Frequent symptoms with infectious inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the bladder. Diagnosis and treatment of sharp and chronic cystitis in adults and children.

Sharp pain during urination at the bottom of the abdomen in the crotch. Raising temperature, fever. Frequent painful urges go «in small». All this cystitis, the most common infectious disease of the urinary tract, which suffer both adults and children.
What is cystitis
Due to the peculiarities of the anatomy and the physiology of urinary tract here often arise the conditions for the occurrence of infection. Infectious-inflammatory lesion of the mucous membrane of the bladder and is called cystitis.
Because of what cystitis occurs
The main cause of cystitis — Various microbes, less often fungi and viruses. In 80-85% of cases, the disease causes an intestinal wand (E.Coli), 10-15% — Microbes from the genus StaphylococcussSPP.
The predisposing inflammation factors of the bladder:
- active sexual life;
- Anomalies of the development of urinary tract;
- impairment of urine outflow (tumor, urolithiasis, prostate adenoma);
- immunodeficiency conditions, supercooling, avitaminosis;
- Urological operations and manipulations, catheterization and urinary bubble cystoscopy;
- diabetes;
- non-compliance with personal hygiene rules;
- hypodynamine;
- arbitrary urination delay, urine stagnation;
- Intestinal dysfunction (constipation, diarrhea, dysbacteriosis).
Other microbes (from the kind of Proteus, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Enterococci), the fungi of the genus Candida and viruses are responsible for 3-5% of cases of the disease. Possible hematogenic or lymphogenic drift infection in the bladder.
Symptoms of cystitis can cause specific infections and parasites. Shistosomes (flat worms) can cause severe bladder damage. There are cases of cystitis caused by sexually transmitted infections. Often there is a urinary bubble tuberculosis.
The weak floor suffers from the inflammation of the bladder. Approximately 10% of women experience characteristic symptoms once a year. 40-50% faced with this disease at least 1 time in life. Cause of increased morbidity in women — Anatomical features (wide and short urethra), facilitating the spread of infection as a rising path through urethra.
10% of children from 1 to 16 years old tolerate cystitis in the specified age gap.
Acute and chronic cystitis
Acute cystitis is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- painful frequent urination;
- fever or subfebrile temperature;
- pain at the bottom of the abdomen;
- nausea.
With irrational and ineffective treatment or in the absence of its absence, the disease can acquire a chronic form. Chronic cystitis can proceed asymptomatic, with periods of exacerbations.
Diagnosis of acute cystitis
The diagnosis of acute form of the disease does not cause difficulties. Characteristic symptoms and quick positive response to antibacterial therapy allow you to put an accurate diagnosis of even a student. Confirm the diagnosis can be confirmed using a number of routine analyzes and research. Among them:
- General urine analysis (increasing leukocytes, red blood cells, bacteriuria);
- Bacteriological examination of urine with sowing on microbial media to determine the sensitivity to antibiotics;
- Ultrasound bladder.
In severe cases, a visual change in urine — Pyuria (literally with lat. — «Pump in urine»). At the same time, the water is soaked, opaque, has a sediment visible to the naked eye.
Diagnosis of chronic cystitis
Characteristic feature of the disease — Sharp exacerbation after supercooling, eating rich food, alcohol. Outside the recurrence to confirm the diagnosis allows endoscopic examination of the mucous membrane of the bladder, a functional study of its function, an extended urine analysis.
Cystitis in children
Children cystitis can only appear by fever. High temperatures against the background of complete health in a child requires a mandatory advice of the doctor.
Treatment cystitis
Etheological treatment
Antibacterial preparations of a wide range of action are prescribed immediately after the urine fence on Bakposposev. According to the results of the study on sensitivity, antimicrobial therapy is corrected, the drug is replaced by the most effective.
Pathogenetic therapy
It includes:
- Preparations that improve urine outflows;
- diet excluding salty, meat, sharp and spicy dishes, alcohol;
- Immunomodulatory drugs — with severe and chronic forms of the disease;
- Abundant drink.
The diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract diseases is engaged in a urologist. Self-treatment can lead to complications and harm to health.