Infectious and noncommunicable urethritis, treatment


  • What is infectious urethritis
  • What is noncommunicable urethritis
  • How to treat urethritis

  • What is infectious urethritis

    Most often urethritis is transmitted
    Paulway. Men and women can get sick with urethritis. Across
    A few days after sexual contact with the carrier of infection appear
    Pain and cutting when urination, selection of urethra
    (urethra). So the infectious urethritis is manifested. His cause can be Gardnerners, Gonococci, as well as Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, intestinal wand.

    What is noncommunicable urethritis

    Infectious and noncommunicable urethritis, treatment
    If the cause of urethritis is a microtrauma urethra,
    For example, when conducting instrumental medical research
    (cystoscopy) or manipulations (urinary bubble catheterization), or
    The mucous membrall was injured by a passing stone, such a urethriter infectious.
    Although the local microflora still activates quite soon
    (usually, staphylococci living in the urethra), and
    Non-infectious urethritis turns into secondary nonspecific bacterial urethritis.

    Additional reasons for non-infective urethritis can be an allergic reaction, a narrowing of urethra, stagnant phenomena in a small pelvis.

    The period from infection to the manifestation of clinical symptoms of urethritis will be called by the incubation period. The incubation period can be very different - from several hours to several weeks, sometimes even months.

    With uretrite, as a rule, general emphasis symptoms are not marked - there is no increase in body temperature, weakness.

    The symptoms of urethritis are:

    • pain, burning or severe during urination;
    • discharge
      From the urethra. Usually in the morning. For nonspecific
      Ureterite is characterized by abundant selection with an unpleasant smell,
      mucinous-purulent nature, blue-green color;
    • Men may have redness and sticking in the mornings of sponges of the outer hole of the urethra;
    • In women, urethritis more often flows without discharge, only with unpleasant sensations when urine.

    How to treat urethritis

    The main treatment of urethritis is
    Antibacterial therapy. First determined sensitivity
    The causative agent of urethritis to various antibiotics. Next, the doctor considering
    Stage of the disease, the presence or absence of complications and a number of others
    factors determines the necessary dosage and duration
    antibacterial treatment, the course can last from several days before
    Multi weeks.

    Patient recommended abundant drinking, diet without sharp and fried dishes.

    Local treatment of urethritis -
    Instillation (infusion) drugs in urethra. Treatment in uncomplicated
    Cases are held at home. Hospitalized patient only
    With the development of severe purulent complications.

    Treatment of chronic urethritis
    It goes much more difficult and longer than acute. In addition to
    Antibacterial therapy and instillations in the urethra
    Drugs applied various means of immunotherapy.
    If the narrowing of the urethra arises, you have to resort to the borneling -
    Expanding the urethra with special tools -

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