Symptoms of rayo disease and its prevention


  • Diseases Reino
  • Treatment and prevention of exacerbations of Raino disease

  • Take-up disorders of arterial blood supply to brushes and (or) Stop, arising under the influence of cold or unrest called Reino syndrome. As a rule, Reino syndrome is a secondary phenomenon developing with various diffuse diseases of the connective tissue (primarily sclerodermia), damage to the cervical spine, nervous system, thyroid gland. If there are no certain reasons for the development of Reyno syndrome, then they talk about rain disease.

    Diseases Reino

    Symptoms of rayo disease and its preventionIt all begins with sudden short-term attacks of numbers, which usually occur under the influence of cold, for example, when washing or washing in cold water; less often - as a result of strong excitement. Fingers instantly whiten - neither blood buoy, and after numbness there is a sharp brittle or burning pain. Initially, to get rid of pain, to gently massate and warm the fingers for 2-3 minutes.

    Over time, the attacks arise and without any visible causes, their duration increases, reaching up to 1.5-2 hours, the attack is accompanied by no lower skin, and the sinusiness and swelling. Later on the affected areas, surface ulcers are formed, and then deeper foci of necrosis (samples) of fabrics. Probably 2-5 fingers of brushes, stop, less often - other speakers of body (nose, ears, chin).

    Although in the overwhelming majority of cases, the fingers of the hands or legs suffer, occasionally occurs the defeat of the nose, ears, chin. The picture is the same - porcelain-white (deadly pale), as when frostbite, leather and severe pain.

    It is easy to guess that the development of the disease is associated with a violation of blood flow to the relevant authorities. This condition is called ischemia. However, you can explore the structure of the artery of patients suffering from Reyno's disease - no obstacle for normal blood flow inside them.

    Today, special methods of examination of vessels - heat out, renowmography and ultrasound doppler - allow you to detect the first, early blood flow disorders, not always noticeable even to the patient. And numerous laboratory tests will prompt a doctor on time, is the spasm of the vessels by the manifestation of a hidden illness.

    Treatment and prevention of exacerbations of Raino disease

    Symptoms of rayo disease and its preventionToday you can, if you do not completely heal, then significantly slow down the progression of the disease Raino. Specialists use both a rich arsenal of medicines, and physiotherapy, and acupuncture, and even operational treatment.

    In no case should not take drugs unsystematic, «jump» from one treatment method to another in the hope of an immediate effect - nothing but harm, it will not bring. Similarly, it is not worth rushing from the doctor to the doctor: For a sick, if one doctor is watching him for a long time - a good neuropathologist or surgeon, which will eventually figure out in the individual characteristics of the disease and selects the treatment regimen that allows you to achieve maximum effect.

    However, the patient himself can essentially facilitate the work of a doctor and life to itself if a certain recommendation will adhere to: if you still smoke, immediately and permanently give up smoking. Even in a healthy person with normal vascular reactions, nicotine causes a long-term increase in the tone of the arteries, and a sick cigarette can provoke an attack! Avoid hypothermia of hands, legs, faces. Bathing in the hole - in principle, the thing is useful, but not in the disease Rhino. Do not wash your hands in cold water, we carry warm mittens, and shoes should always be dry.

    It is important to exclude the impact of vibration. In this case, it is not about a jacking hammer - here everything is clear, but there are sources of weak vibration today in each house: these are numerous household appliances and tools equipped with electric motor - electric drills and electric coofers, coffee grinders, vacuum cleaners. Refrigerator, styling adjust and put on a well-shock absorbing rubber or foam rug so that they do not rattle. Try the electric drills and electroplates not to use, and if nevertheless, it was necessary to drill a hole in the wall, put on woolen gloves.

    And the last. Organize your time so that work and rest were needed for you. Life without sharp shake and too sharp sensations, good sleep and peace of mind - Then the medications will help you to pronounce with the attacks of the disease.

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