Acetional syndrome: symptoms and treatment


  • Acetional syndrome
  • Symptoms of acetonemic syndrome
  • Treatment of acetional syndrome
  • Prevention of the prevention of acetional syndrome

  • Acetional syndrome

    Acetone, or acetional crisis - develops in a child as a result of accumulation in the blood of a large number of ketone bodies. If the acetional crises are repeated, then they are talking about acetional syndrome. Ketone bodies are chemical compounds formed in the liver of foodstuffs entering the body. Almost all fats and some proteins contribute to the formation of ketone bodies, and almost all carbohydrates prevent this, and with properly balanced nutrition, the concentration of ketone bodies in the blood remains stable.

    This is a special body response associated with metabolic disorders when an increase in uric acid concentration is noted in the body.

    Children have such a state can cause:

    • Infection
    • Food Loads (Fatty Food)
    • binge eating
    • Unusual food
    • Psycho-emotional stress
    If the child had physical exertion, ORVI, stress or he ate something fat, then to maintain normal blood sugar, his body moves from cleavage of carbohydrates to splitting fats. At the same time, 1 fat molecule disintegrates 3 glucose molecules and 1 acetone molecule. That is, the smell of acetone and the syndrome itself is not a disease, but the statement of the fact that glucose reserves ended in the body.

    Symptoms of acetonemic syndrome

    • Acetional syndrome: symptoms and treatmentmultiple or indomitable vomiting for 1-5 days (an attempt to drink or feed a child provokes vomiting);
    • acetone smell of mouth, dehydration and intoxication (skin pallor with a characteristic blush, hypodynamia, muscle hypotension);
    • Anxiety and excitement at the beginning of the crisis are replaced by lethargy, weakness, drowsiness, in rare cases. Possible symptoms of meningism and convulsions;
    • Hemodynamic disorders (hypovolemia, weakening of cardiac tones, tachycardia, arrhythmia);
    • spastic abdominal syndrome (grasp or stubborn abdominal pains, nausea, stool delay);
    • The increase in liver is 1-2 cm, which persists within 5-7 days after the crisis relief;
    • increase body temperature up to 37.5-38.5 degrees;
    • the presence in the urine, vomiting masses, exhaled air acetone, in the blood - an increased concentration of ketone bodies;
    • hypochloremia, metabolic acidosis, hypoglycemia, hypercholesterolemia, beta-lipoprotehemia;
    • In the peripheral blood temperate leukocytosis, neutrophilosis, moderate increase in SE.
    Glucose deficiency and, accordingly, the appearance of acetone is one of the symptoms of diabetes. But with this disease, the fact is that glucose is missing, but that it does not absorb. From here and completely different methods of treatment. Therefore, for children, one of the first analyzes at acetone prescribed blood test for sugar. In any case, if acetional syndrome has been identified in children, treatment should not be slow.
    Before the doctor's arrival, you need to do the following procedures:
    • Give adsorbent (activated carbon or enterosgel).
    • Giving drinking weak tea or not carbonated water every 5-7 minutes 50 ml - it will stop dehydration.
    • Feed a child during an attack is not recommended, you can give a little rusty crackers. After the disease, stick the diet.
    • It is impossible to roasted, sharp, oily, carbonated water, chocolate, eggs.

    Treatment of acetonemic syndrome in children

    Acetional syndrome: symptoms and treatment /It can be divided into 2 stages: the relief of acetional crisis and carrying out measures for the prevention of relapses.

    At the first stage, it is necessary to wash the intestine 1-2% sodium bicarbonate solution and steal a child every 10-15 minutes. Sweet tea with lemon, non-carbonated alkaline mineral water (Luzhanskaya, Borjomi and DR.), 1-2% sodium bicarbonate solution, combined solutions for oral rehydration.

    Medical therapy includes antispasmodics, enterosorbents (in the age dosage).

    Excess acetone annoying a vomit, so it's not always. Then either injected fluids intravenously (dropper with glucose), or make a root of a controversial agent (for example, Cerukal) after which again actively nat.

    Usually in children acetional syndrome takes up to 10 years.

    The only unpleasant consequence to which this can lead is a decrease in blood pressure / glucose levels during the attachment of ARVI or other concomitant diseases.

    Such children often fall into children's endocrinological departments for examination, as during ARVI (or other. diseases) or refusal of food the body stocks are quite quickly depleted, sugar in the blood falls, which can lead to loss of consciousness. For comparison: an ordinary child can starve up to 3 days, supporting the normal level of blood sugar, and such children are even against the background of absolute health, less than 18 hours (and against the background of the disease, the need increases, so much less!).
    You can simply remove such manifestations. Sugar-containing products

    Prevention of the prevention of acetional syndrome

    Breaks between eating hats should not be long. Concentrated brows, meat of young animals and birds, fatty varieties of meat, smoked, cauliflowers, tomatoes, oranges, and bananas, caffeine, beverages containing caffeine. Diet must prevail lactic acid products, cereals, fresh vegetables, fruits, boiled meat of non-fat varieties.

    It is necessary to annually conduct a standard test for glucose tolerance, ultrasound of the kidneys and a hepatobiliary system, and in the presence of crystallar (urates, oxalates) determine the daily excretion of salts with urine.

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