How is the treatment of enuresis in children? What are the methods of medication and non-drug treatment? Answers to the questions you will find in the article.
Treatment of children's enuresis
Consult a doctor to solve the Enurisy problem costs if
The child leaves his bed wet more often than once in 21 days
over the age of four. Finding out the occurrence of Enurrawa
A child and looking for the right ways to treat his parents
Pediatrician, urologist, gynecologist and neuropathologist should be visited.
Children over 6-10 years old suffering from Enuresum need urological examination.
To this end, it can be assigned:
To today
Day There are about 300 ways to treat urine incontinence. This is
and physiotherapy, and special diet, and acupuncture courses,
and autotraining, and all kinds of drugs, and even hypnosis.
But the doctor should appoint them, and only after careful inspection
Patient and detection of causes of the disease.
True, there are several common Soviets, useful for parents of children suffering from Enub:
- Support a child, explain that there are many children who have the same problems.
- N
in no case do not scold and do not punish the child if he woke up
wet. It's not his fault, but the problem you need to solve together.
It does not follow
overnight to wear diapers. The vast majority of four-five-year-old
children with enuresis - kids, not parting with diapers for a long time.
Diapers are needed only in certain cases: for walks,
During sleep, visiting, on the road. About a year and a half baby
must gradually forget about their existence, and it's time to parents
teach it to use the toilet. After all, oddly enough it sounds,
But many children, «Comedy» with diaper (especially for
boys), do not even know how «This» do!
- Recommended
limit the reception of fluids in the evening and at night (four hours before sleep),
Flowing the right amount of drink in the morning and after lunch.
- Should go to the toilet before bedtime.
- Make sure that six-seven-year-old child observed strict day mode, going to sleep in no later than 21:00.
- Try to avoid unnecessary excitement before bedtime: active sports games, viewing «scary» Movies and T.D.
- IN
some cases parents will be a child in order for him to go
to the toilet and stayed at night dry. We can say that in this case
The child physically awakened, he is in a half, because
wake it completely quite difficult. Most often doctors
Do not recommend doing this. But if you decide to wake a child at night,
need to wake him up, fully leading to consciousness, otherwise
You just fasten the enurs mechanism.
- If the kid is afraid of darkness
or loneliness, do not turn off in his room at night, leave
open door to your bedroom or having having to evict it
In a separate room.
- If you had at least one «Dry» Night - Do not skimp on praise.
Medical treatment enuresis
are designed to facilitate the suffering of the patient, if this fails to achieve
With the help of other methods. Medical treatment must appoint
exclusively doctor.
The following drugs are usually applied:
- Hormones:
Adiuretin SD (Desmopressin, sold under the name «Minin»), which the
Produced in the form of droplets or aerosol and introduced into the nose. Applied
In cases where urine incontinence is associated with hormonal
Problems - reduced production of vasopressin - hormone responsible
for the regulation of fluid release. Adiuretin CD reduces urine
and urination frequency. Treatment with the drug lasts several
months, in parallel with psychotherapy and teaching.
- Psychostimulators: Mesocarb (Synokarb). Affects the total tone of smooth muscle formations, including the bladder.
- Caffeine.
- Antidepressants:
Imipramine (Melipramine), amitriptyline (amitriptyline). Accurate mechanism
Action of antidepressants when urinary incontinence unknown, efficiency
imipramine and amitriptyline installed empirically, but afterwards
confirmed by many studies. For other antidepressants
Similar effect is not known.
- Adrenomimetics: Ephedrine (Ephedrine Hydrochloride). The effect of adrenomimetics is associated with a psychostimulating effect.
Proper treatment appointed by a specialist in a short period
time in 30% of core enuresum completely stops, and the rest
Children significantly weaken.
Non-drug treatment enuresis
Enumena should not neglect psychotherapy. In the fight against incontinence
urine apply a variety of items, up to the so-called
«Dolphinotherapy», When healing comes from communicating with dolphins.
Dolphins, unfortunately, not sold in pharmacies, which makes
They are difficult to access. In any pediatric center there is
psychologist who will be able to find an approach to the problems of the child and will prepare
His to combat the disease.
In addition, various
Methods of hypnotherapy, in particular, classical and Erickson hypnosis,
Hydnesumgative (suggestion in a dream) therapy.
In some cases
Fitotherapy is used - sedative healing herbs: Mint pepper,
Valerian, dyeing and t.NS.; Logging physical impacts
(Contrast shower in the morning and t.D.); Coniferous baths.
Good effect
achieved with the normalization of relations inside the family with the decision
Emotional and family, school problems of patients.
From all
responsibility come to the treatment of Enurrawa at the child. Unfinished
The course of treatment may lead to the resumption of the disease.