Getting ready for the seventh month of pregnancy

By the seventh month of pregnancy, a woman has time to get used to its new state and copes with emerging difficulties. What is your child now? His weight can be slightly more than one kilogram, and growth reaches 35 cm.

Getting ready for the seventh month of pregnancy
When Six months of pregnancy Stayed behind, the woman has time to get used to its new state and copes with emerging difficulties. What is your child now? By the seventh month of pregnancy, his weight can be slightly more than one kilogram, and growth reaches 35 cm. This is a full-fledged child, except that very small. It is actively moving, moving with handles and legs. On the ultrasound you can see that he learned to suck his finger and give us something like a smile. It reacts to flashes of light or sharp sounds if there is noise and cry around you - your child hears it and behaves restless. If you are listening to calm meditative music, your child will behave quite differently, quietly and calmly.

And, although, born in the seventh month of pregnancy, children are quite viable, still need to make every effort to make pregnancy before the latter. During this period, the child is not quite ready for independent life, its lungs are not mature, therefore, it is quite difficult to find children at this stage of pregnancy, for this requires special equipment. So try to avoid deviations from the normal course of childbirth.

Complications in the seventh month

During this period of pregnancy, complications are possible associated with the state of the umbilical cord, which the child is associated with the mother's body. If it occupies an improper position, twisted or ships, it may cause the cessation of oxygen to the fetus. In the presence of this problem, it is necessary to take the most urgent measures, only attentive attitude towards yourself and to the child you wear can guarantee a happy outcome of pregnancy.

During pregnancy, spend more outdoor time
You may feel that it has become much heavier to breathe. Do not worry, it is normal during this period of pregnancy. The fact is that the bottom of the uterus in this period is high, it raises the diaphragm, which makes it difficult for the breath of pregnant. What can you help yourself? It is necessary to carry out more time in the fresh air. Walk! Breathe air saturated with oxygen, and not exhaust gases passing by cars.

Another problem with which you may encounter, being in the seventh month of pregnancy. The name of this problem - insomnia. Now it can happen that to fall asleep for you will be a problem, although before that you slept literally if any opportunity. By this month of pregnancy, the mass of your body changes quickly, it becomes quite difficult to find a comfortable sleep position. You can not lie on the back - it's hard to breathe, lying on one side for a long time - also tired. So all night can be rotated from the sides on the side, drivening off sleep. In addition, you worry about the child, think about how childbirth will pass, will there be any complications. It also does not contribute to rapid falling asleep and calm sleep.

Insomnia isolating and tires, but you can cope with it. The main thing is to calm down. Think about the fact that the life and health of your child now depends on you, and you can still not predict the course of further pregnancy and possible complications in childbirth, and you can still torment yourself and worry? It is necessary to find funds that will be able to bring you in a calm condition. For someone it will be a walk before bedtime in the fresh air, for someone - Favorite music in the player, and for someone - a cup of heated milk with a tea spoon.

Learn to restrain yourself and not worry on trifles. Gradually, everything will come to normal, and you can find a suitable pose to sleep, in which you will feel comfortable and calm. Experiment with a small pad, putting it under the back, or under the stomach, find a position that will not cause you anxiety. Will pass another month of pregnancy and uterus starts to descend, breathe it becomes easier and the dream will come back.

Seventh month of pregnancy and your health

In the seventh month of pregnancy reduction at the bottom of the abdomen - this is normal, but not more than 5 times per hour
Walk, breathe and keep serene calm. This is the most important thing for you now. Well, of course, high attention to their feelings, and a regular visit to the doctor.

Walks should bring joy, not fatigue. If you have hard to walk, or varicose veins appeared on the legs - it is better to sit in a bench, among the trees, it is much more useful than sitting at home on the sofa, looking TV. Be sure to rest, lying on the bed. Now your position - on the side, about lying on the back will temporarily have to forget - the uterus to this period is large enough and can squeeze large veins, which can even lead to a fainter.

Do not forget to make gymnastics. And, resting in a horizontal position, put the roller or pillow under the feet, so that there is an outflow of the shelter, and the edema of the extremities decreased. If the swelling is too annoying you, you need to consult a doctor who will help and tell me what you need to take for outflow of fluid from the body.

Learn to listen to your body and understand it. If you suddenly feel a reduction in the abdomen, then there is nothing terrible. The body begins to prepare for childbirth. But, if these sensations are frequent enough, more than five times in an hour, you need to urgently visit the doctor, premature birth may be possible.

You need to know that now you are dialing no more than half a kilogram per week, a larger set - you already need to change and adjust your menu, removing flour and sweet products from it, adding vegetables and fruits, dairy products, meat and fish. Add Vitamins reception to your diet, now they, more than ever, need your child, Lack of vitamins Causes disorders in the nervous system, both your and your baby.

Cosmetics and hygiene in the seventh month

Many women by the seventh month of pregnancy begin to bother stretch marks on the stomach and chest
In the seventh month of pregnancy, special attention should be paid to body hygiene. Use the shower every day, and in the hot period of time, several times a day. After the shower, it is desirable to use the cream to mitigate and moisturize the skin, it is better to use baby cosmetic oil. The chest must be prepared for breastfeeding and, after the shower, it is necessary to wipe it with a hard towel so that the nipples of the chest are a little hardened to labor. By the way, for the chest now you need to choose the right bra, it should not have thin shoulders, should not be close, but must support the chest, and not to squeeze it.

Many women somewhere to the seventh month of pregnancy begin to disturb "stretching" on the stomach and chest. There are special cosmetic creams that allow prevent them and smooth skin. Use necessarily antenatal bandage, which also help prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the stomach. Do not buy a bandage "to the eye", be sure to find out from the doctor what you have, only in this case he can really help you.

Do not forget that now no infection, no pathoral microba should get into your body. It is for this reason that it is necessary to visit the dentist during this period of pregnancy. Teeth must be sanitized, and it is necessary to say that it is necessary to cleanse them after each meal, it seems there is no need. You know it yourself.

Our site, reminds that the main thing now, what you need to remember is that your current mood is already affected by the mood of a non-born baby, and your excitement and disorders are his excitement and rapid heartbeat. In recent months, pregnancy before childbirth You are responsible for whether the child will be born with self-confident personality, or will be anxious and worried about each little things, man. Remember this and behave accordingly. In your hands now the future nature of your child.

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