Diet during dialysis


  • Consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates during dialysis
  • Water consumption
  • Limit potassium
  • Phosphor and calcium level correction
  • The role of aluminum during dialysis

  • Chronic renal failure is the final stage of all renal diseases, and software hemodialysis is one of the methods of its treatment.

    If a person in the idiotic diet in a diet depended on what kind of kidney disease he suffered, then on programmatic hemodialysis, recommendations can be completely different. But specific guidance on the patient's nutrition should give the attending physician. After all, they depend on the duration of the hemodialysis experience of the patient, the residual function of the kidneys, the presence of complications and many other reasons.

    Consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates during dialysis

    Diet during dialysisIn the conservative period (before the appointment of dialysis procedures), the patient, as a rule, limit the protein intake of up to 0.5 g per 1 kg of weight per day, table salt - up to 5 g per day. With pronounced arterial hypertension, they even prescribe a completely non-leaving diet, since salt in a patient sufficient for the body is contained in products. Although this regime is heavenly. Perhaps it is better not to sit on a small-faithful, sore diet for a long time, but before you begin treatment with one of the types of dialysis (program hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis).

    On hemodialysis is not only permitted, but in most cases it is recommended to consume a protein more than a healthy person. Because in the process of hemodialysis blood purification, patients lose and useful substances - amino acids, oligopeptides, water-soluble vitamins, microelements. That is why the diet in hemodialysis should be as full as possible, and first of all - by the content of the animal protein. Recommended optimal amount - 1.2 g per 1 kg of weight per day.

    Naturally, the diet must be balanced: besides proteins, in sufficient quantities you need to consume fats and carbohydrates. But here it should be borne in mind what disease led to hemodialysis. If, for example, chronic renal failure is caused by diabetes mellitus, then carbohydrates in a diet of such a patient, of course, are limited.

    Water consumption

    In a patient in dialysis, a further decrease in kidney functions inevitably occurs, including the water-sequence function - up to a complete cessation of urine release (Anururia). And although before this moment, the presence of urine in the patient does not give a significant effect to reduce the level of azotemia (excessive content in the blood of nitrogen-containing products of protein metabolism - urea, creatinine and t.D.), but maintains the water balance of the body. With the course of the disease, when the water-seating kidney function disappears, it is necessary to introduce restrictions on fluid consumption. This is especially true of patients with manifestations of heart failure and arterial hypertension.

    But here an individual approach is very important, because the preservation or extinction of the water-sensitive function of the kidneys depends on the main disease. For example, with congenital kidney dysplasia, polycystic, pyelonephritis it can be saved for a very long time. At the same time, when glomerulonephritis, diabetes, she fuses very quickly. Depending on this, the doctor will establish various water modes. The general recommendation consists in use in the interval from one hemodialysis session to another such amount of water so that the fluid set is not more than 5% of the body weight.

    At the same time, the recommendation normally feed in no way is contrary to the limitation of the liquid (the approximate water content in the products is 50-70%).

    During the procedure, along with nitrogenous metabolites and other toxic substances, excess fluid are removed. When the patient is gaining it too much, problems arise because of the early development of heart failure and bad hemodialysis tolerance.

    Limit potassium

    Dialysis shows a limitation of products containing a large number of potassium. The body is extremely sensitive to fluctuations in blood potassium level. Since patients have been broken by the kidney function (and potassium is displayed mainly by the kidneys), hypercalemia develops (increasing the concentration of potassium in the blood). And such a state can sometimes be even fatal. The fact is that if the patient does not use a session to a session at all, no products containing potassium, blood test will still show an increase in its blood content - approximately 1 mmol per 1 liter per day. The physiological limit of potassium content in blood is 3-5.5 mmol per 1 liter.

    Potassium in large quantities is primarily contained in dried fruits, fresh vegetables, fruits. To a lesser extent - in animal products. Recommend how much exactly you can eat, relatively speaking, oranges per day with a specific patient, can only the attending physician.

    Phosphor and calcium level correction

    Phosphorous calcium exchange in patients on hemodialysis is usually broken. This state should reveal the attending physician. For this, the levels of phosphorus and calcium levels are conducted. The phosphorical calcium product is calculated, the bone density is estimated by densitometry. For correction, special drugs (phosphateters, calcium preparations, vitamin D3) can be assigned to the simultaneous limit of products containing a large amount of phosphorus, such as dairy products.

    The role of aluminum during dialysis

    Restriction of drugs and products containing aluminum is important when selecting a diet patient undergoing dialysis procedure. Aluminum is extremely toxic for a patient with renal failure, it causes a number of serious complications - aluminum dementia (severe damage to the nervous system), bone lesion, anemia. It is not by chance that the hemodialysis departments use special systems of water purification, directed, including, and to get rid of aluminum. But often for the treatment of concomitant diseases, drugs containing aluminum are prescribed. Say, Almagel, Phosfalugel - with gastritis, ulcerative disease. It makes serious harm «renal» Patient.

    Patients should not be preparing food in aluminum dishes and without consulting a nephrologist to take multivitamin complexes containing vitamin A, mineral supplements.

    In conclusion, once again, the diet in hemodialysis should be balanced, full and, in the absence of complications, not differ significantly from the nutrition of a healthy person.

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