The benefits of washing the nose
As you know, the nose is a natural air filter. It reduces the amount of bacteria, allergens into our body, and, of course, viruses. All these microorganisms are settled on bristly hairs that are inside the nose. Fights with all these malicious bacteria producing mucus, which has a colossal bactericidal action.
Also, the nose performs the function of humidifying air, which today doctors and scientists attach great importance. Together with moisturizing air, falling through the nose, heats up a bit. Thus, peeled, moistened and relatively warm air falls into the lungs, which allows them to work without voltage.
But if the slightest dysfunction of the operation of the mucosa is observed, then the blockage of the nasal sinuses occurs, an obstacle is created to purify air and healthy mucus selection. The slightest failure in this process can provoke viral diseases, Allergies, Reducing immunity.
That is why from time to time it is recommended to rinse the nose, without waiting for any disease will be picked up. At the same time, the washing of nose in hygienic purposes has the following prophylactic effects on the body:

From the foregoing it becomes clear that it is necessary to wash the nose in fact with any colds. Exception may be:
- spicy otitis;
- aggravation of chronic otitis;
- Allergy to the composition of the solution, which is washed with the nose;
- nasal bleeding, especially if they appear too often;
- cysts and any formation in the nasal cavity;
- Non-obstruction of nasal strokes.
Whatever it was, if you know that it is sick before rising nose, consult your doctor. He will familiarize you with the ways of washing, will teach it to do it right, and will also answer all your questions.
Types of washing nose
There are several types of nose washing. You can do this on your own at home, as well as at the doctor's reception. MyMedinform.COM offers to familiarize yourself with the main list of nose wash types today.
At Gaymorite And some other diseases of the respiratory tract of the pus accumulates in the gaymorovy sinuses and it is quite difficult to get rid of it. In these cases, doctors prescribe washing with a special preparation, called «cuckoo».
Something this unit resembles a small vacuum cleaner. During the procedure from one nostril, the mucus is discouraged, and in another special syringe with a rubber tube, saline or a solution of furaciline is introduced into another. The procedure takes several minutes until the transparent mucus begins to go out of the sinuses.
Cheering at home.
Perhaps this is one of the most popular nose washing methods. It includes the preparation of a solution for washing and selecting a fringe. The latter can be completely different: there are special devices, similar to a small teaching with a long nose, which is made to wash the nose. But if you do not have this, do not despair, you can take a large syringe for washing, of course, without a needle, fringe and, in principle, any means. Here is the main thing - the correct washing, and not the device that it is performed.
As for the solution, you can both buy special mixtures in the pharmacy and already ready-made liquids and prepare their homes. Here are the most popular and simple:
- water. The main requirement is to be soft and warm. Water from under the tap is usually applied in preventive purposes, but in therapeutic it is better to take mineral without gas. The main thing, remember that the fluid should be warmed up to a temperature of 36-40 degrees;
- sea water. In pharmacies, a rather large range of purified sea water is provided with the addition of useful essential oils;
- brine. On 1 liter of water, add 1 teaspoon of salt. It is preferable that this salt will be sea, but also iodized. Salt in low concentration cleans and moisturizes the mucous surface;
- Fisrators. Also in the pharmacy, you can purchase ordinary physical salts in bottles, which is worth a penny, and the effect of it is no worse than other drugs, both purchased and prepared independently;
- Various decoctions: chamomiles, sage, calendula. The main thing, watches the mixture for washing was slightly preheated!
Nose washing frequency
This is a very important factor in the treatment. The frequency of washing from what purpose you are haunting: preventive or therapeutic. For the prevention, it is quite enough 2-3 times a week, the smaller - once a week. Over time, you will understand yourself how often you need it and will experience the desire to wash your nose, such as, for example, with the adoption of the shower or bath.
If you have moved a sinusitis, then you need to increase the number of washes to daily, and during the epidemic of respiratory diseases it is best to wash the nose twice a day.
You also need to increase the amount of washing per day if you get sick. 4 times a day - it is this figure that you need to stick. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and varies from 10 days to 6 weeks, respectively.
Nose washing technique
This is easy to do, but some practice is still needed. The easiest way that is best to apply only in preventive purposes is the dropping of water from the palm of the palm.
If you have acquired a special wage to wash the nose, then the principle of using it is simple. Nose to enter a few millimeters in the nostril, bend over the sink at an angle of 90 degrees, slightly tilt your head. Open your mouth and start rinsing from the other side of which the head is tilted. The liquid will succeed and will fall out of another nostril, which is located «below». Hold your breath so that the liquid does not fall into the throat or lungs.
If you have chosen for yourself any other washing device (syringe, fringe and t. NS.), then you must remember that there should be no big pressure and pressure. Use carefully, watch the fluid pour out from another nostril. There may be needed about 2 glasses of finished liquid.
You also need to be careful and ensure that the liquid does not get into the middle ear. This can cause such a pre-exciting disease as otitis.