What are phobias?


  • Phobia or Fear?
  • What is it connected with?
  • Phobia spawned advertising and modern cinema
  • «Rich too cry...»
  • Attention, symptoms!

  • Phobia or Fear?

    What are phobias?

    Many of our fears are not at all fear, but phobias. A phobia – This is already a mental disorder in which a person encompasses the obsessive inadequate experiences of their fears.

    According to statistics, every 8th man on the planet suffers from some phobia. And the number of phobias torrenting modern people is no longer calculating.

    So how to find out – Just a person is afraid of spiders or suffering arachnophobia? Just dislikes dental doctors or dentophobia?

    There are also more exotic phobias, for example, ashophobia – fear of all sour; Aurorafobia – fear of northern light; Glamethobia – Fear of the look of dolls; xantofobia – afraid of yellow; Colerofobia – Fear of clowns and t.D. The number of phobias is constantly growing – Over the past 10 years, it has increased from 300 to 1030!

    What is it connected with?

    How is it not surprising but – With progress. After all, together with aircraft, humanity has acquired airfobs; The tragedy in Chernobyl spawned the fear of radiation – Radiophobia; Because of the arms race, nucleonitophobia appeared – Fear of nuclear weapons, as well as atomophobia – Fear of nuclear explosion. With the study of space, humanity received fear of space phenomena – cosmicophobia; And many older people suffer from cyberfobia – Fear of computers. The development of science contributes to the appearance of gellenologophobia – Fear of scientific terms. And also exists (if only this is not fiction) hypopotyomonstrossepsippitalophobia – Fear of long words.

    Phobia spawned advertising and modern cinema

    Advertising also actively contributes to the emergence of a wide variety of fears. Thanks to her, a person begins to be afraid of completeness (neutophobia), skin acne (acnefobia), wrinkles (rhyphobia), baldness (phalancrophobia), aging (gerontophobia), microbes, which are everywhere (veminophobia) and. And the use of immaculate, ideal models, perfect in their beauty models in advertising and show-business, generates dysmephophobia – Fear of the unattractiveness of your body.

    And how many phobias gave rise to modern cinema! All sorts of horror films with realistic special effects and mystical thrillers contribute to the development of fear of spiders, sharks, aliens, fear of going crazy (such films like «Mind games», «Spider» and many others), fear of clowns (for example, a terrible clown monster Pennivez from the movie «It» on Stephen King), fear of phone calls (Japanese thriller «Call»).

    «Rich too cry...»

    Famous people at all in sight of their phobias - too. For example, N.IN. Gogol suffered from taffofobia (fear of being buried alive). This fear was so painful that he repeatedly gave his friends written orders – bury it only if there are already body changes.

    Generalissimus I.IN. Stalin suffered toxicophobia (fear of being poisoned). And Peter I suffered all my life to Akarofobia (fear of insects) and was not able to work in rooms with high ceilings, which indicates a tendency to spaceofobia (fear of empty spaces). The preserved house of Peter in St. Petersburg is interestingly interestingly made at the request of the king with a low raised-block, suspended to a high, present and creating effect «cozy cabinet».

    Contemporary show-business just pested various phobias. Panically afraid of Clowns Johnny Depp. Sean Connery does not endure traffic lights, Matthew McConakh is afraid of rotating doors, and Kim Bessenger - other people's contacts, because of what could not leave the house for months. An acute form of fear of microbes suffer from Michael Jackson, Jody Foster, Jennifer Lopez and Julia Roberts. Stephen Seagiga is panicly afraid to be poisoned. Sharon Stone, like fire, is afraid of electrical appliances, it is stuck even to turn on the TV, because, in her opinion, he can explode. This list can be continued to infinity...

    However, I would like to figure out – As far as it is all serious. Most often, the birth of a phobia is connected with some event in childhood. The phobia can manifest itself many years later, so it is very difficult to figure out – why it all started. In fact, everything is not so launched, and many who believe that they suffer from phobias, – Just only the usual dislike for one or another subjects or situations.

    Attention, symptoms!

    What is the difference between fear of phobia? The difference is that it is almost impossible to cope with the phobia on their own. Once in a situation that launches a painful reaction, a person is covered with cold later, he has a pulse, a trembling, weakness appears, and vomiting is possible. Man begins to choke, he has an insurmountable desire to flee where the eyes look. These feelings are so unpleasant that patients are resorted to all sorts of tricks to avoid such situations. If you do not have such symptoms, you can not worry – You have nothing serious. And even if there is something similar, do not worry too – It is now treated. If a phobia bothers you to live – need to consult a doctor.

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