What should be the right breakfast

The first half of the day is the most productive for our body, it is necessary to provide yourself with a sufficient number of nutrients, and then the rest of the day you will emit energy and have time to have all that planned. That is why breakfast is the most important part of our daily menu. What should be a healthy proper breakfast?!

Breakfast - the most important part of our daily menu. From what we eaten, getting out of bed, largely depends on our well-being for a whole day. In today's material we will tell readers our site about what a healthy right breakfast should be.

Breakfast in time

Breakfast in time
Most people are divided into two main groups: those who have breakfast in the morning must, and those who can not fit into themselves even a small sandwich. If you feel about the latter, we have a rush to inform: scientists have proven that people who neglect breakfast are more susceptible to stress, cardiovascular diseases, depression and weakening immunity. In addition, if you didn't eat in the morning, be sure that you will eat at least twice as many days for dinner to restore the forces spent.

Take care of yourself not earlier than half an hour after waking up. Our body needs time to recover After sleep. Get off the bed, drink half a cup of warm water. It activates the processes of life in the body and bring toxins. If you do not like conventional water, add a few drops of lemon juice there or a teaspoon of honey. Drinking water, take up ordinary things - take a shower, get dressed, collect a bag. During this time, the stomach will start working, and you will feel hunger.

Each your breakfast

Each your breakfast
What the breakfast should be, determines your kind of activity, or, at worst, your plans for the whole day.

Office workers and those who have mental loads during the day, it is better to start a day with yogurt, boiled eggs, cottage cheese, serving dry flakes with milk or fruit salad. Do not overeat, otherwise, instead of cheerfulness, you will get drowsiness, lethargy and incessant laziness. Be sure to add a little honey to a portion or eat a small piece of chocolate. He will saturate the glucose brain and activates mental activity.

Those who are coming physical exertion or day saturated with events and running, it is better to eat something more significant in the morning. Make yourself a boiled chicken sandwich, lettuce leaves and tomato or pepper slices. Instead of the usual white bread, we recommend readers our site to use cut or black, it refers and will not affect your figure. You will also suit you various types of cocked for milk. Good energy charge you will provide an ordinary omelet with cheese. In eggs and cheese contains a lot of protein that gives us strength.

Special attention to breakfast should be given to students during the session. In order for the exams in the exams better and in the head of the brilliant thoughts, start the day with the muesli on milk with dried fruits and nuts, milk cocktail, pancakes, cheesery or jam, and a mixture of cottage cheese with sour cream.

A compote?

It is important not only that we eat, but that we drink in the morning. For many, a prerequisite for waking up is strong coffee. And health, only better give preference not soluble coffee, and weaving. Remember that instant coffee is made of raw material residues by evaporation. Due to the increased caffeine content, this drink contributes to the washing of calcium from the body, negatively affects the sexual function in men and can provoke the stomach ulcer and gastritis. Do not be lazy to get up five minutes earlier and brew coffee right in a cup, bay it boiling water and sticking with a saucer for five minutes.

To fill the flushed caffeine Calcium in the body, add to your breakfast pinch of black poppy or sesame seed.

Tea lovers are better to give preference to black varieties. In them, caffeine is less than in green, besides, black tea contains many vitamins B, P and PP, which turn sugar and fat in pure energy. Add a little cream to tea, they will make a drink more nutritious. White sugar replace cane or honey.

Good to start a day with cocoa welded on low-fat milk. Cocoa contributes to the development «Hormone joy» Endorphine, also this drink contains biologically active substances that increase efficiency and stimulating mental activities.

As for the juices, it is better to replace them with Fresh Freasha: useful Vitamins And there are no preservatives and dyes. Favorite classic genre - orange juice, due to the large sugar content contraindicated people suffering from diabetes, obesity and gastritis.

To eat undesirable

Harmful breakfast
In the list of the most useless products for breakfast first place sausage. She is completely not quenching hunger, which means that in an hour you will feel that you want to eat. Also morning it is not advisable to start with croutped in a pan. For morning meals, this is probably the most junk food. Our site advises to replace fried croutons on fringe toasts, to taste it will turn out almost the same. And so that the toasts do not get risen, prepare them in the toaster not more than a minute.

Bad habit - breakfast in the morning a piece of cake or cupcake in the evening. Hunger such a breakfast quit quickly but not long. In addition, fats and flavors contained in desserts can cause aggravation Pancreatitis, as well as nausea and even poisoning, if you did not pay attention to the shelf life.

Beware of fast cooking breakfasts. Such products are subjected to numerous thermal treatments, which completely kills vitamins and nutrients and reduces their energy value. Choosing a dairy products in the store, give preference to those containing a small percentage of fatty: they are better absorbed and will not contribute to the accumulation of excess weight.

And, of course, the worst idea at the end of any breakfast - to smoke a cigarette. In addition, smoking negatively affects health in general, nicotine destroys all useful and nutrients that breakfast gives us. So after a few fumes, consider the morning meal for you went out for nothing.


There is better breakfast, not at risk, not reading the morning newspapers and without browsing the TV. Buy yourself for breakfast special pile, decorated with bright colors. Proper tableware not only improves mood, but also contributes to an increase in appetite. Teach yourself breakfast every day at the same time, and in a few weeks your stomach will remind you about breakfast more than any watch.

Breakfast in the morning, be sure to dry in 2-3 hours. It can be an apple, a banana, a glass of bioephira or a solid cheese sandwich or ham. Since the first half of the day is the most productive for our body, it is necessary to provide yourself with a sufficient amount of nutrients, and then all the remaining day you will emit energy and have time to have all that planned.

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