritis is observed in 40% of patients.

    If the kidney carbuncoon develops as a complication of secondary acute
    pyelonephritis, then it differs little on the clinical picture from
    Apostatient pyelonephritis (a purulent-inflammatory process with the formation of numerous small guns (the appearance) mainly in the kidney core) arising from the disturbance of the outflow

    In those rare cases when the carbuncoon occurs in the absence
    Disturbances of urodynamics, as a hematogenous limited septic focus in
    kidney, the clinical picture is very similar to the manifestations of the general
    Infectious Disease: High Temperature Body (39 - 40°WITH),
    repeated chills with a pouring sweat then increasing total
    Weakness, Pulse and Breathing, Nausea, Vomiting, Meteorism,
    Stool delay.

    Lack of local kidney pain,
    leukocyturia (detection of leukocytes in urine analysis), bacteriuria (excretion of bacteria with urine) and urination disorders in the first days
    The formation of the carbuncule makes it very difficult to timely
    recognition. As a result, often patients with kidney carbuncoon
    hospitalized for treatment in surgical, therapeutic and
    Infectious compartments with a diagnosis: influenza, pneumonia, sharp
    Cholecystitis, acute appendicitis of unknown etiology (origin), abdominal typhoid,
    infectious hepatitis and other.

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