Gout: Suffering or sign of genius?


  • Lifestyle disease
  • How to become a genius?
  • Flame-covered
  • Fix «Metabolism error»
  • Terrible but obedient

    Gout: Suffering or sign of genius?Like many centuries ago, the gout chooses a victim among people with a high standard of living. Here is a portrait of a typical modern «Pogric»: Active, loving Maternity Maternity Male with good prosperous, often holding a leadership position, very temperamental (usually choleric). Women sick gout about 10 times less.

    Lifestyle disease

    Gout provoke errors in a diet, alcohol consumption, stress and other «Excesses bad», When business meetings with buffets flow in a feast, and the day after day everything is repeated. That is why it is called a lifestyle disease.

    Especially dangerous excess meat products, smoked, fatty fish varieties in the diet. A large number of animal proteins and alcohol, well-seasoned with stress, causes an increase in blood uric acid levels and its salts - urates.

    How to become a genius?

    Interesting the fact that, by its structure, urinary acid is similar to caffeine - a stimulator of mental activity, so some scientists believe that the patient with gout has every chance of becoming a genius! The misfortune is that the crystals of urates begin to be deposited in the joints, kidneys and other bodies. In Russia, this disease has long been called «salt deposits».

    On the mechanisms of development of gouts, the doctor-rheumatologist of the clinic of the Moscow Institute of Cybernetic Medicine Anna Anatolyevna will tell.

    - All said absolutely right. But it must be remembered that the gout can be primary and secondary. Cause Primary gout is a genetic defect - the absence of an enzyme that converts urinary acid into a soluble connection.

    When the concentration of uric acid in the blood reaches the critical level, its salts in the form of microcrystals are deposited in the cavity of the joint, forming there peculiar «depot». In addition, part of the crystals settle in the kidneys, which over time leads to the formation of stones.

    Being a disease of metabolism, gout is often combined with other exchange disorders, such as metabolic syndrome, which has a triad of signs: hypertension, overweight and a tendency to diabetes mellitus.

    Secondary gung can develop against the background of endocrine pathology, diseases of the kidneys, blood, during long-term reception of some drugs. In all cases, there is either an increase in urinary acid products, or a decrease in its revelation of the kidneys.

    Gout: Suffering or sign of genius?Flame-covered

    - Anna Anatolyevna, in literature and painting there are bright descriptions of suffering during an attack of gout. On one of the pictures of Leonardo da Vinci we see the thumb, covered by flame! What caused such strong pain in the joint?

    - Sodium Urate crystals, sharp, as needles, depositing in the custody of the joint, cause local inflammation, the prostaglandins are distinguished in huge quantities - substances in huge quantities, «Responsible» For pain. Therefore, gouty arthritis is still name «Microcrystalline». Overeating, drinking alcohol, especially beer, stress, supercooling, or vice versa, hike in a bath or sauna, provoke the development of acute arthritis.

    Most often affected the joint of the thumb foot - the first advantage of the Falaughte. The attack occurs suddenly, more often at night, and manifests intensive pain, redness and swelling of the joint. Frequently rises body temperature. Very soon the pain becomes unbearable, the slightest touch towards the affected joint is extremely painful.

    The attack can last all night, and can delay and for a few days. If the attack goes into a camp phase, the symptoms of the local inflammatory process can be saved for one to two months.

    Fix «Metabolism error»

    Probably after such an attack, barely put on his feet, man first will run to the doctor!

    Treatment of acute articular attack does not represent complexity. The most important thing is the treatment during the intercreant period aimed at preventing repeated attacks and reduce the risk of developing complications. And its complexity is that the gout refers to diseases «Metabolism errors» - exchange violations - and therefore it is impossible to cure it, but you can «hold in pieces», Not giving diseases to manifest itself.

    Only in the case of personal participation of the patient, success is possible in treatment, because it is necessary to fulfill all the recommendations of the doctor, to comply with a special diet, in one word, to completely change your lifestyle, only in this case the ghost will begin to pass its position in this case. And with high-quality medical control, you can completely save the patient from the articual manifestations and, more importantly, prevent the terrible consequences of this disease.

    - Is the articular attack - this is not the most terrible manifestation of gout?

    Sustains is just one of the possible depot of uric acid salts. Deposition of urate crystals in kidney tissues and its urinary tract leads to nephritis - «Gouty kidney».

    Urolithiasis sometimes precedes the appearance of artic signs of gout. If you explore stones, they always turn out to be urates. Kidney defeat is a very unfavorable symptom and without treatment can lead to chronic renal failure. Reducing the kidney function, in turn, leads to an increase in blood pressure. In connection with the impairment of substances, blood vessels are affected, usually kidney vessels, hearts, sclerotic changes occur in vessels.

    Gout: Suffering or sign of genius?Terrible but obedient

    - I heard that the gout of the disease is terrible, but obedient. What does this mean?

    - The gout is well treatable from disciplined patients, and it is easy enough to control it.

    In the diagnosis of gout, an important role belongs to determining the level of uric acid in the blood. In addition, when hemoscaning (this is a study of a drop of alive blood under a microscope) among blood elements, blasting crystals are very clearly visible. Crystals have the shape of a diamond or a rhombic plate - they are not confused with anything!

    It is necessarily a comprehensive kidney survey to determine the presence of stones and the degree of functional disorders. The state of other organs is also investigated: heart, vessels, endocrine glands to identify related diseases and exchange disorders.

    As for the treatment, it is always comprehensive, especially since other exchange disorders are always present to one degree or another.

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