Sabelnik treatment

In folk medicine, the rhizome and overhead part of the inhabitant of swamps and lakes have long been used - decoil, capable of saber, rheumatism, osteochondrosis. Many people have helped this miracle leakage, who then received another name - the sabelnik, get rid of the boning crutches, get rid and again return to the active and cheerful way of life.

In folk medicine, the rhizome and overhead part of the inhabitant of swamps and lakes have long been used - decoil, capable of saber, rheumatism, osteochondrosis. Many people have helped this miracle leakage, who then received another name - the sabelnik, get rid of the boning crutches, get rid and again return to the active and cheerful way of life. Now and modern doctors advise their patients tincture, ointment with a saber. The plant is successfully fighting with a number of diseases, some of them were previously considered incurable. Currently, pharmacologists and scientists of the oncological center carefully study the therapeutic properties of the decopa to create a drug with antitumor effect on its basis. On the healing properties of a saber of a marsh and will be discussed in the article.

Sabelnik treatment

Sabelnik (rhizome and grass)

Plant Description

There is a saber in swampy places, along lakes and rivers. Grow can be grown to height. The leaves have dark green from the upper side and pubescent (felt) from below elongated, with cloths. The lower leaves consist of five or seven parts, but the upper - the treasured, similar to the strawberry. Decop is a semi-staple, the stem is lifted and apparent, the color has a reddish-brown. Flower Cup Dark purple or burgundy with five petals. The extraordinary beauty of flowers inspired poet in. G. Rubtsova to writing a poem dedicated to the firewood. In the people, the sabelnik is called differently - apentine, five-fingernik, firewood, stuffing, marsh stitch, decop and even Russian ginseng. But the Latin name sounds like this - Comarum Palustre. Its overhead part is collected during flowering in June, but the rhizome is late in autumn. Rhizomes have long, intertwined with each other with their numerous process roots and form a layer, dense «Pillow», which is withstanding the weight of gathering their person.

Components of composition

The composition while scientists are not studied enough. But such a set of beneficial substances are already known: tubyl substances, saponins, essential oil (terpenoids), organic acids, resins, vitamin C, carotene, flavonoids (main of them - quercetin), phenylcarboxylic acids, catechins. Sabelnik trace elements: copper, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium. There are many anthocyanov in flowers.

What action has a saber?

Here are the abilities of the plant:

  1. The most important thing its action is the treatment of joints. It removes pain, inflammation, improves the structure and strength of cartilage tissue, normalizes the production of synovial fluid.
  2. Cleans blood, improves metabolic processes.
  3. Finds vulnerable places in the body and treats them in the first place.
  4. The only known plant that can update damaged and weakened tissue and organs cells.
  5. Well tones the body and displays slags, harmful substances, radionuclides.
  6. It has a hemostatic, binder, sweetest and analgesic effect.
  7. The antitumor effect of the plant is studied.

General indications for the use of the saber

List the main diseases under which the reception of different dosage forms from this plant is recommended:

  • rheumatism, arthritis, arthritis, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, lumbago, osteoporosis, salting deposits;
  • Different types of chronic hepatitis, cholelithiasis;
  • angina, ischemia and other heart diseases;
  • in gynecology during mastitis, Mastopathy, vaginites and uterine bleeding;
  • as therapeutic and prophylactic agent breast cancer, intestines and stomach in complex therapy;
  • haemorrhoids, diarrhea, thrombophlebitis;
  • tuberculosis, bronchial asthma;
  • leukemia and lymphogranulomatosis;
  • as rinsing in order to strengthen teeth and gums;
  • Angina, Tonnyllitis, periodontalosis, Stomatitis;
  • bruises, furuncules and abscesses;
  • Dog bites, sick rabies.

Medicinal forms

For treatment from a sabelnik you can cook infusion, decoction, oil, ointment, bath. Before use, it is advisable to hold Cleansing the body. The infusion is convenient to do in the thermos, falling asleep there a tablespoon with the top of crushed roots, bay 250 ml of boiling water. Extraction of active substances will be carried out about 6 hours. The following should be fixed. The acquired drug has a drink in three receptions 20 minutes before meals during the day.

But the most effective means is considered tincture. Make it can be at home. Herbalists take 50 g dry rhizomes or 150 g of raw, put them in a liter jar, you can take another vessel, pour out 500 ml of alcohol 40% or good vodka. Close the lid. Put in a dark place, for example, in a closet. Sometimes you need to shake the contents. After 21 days you can filter the tincture. Advise the resulting means to use for rubbing or drinking inside through a tablespoon, having stirred in 50 ml of water to a minute for a minute for 10. And so three times a day. 20 days take medicine, then 3 days rest. And so 4 courses.

Features of treating sabelnik

To achieve a better result in the treatment, it is desirable not to eat on such days of meat products, acidic and salty dishes, refrain from alcohol and boiled milk.

If chronic diseases exacerbate in the first days of reception of drugs from the decopa, it is not necessary to be afraid, you can only reduce the dose. These phenomena are temporary, it means that the sabelnik began active treatment of the organism.

Try not to catch up while taking decopa.

Remember that saber treatment is long and requires compliance with the correct dosage and the number of receptions.


It is not recommended to take the preparations of a sabelnik during pregnancy, lactation, if individual intolerance is noted. Tincture do not prescribe children. Because of the presence of alcohol, be careful with such diseases:

  • injuries and brain pathology;
  • severe functional disorders of the liver and kidney;
  • epilepsy and chronic alcoholism.

Sabelnik treatment

Sabelnik tincture

Read more about Pharmacy Sabelnik

The pharmacy goes the tincture made by the following recipe. 100 g of indulgence of the sabelnik is taken, crushed and poured 40% ethyl alcohol. Alcohol take so much to get 1000 ml of solution. After insisting and filtration, the finished dosage form is a transparent reddish-brown liquid having a specific smell. Sometimes there may be a precipitate during storage, it is permissible.

Pharmacological properties. The drug has pronounced analgesic (painful) and anti-inflammatory properties.

Doctors recommend applying it in the complex treatment of degenerative changes and inflammation of the musculoskeletal system (ODA): Arthrosis, Arthritis, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, etc. Doctors are usually prescribed 5 ml of tincture on 50 ml of water inside 2 times a day.

Course - 2 months. Then it may be necessary for repeated courses. To enhance the effect of treatment, you can do twice a day of the trituration of the sick joints.

Be sure to comply with the dosage, otherwise alcoholic poisoning can happen.

If the doctor prescribes other drugs from a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds, such as diclofenac, indomethacin, the sabelnik enhances their action, so it is possible to reduce the dosage and the number of applications of these drugs.

With long-term treatment, it is sometimes possible to slow down psychomotor reactions, it should be borne in mind those who work with mechanisms and drivers, because the drug contains alcohol.

Produce this tincture in bottles of dark glass at 100 and 50 ml. No special storage conditions required. Keep out of the reach of children. Be sure to see the shelf life on the package.

Sabelnik treatment

Sabelnik. Tincture in the bottle

Sabelnik is a very modest, living in the swamp plants, and has a multitude of medicinal properties, thanks to which many suffering stand on their feet and get rid of various ailments. The main thing is the patience, long-lasting reception and adherence to all recommendations and features in the treatment. And do not forget, dear readers our site, observe and consult your doctors.

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