

  • Smooth legs
  • Sclerotherapy
  • Gentle heels

  • Reasons for the appearance of various changes in the bloodstream of the legs quite a lot. Vascular asterisks, venous drawing and nodes may arise due to hormonal changes, high intraperous pressure caused pregnancy, constipation, carrying weightsTrippingth, long standing. These may also be congenital pathology or reduction of the tone of vessels.

    One way or another, but most women are sooner or later faced with the problem of varicose veins. The first manifestations – These are vascular asterisks, extended capillaries arising on the surface of the skin. No inconvenience, except for an inesthetical species, they do not cause.

    Smooth legs

    From «starfish» You can easily get rid of resorting to the radiosurgical method. He appeared in Moscow about 4 years ago and proven himself well. The main tool that is used when removing extended capillaries – radion. It is the finest electrode that after preliminary anesthesia, the cosmetologist touches the skin and coagulates the vessel.

    Unlike the laser, the radio sound does not give charring and allows you to control the depths of exposure. After the procedure that lasts a few minutes, depending on the value of the vessel being removed, there remains easy redness in its place, which takes place within 2-3 days, and you see a variable clean skin again.

    A good addition to this method is a mezotherapy course. Radiary allows you to work on any parts of the body, including even eyelids. It is used when removing papilloma, non-residents (birthplace), in the treatment of an ingrown nail. Radionaging is also used as a scalpel when carrying out operations. After its use, the scar is practically invisible, since, unlike the scalpel, when cut, he spreads fabric, not traumating the cell.


    Sclerotherapy is used with extended small vessels (teleangectasis) and in varicose vessels varicose extension-Trippingtributary to 0, 2 cm in diameter. With it, you can avoid the operation and achieve a good result. The thinnest needle in the lumen of the veins is injected with a sclerosing drug on an alcohol basis, under the influence of which the vessel wall is destroyed, and Vienna is rare.

    The advantages of compression sclerotherapy include the absence of severe complications, high efficiency and minimal trauma. This procedure is carried out in outpatient conditions and provides an optimal cosmetic effect. At the time of treatment and within 1.5 - 2 months after it, it is necessary to abandon the hot bath, as well as from visiting a bath or sauna.

    In addition, during treatment you need to constantly wear elastic bandages or compression linen. This will provide a constant closure of the veins walls and will prevent the restoration of blood flow in it. The course of treatment lasts from 3 to 6 sessions performed with an interval of 5-7 days.

    A side effect may be the appearance of pigmentation on the site of the sclerosic veins, which disappears on its own in a few days. On average, Moscow takes from 100 rubles per injection. The final amount of procedures is determined to consult.

    Heavier changes, so-called venous nodes, require serious treatment. They are removed by surgical intervention, whose character can only define an experienced phlebologist at the reception. Such operations are made only in the hospital and require medical control.

    Gentle heels

    Open sandals literally attract male glances to elegant female legs. And what to do if the feet are far from ideal? Closed? Of course not! Moscow salons are able for 2 hours to make your feet beautiful. First of all it is necessary to do, designed to process nails and skin stop.

    With the help of special hardware nozzles, you can remove the coarse skin, eliminate corn, natopeshi, pollut the cracks. In contrast to the handTrippingAbout pedicure, when the legs are lowered into softening baths, a special gel is applied to the foot.

    In addition, massage and masks are made for feet: moisturizing, nutritious, softening. Using hardware nozzles, you can also adjust the ingrown nail or give nails a more beautiful form, for example, pollute the too thick nail plate and polish it to shine. This is a completely painless and fast procedure.

    To maintain legs in good condition, cosmetologists recommend to make a hardware pedicure once in 2-4 weeks. There is another problem that gives a lot of trouble with its owner – Fungal infections. In beauty salons, of course, this disease is not treated, but is carried out anti-game prevention.

    As a rule, it combines with a hardware pedicure. The fungus may appear not only because of contact with infection when using someone else's shoes, linen, toilet items (scissors, towels), as well as when visiting a bath or pool, but also when wearing close shoes, high sweating, foot injuries.

    Therefore, for the prevention of fungal diseases, the cosmetologist adjusts the foot using special linings. It may be interdigal proofreaders or gel pads that are put in shoes. It also uses various anti-grab cosmetic lines, designed for radical types of legs, for example, for dry skin, diabetic or «Cold» feet.

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