Polycystic kidney and pregnancy


  • How to work kidney
  • The role of the kidneys when carrying pregnancy
  • Pregnancy with kidney polycystic

  • How to work kidney

    The volume of work performed by the kidneys, truly colossal. To not be unfounded, I will give only a few digits. The human circulatory system contains about 5.5 liters of blood. At the same time, through the kidneys of an adult man, about 1,700 liters of blood goes daily (approximately the fourth part of the blood passing through the heart)! It turns out that any drop of blood passes through the kidneys almost 500 times per day, and each time it is controlled, and also changes. 1-1 is formed in the kidneys.5 l urochi.

    Urine approximately 96% consists of water; The remaining 4% is different (mostly poisonous) Coli, as well as exchange products. Healthy kidneys - the main shield of the body against toxins.

    but «cleansing» The functions of the mission of this organ is not limited by. List here all kidney functions will not become. Let's just say that the kidneys are violently involved in the regulation of blood pressure, producing a special substance - renin, which, falling into the blood, launches the chain of reactions, ultimately increasing blood pressure.

    The role of the kidneys when carrying pregnancy

    Polycystic kidney and pregnancyDuring pregnancy, the kidney task is more complicated. Why? Everything is simple: to the load, so to speak, «Staten» The need to process, as well as the withdrawal from the maternal body of the fetus of the fetus, which come to the blood of the mother through the placenta.

    Due to the huge increase in the burdens load, the pregnancy itself seriously increases the risk of developing diseases of this body, and also, of course, this danger is most important, in case of a girl's conception, there were some violations of the urinary organs. For this reason, before planning a child, it is extremely important with the help of a doctor to evaluate the state of the kidneys.

    There are kidney diseases in which the child's birth is likely with appropriate treatment, as well as pregnancy. However, there are, unfortunately, such serious changes in the function of the kidneys are, that pregnancy becomes for them a malfunction.

    The inability to make, and also give birth to a healthy child - one of the most terrible medical «sentence» For most women. However, the consequences of pregnancy in some (not all!) The kidney diseases are so formated that, on the mature reflection, each girl will understand: medical contraindications - not a whim of doctors, and not reinsurance. Knowledge, even bitter, - better love.
    Having survived the first shock, the family can radically rebuild their life. Many spouses are resolved for adoption, as well as, if the decision was made with the full consciousness of the responsibility of this step, will fully acquire the joy of motherhood, as well as paternity, and on Earth one unfortunate child becomes less…
    Today, medicine has a means of treating many kidney diseases in pregnant women. At the heart of treatment - antibacterial therapy, individually appointed by the doctor.

    It is a doctor who must decide that in each individual case can help a woman, as well as not harm the child.

    Pregnancy with kidney polycystic

    And now let's turn to such a congenital disease like kidney polycystic. Such anomaly of development can provoke a pyelonephritis during pregnancy, an increase in blood pressure, deterioration of the kidney function. For this reason, the question of whether to give birth is either not to give birth, decides after a thorough examination of the girl. The survey allows in addition to reveal the risk factors in advance: infection, reducing the kidney function and T.D. It is possible that a woman with such an anomaly for the development of kidney as a polycystic, will have to do caesarean section.
    Surgical correction of the anomalia development of urinary organs in pregnant women, to which the polycystic kidney belongs, as a rule, do not produce, limited to symptomatic drug therapy.
    It must be remembered that the kidney polycysticosis is especially dangerous to such complications as chronic renal failure. At the same time, it is not excluded - pregnancy can be contraindicated.
    Women who suffer from kidney diseases in which pregnancy is contraindicated, you must be protected. This should operate mechanical means of protection (condom, diaphragm), intrauterine spirals, but not hormonal contraceptive pills.

    Hormonal contraceptives affect the process of blood coagulation, support inflammation in the kidney tissue, contribute to an increase in blood pressure, and thereby aggravate the course of the disease.

    It may seem that all the data are sad things were told in order to intimid pregnant women, as well as women's pregnancy planning. By no means. My main task is to bring indisputable to their consciousness, but not for all the obvious truth: the kidneys - very serious. The measure of the responsibility of a woman who plans to give birth to a child, as reported, «It is difficult to overestimate», for this reason:

    • Even if you have never suffered from nephrological diseases either hurt a long time ago, and also convinced that the disease passed without a trace, planning pregnancy or learning about it, be sure to examine the kidney . (Most often enough urine analysis; however, the doctor will give you all the necessary requirements).
    • If you are not fine with the kidneys, however, doctors believe that pregnancy is possible - be extremely attentive, strictly observe all the prescriptions of professionals: life depends on this, as well as the health of your future baby, and also your life as well as Health is also.
    • If doctors categorically declare that pregnancy is impossible, - they certainly have the most fun base. Do not risk a future child naughtly - send all the strength to build your life on the basis of the inability to endure and give birth to a child. Remember: this does not mean that you can not grow, and also raise a child!

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