Pyelonephritis - kidney disease


  • Why occurs sharp pyelonephritis?
  • Who risks sick pyelonephritis?
  • Signs of acute pyelonephritis
  • Diagnosis of pyelonephritis
  • Treatment of pyelonephritis
  • Prevention of pyelonephritis

  • Why occurs sharp pyelonephritis?

    Although pyelonephritis is in­FECTION
    Disease, its specific pathogen no. The reason can be
    Microbes that are constantly inhabited in the body, also fall from
    External environment. If you judge the analyzes of urine, then in it most often
    Intestinal and parapisal sticks are found, brake bacteria,
    Staphylococcus, ENTEROKOKK, SYGINE WORD. Proved also proved
    The etiological role of mycoplasmas, viruses and mushrooms. For occurrence
    Pyelonephritis is not sufficient­But only the penetration of microorganisms in the kidney.
    This requires predisposing factors.

    Who risks sick pyelonephritis?

    They can be sick at any age. More often ill
    Children up to seven years old, women 18-30 years. The latter is connected with the beginning
    sexual life, with pregnancy and childbirth (5% of pregnant women are observed
    pyelonephritis). Risks the elderly men to be ill with pyelonephritis,
    which there is a prostate adenoma, urethritis or
    Prostatitis. Children's pyelonephritis takes the second-third place
    Frequency of the disease. And another predisposing factor is
    Urolithiasis, diabetes, tuberculosis. Not worth the same
    eliminate the reasons for low immunity. Among adults
    Pyelonephritis is found in 100 people per 100,000 population, in children

    Signs of acute pyelonephritis

    Pyelonephritis - kidney disease
    General weakness, pain in side, which can
    give in groin, lower back pain, temperature. These are the main symptoms
    Diseases. And usually the disease pyelonephritis is accompanied by frequent
    urinary urges. This symptom is almost half of all
    Sicklaby. To speak more detail – Temperature rises, slightly
    is not up to 40 degrees - this state is similar to when
    Influenza. Pain in the lower back, as a rule, on the one hand. Everyone is
    different, but if they are characterized, then you can call blunt pain
    (not sharp). If such symptoms are observed, it is better to immediately call
    Doctor at home. Acute pyelonephritis need to treat urgently because
    Run the disease it can go into a chronic form. Also
    May be complicated by paranephrites, necrosis of renal papillars.

    Diagnosis of pyelonephritis

    Proper diagnosis – Perhaps the most important
    What is worth starting to fight pyelonephritis. Do not hurry to do
    Spear conclusions, if somewhere read about the symptoms
    pyelonephritis, compared them with their own and decided that you have exactly
    pyelonephritis. Even a specialist, just after listening to your complaints, will not say on
    one hundred percent that is pyelonephritis. His symptoms are similar to many
    Diseases associated with inflammation of urinary tract. For
    Diagnostics are made of special blood tests, urine, ultrasound kidneys,
    Analyzes on infections and often requires computed tomography.

    Treatment of pyelonephritis

    Treatment of pyelonephritis long and time-consuming
    process. If you do not comply with all the recommendations of the doctor's disease can go
    In the chronic form and the only method of treatment may remain
    Only surgical. Preferably acute pyelonephritis treated in
    Station6Are under the supervision of specialists. Antibiotics prescribed patients
    (after the patient microflora sensitivity samples) in
    Combination with sulfonamide and a special diet. Patient recommended
    Drink a day at least 2-2.5 liters of liquid. When the temperature
    Drops, thermal procedures (warming compresses) are prescribed.

    If during the first week of treatment (3-5
    days) improving the state does not occur, new
    Surveys to eliminate related diseases. If all
    will go successful, then intensive treatment of acute pyelonephritis will last
    up to 6 weeks. Well, the final cure is already completely depends on
    Patient himself. The most complex process begins – do not start
    Disease again.

    Prevention of pyelonephritis

    Pelonephritis prevention Healthy people can
    Search for reasons and predisposing factors. And for those who have suffered
    Acute pyelonephritis - the main thing to comply with all the recommendations of the doctor.
    Perhaps the most difficult of them to comply with a certain diet - no
    salinity, smoked, chocolate, alcoholic beverages. More vegetables,
    Fruits, natural juices, mineral water. Although if you think about -
    nothing complicated in this if there is a desire to protect your health
    All methods.

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