Third month of pregnancy

Here is the third month of pregnancy. You are already accustomed to changes in the body, to new sensations. Know that it is during this period that the urinary system has already begins to work, the liver has already produces bile, the internal organs continue their development. The organs of the sexual system are already formed, but on ultrasound to determine the floor of the future child will be not earlier than in a month.

Third month of pregnancy
Time, in fact, runs very quickly. First Eight weeks of pregnancy Flying unnoticed and now the third month. You are already accustomed to changes in the body, to new sensations. Know that it is during this period that the urinary system has already begins to work, the liver has already produces bile, the internal organs continue their development. The organs of the sexual system are already formed, but on ultrasound to determine the floor of the future child will be not earlier than in a month.

Problems of the Third Month of Pregnancy

Compresses and rest will help pregnant with tension and headache
The third month of pregnancy is not much different from the second. Some problems may appear, for example headaches. But it should not scare you, since hormonal changes are rapidly in the body, and headaches are almost natural. If earlier you at headaches just swallowed the tablet citrate or analgin, now the drug therapy is not desirable. After all, from headaches you can get rid of other ways. If you are tired, or worried, then the headache will be a natural reaction and get rid of it will be possible by relaxation. It is simply convenient to lie down or sit in the chair, turn on your favorite music, only calm and pleasant, or just walk in the fresh air, away from the roadway, calm down, think about good.

You can use another proven tool from headaches - contrast compresses. You need to pour hot and cold water in two deep cups and, permeated alternately, watering the towel and apply it to the head. Continue this procedure is about 15 minutes. Then lie down, relaxing, on a high pillow. In most cases, it helps to remove tension and headache retreats.

You must firmly assimilate that during this period of pregnancy, as in any other, you should not be in stuffy rooms and places where smokers are present. Your child should breathe fresh air, and not tobacco smoke. Not for you now and noisy events with great cluster of people.

Another problem that may appear from the third month of pregnancy - constipation. Peristaltics during this period can be violated due to the fact that during pregnancy there is an increased amount of hormones, which slows the processes of food in the muscular layer of intestines. The uterus is already in an enlarged state and presses on a fat intestine, which causes constipation.

How to deal with them? Not in any case by a medication method. It is necessary to increase the number of products containing fiber, vegetables and fruits in your diet. If you eat flour products, then exclusively of coarse grinding flour, dried fruits - raisins, crisp, prunes. Do not take food in large quantities, it is better to divide it on 5-6 receptions per day. More drink liquids. But not carbonated drinks, and ordinary purified water or juice (fruit, vegetable).

Physical activity for pregnant women

Pregnancy is not a disease at which you need to limit yourself in the load
Pregnancy is not a disease at which you need to limit yourself in the load. Physical activity always benefit the body. This does not mean, of course, that you have to unload wagons, or carry heavy bags from the market. But quick walking classes, for example, or light exercises designed specifically for pregnant women, is just what you need now.

After all, we all know well that the movement is life. And lying on the sofa will not add health to any or your future child.

Exercise must be performed regularly, but not before bedtime, as it can cause various anxiety in a dream. And in general, the flood process should be for you the process of priesthood. Before going to bed, you can read the book, but not such a thing for which you need to think and work, but a light, funny, listen to relax music, wait under the warm shower, taking the apple, or drink warm milk with honey. But it is not necessary to abuse food before bedtime, as it can disrupt the flow process and make sleep restless.

In the room where you sleep, should not be very cold, or very hot. Before bedtime, air the room and, if there is no frost outside, leave the window open. Do not hide the blanket with your head, it is harmful. I think that there is no need to say that the use of medicines and alcohol in order to improve sleep, not at all acceptable. It is advisable for this time to forget about strong tea and coffee.

Sex during pregnancy

If pregnancy proceeds without complications, sex during this period is not prohibited
If pregnancy proceeds without complications, sex during this period is not prohibited. On the contrary, many women during pregnancy feel elevated sexual desire, and some in this period for the first time experiencing a feeling of orgasm. The main thing now is to listen to each other and do everything that is pleasant to two partners. The feeling of a woman during intimate proximity depends on the husband. A woman can feel after sex pulling the feeling at the bottom of the belly, but it is not scary. If there is no testimony to the unbearable pregnancy, it is harmless and quickly passes. And the fact that during pregnancy you can forget about protection measures, makes sex more free and delivering more pleasure than before the occurrence of pregnancy.

Sexing during pregnancy scares many. And, oddly enough, to a greater degree of men than women. A man is afraid to harm the body of a woman and is afraid to even touch her. It depletes the life of both and makes a woman irritable. She begins to seem that pregnancy urges her body and her husband is unpleasant intimate life with her. But this is not! And every loving man must convince a woman that it is more beautiful and more welcome at this time there is no one!

Weight of a pregnant woman

During pregnancy, you must constantly monitor weight
During pregnancy, you must constantly monitor weight. After all, excessive weight makes it difficult to determine the weight and growth of the child. It is overweight that causes back pain, cause swelling of the legs on which varicose veins may appear. In addition, fatigue by the end of the day is much more than women with a slight weight.

If you eat during pregnancy, it's wrong, then the child intrauterine can achieve such sizes that his birth naturally will be simply impossible. And after childbirth, the woman very slowly dumps the weight, especially the woman, nursing the breast.

In the third month of pregnancy, it is already necessary to introduce strict compliance with the weight gain. It should not exceed 0.5 kg per week. If you add two times more, you must trace your diet, reducing the use of products containing carbohydrates and increasing the use of fiber.

Skin condition during pregnancy

If during pregnancy on the skin of the face, pigmentation will appear, do not panic, give up the sweet
During pregnancy, a woman, more than ever, wants to be beautiful. But not always her skin pleases his mistress. It is during this period of life that a woman faces various problems relating to her skin. Especially in The first months of pregnancy, When hormonal changes are just «Bushyut» in her body. The skin on his face may unexpectedly inflamed, suddenly there are some rashes and stains on his face, stretch marks appear on the stomach, and hips suddenly acquire the famous «Orange Cork» - Cellulite.

In the third month of pregnancy, the fruit is growing hard, highlighting substances that can stimulate not only its growth, but also the growth of various Education on the skin Mom. In case you unexpectedly began to grow a mole, or appeared Warts, Contact your dermatologist. Do not in this period under the right rays of the Sun, as ultraviolet radiation contributes to the development of various formations on the skin.

In the third month of pregnancy on the skin of the face may have pigmentation. This phenomenon appears due to changes in the immune system. All this will pass over time, do not be afraid and panic. How can you help your skin? First of all - a diet. It is necessary to abandon the large number of sweet food, from coffee and strong tea. Sometimes it turns out quite enough to cleanse the skin.

Getting used to your new body continues! Ahead - the most important and interesting! Our site will be with you until you take your born baby. So, moving on, By the fourth month of pregnancy...

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