Do you know that the intolerance of strawberries, eggs, fish, cheese and even vegetables are far from always connected with allergies to these foods? In fact, the opinion on the wide distribution of allergies is very exaggerated, and in most cases intolerance is associated with pseudo-allergies.
More recently, all cases of food intolerance were attributed to food allergies, and the term «Food allergy» or «Food allergies» became extremely popular not only among doctors, but also among the entire population. It has been established today that the true allergic reaction to products is quite rare, in 1.4% of adults. Most often, painful reactions are associated with pseudo-allergies. What are the main differences between these pathological processes, and what gives a patient knowledge of the pseudo-allergic basis of intolerance?
Real Food Allergy
True allergic reaction is most often evolving as a response to protein components of food, which are absolutely harmless to most people. Most often, the patient detects the hereditary predisposition to allergies caused by the presence «Gena Allergies», responsible for the formation of antibodies to food proteins.
Antibodies — These are special proteins of the human body, which are produced in contact with alien proteins and are, as if a mirror reflection of these stimuli. Allergens penetrate the human body through the intestinal mucous membrane, lead it to a state «Boat readiness» and cause the formation of antibodies that are distributed over all organs and tissues. With repeated contact with the antibody allergen, the antigens instantly bind and form immune complexes, which activate the fat cells emitting inflammation mediators. Thus, an allergic reaction is launched, which can be manifested by a variety of symptoms, ranging from skin rash, cold, conjunctivitis, diarrhea and ending with bronchial asthma attacks and allergic shock.
Allergies most often cause eggs, milk, fish, nuts, citrus, strawberry, honey, chocolate, buckwheat and other products. Moreover, the reaction develops not only when using a specific product, but also in response to the use of other products, which includes allergen. So, with allergies on milk, the reaction will also develop on ice cream, with the intolerance of eggs allergenic will become mayonnaise. That is why diet in food allergies eliminates the use of all allergenic products and products containing.
Interestingly, thermal processing, roding and other types of product recycling change their allergenic properties. In addition, the purple of one species may have different characteristics. For example, pork is different from beef and lamb and man with pork allergies can well drink beef. Fish intolerance more often covers all its varieties and types. Allergy to cow's milk does not apply to goat, and fermented milk products and, especially, cottage cheese, cheese can not cause reactions at all.
Long thermal treatment sharply reduces allergenic properties of products. So, the welded egg protein is less aggressive than raw.
False allergy to food products
Food pseudo-allery is similar to the truth allergies in manifestations, but it does not have an immunological basis. At the same time, it meets much more often, one case of true allergies accounts for 3-4 cases of false galleries.
Distinctive features of pseudo-allergia
The reaction to the product begins immediately from the allocation of inflammation mediators. As an activator of this process, products that affect fat cells, synthesizing histamine or products containing natural histamine in their composition.
HistamineSvo-related Products: fish, crustaceans, chicken meat, egg squirrel, strawberry, cabbage, mushrooms, carrots and others.
Histamine-containing Products: Cheese, Red Wine, Mackerel, Tuna, Herring, Chocolate, Coffee, Spinach, Tomatoes and others. With pseudo-allergies, genetic predisposition is not traced, in the family of the patient, no one may not suffer from intolerance to food.
- In the case of allergies, it is enough to eat one strawberry berry and the reaction will unfold with full strength, with pseudo-allergies — The amount of product should be large enough and the intolerance is manifested only in the case of overeating.
- The painful response of the body with false allergies is provoked not only by alien proteins, but also by other components of food, for example, dyes, preservatives, baking powers and even salt and sugar.
- Almost always false galleries develops against the background of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Increased permeability of the intestinal mucosa and lack of substances inactivating the gistamine incoming with food contributes to the occurrence of reaction to products.
Knowledge of the differences of true allergy from pseudo-allergies are necessary, first of all, in order to competently select a diet in food allergies. Only taking into account the characteristics of the patient's body, you can choose a nutrition that would contribute to the treatment of the disease.