Apitherapy (treatment of bees)

Once fifty thousand years before the appearance of a person on our planet already lived bees. Many rock paintings and prehistoric monuments indicate that our ancestors loved to enjoy a naked. And today the bee is considered hardly the best pharmacist, and the treatment of bees is practiced worldwide. Products that it produces treat many diseases.

Bee poison

apitherapy, treatment of bees, traditional medicine, bee

Most often in food, we use bee honey, we consider it not only tasty, but also useful. But not only this product, which is produced by wonderful insects, is useful for our body. No less useful properties is located in uterine milk, wax, pollen, propolis and in the very poison of bees. All these products are successfully used in agriculture, industry, cosmetology and medicine.

At the end of the courage of a honey bee is a stinging device. Stool, the bee flies and dies in a couple of hours, and sting with poison remains in the human body. The chemical composition of this poison is so confused that until the end he was never studied by scientists, it is known only that it consists of amino acids, minerals and proteins.

The effect of bee poison does not affect the acid and alkaline medium, it is stable and to temperature fluctuations. Its composition will not change if the poison is heated or freeze, but will lose its properties under the influence of the digestive juice, if you take it inside. Almost instantly poison dries in air, but in a dry form he retains his active properties for many more years. It has so strong disinfecting properties that even if you dilute it 1: 50,000, it will still be sterile and there will be no microorganisms in it.

Despite the fact that in the opposite side effects of the poison so strong that they can lead to a fatal outcome, the correctly chosen dose makes the poison of an indispensable assistant in the fight against many diseases. In scientific medicine due to the complexity of the dosage, the method of seening does not find approval. And in the drugs, the poison is used in purified form and is used in the form of injections, ointments, inhalation and trousers. But still healers believe that pure and fresh poison is much more useful.

Treatment of poison or apitherapy is mainly aimed at getting rid of pain and inflammatory processes during rheumatism, Osteochondrosis, Neuralgia, Hypertension, migraines, ulcers or non-healing wounds, thrombophlebitis and other diseases. Treatment occurs due to the extension of blood vessels, reduce blood clotting and painkillery effect.

APITRAPHY is widely used in treatment Bronchial asthma. If an approximate attack time is known, the poison is introduced three hours before him a small dose. In this disease, the body is very sensitive to the components, so you need to be attentive to the dosage. The course of treatment usually lasts about two months. And most attacks choking do not repeat.

It is prohibited to treatment by the bee poison for diseases of the liver and pancreas and kidneys, if there is diabetes, tuberculosis or tumor, with heart failures, in infections and body exhaustion.

With rheumatism, a bee on a sore place, at the same time hold it for the wings and wait until it is horrid. On the first day, only one bee is used, on the second day they take two bees and each plant a little higher than the previous bite. On the third day - three bees, and so bring up to five bees. Then two days of rest and plant bees in reverse order. If the pain has not gone to the end, then after a week, the course repeat.

Bee Honey

apitherapy, treatment of bees, traditional medicine, bee

Scientists have discovered about 50 biologically active substances in pollen, they all have a versatile effect on the body. In folk medicine, it is used for anemia, decay forces and inflammation of the prostate gland. Besides it is treated gastritis, Hypertension, constipation, neurosis, Violation of nervous and endocrine systems, gout.

Attracts scientists and another element that is produced by a bee - Perga. Her insects are extracted from pollen. It is prescribed in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hepatitis, diseases of the thyroid gland, atherosclerosis, sleep disorders, depression, neurosis.

From the perme insects produce uterine milk. It has a bactericidal property and most often will be prescribed by patients who are on the verge of depletion and children with disadvantage. The uterine milk is a good blood pressure stabilizer and is assigned after the suffered infarction. In addition, it improves the condition of patients with cancer cells, scientists suggest that its action lies in radioactive properties.

Women during Clematock Milk Helps to stabilize the psyche. It is well affected by the use of this substance in the elderly people, it gives them strength and improves performance.

Other bee products

apitherapy, treatment of bees, traditional medicine, bee

In medicine used and beeswax. It is added to ointment, some plasters, cream, it is remarkably absorbed by the skin and makes it gentle and even. So wax is still well used in cosmetology.

Used in folk medicine and propolis, especially when wounds, it has good painkillers. Inside it is used when Pneumonia, Walled diseases And with tuberculosis. Scientists have proven that the reception of propolis strengthens the tooth enamel and warns the appearance of caries.

There are beekeeping and by-product, which has no less useful properties - this is a submass bee. It includes chitosan, which has the ability to heal wounds. Especially often used after burns, after the use of drugs from the submorks, it remains from RAS and scars. Also chitosan is able to stop bleeding. The second active component of the bee podmor is melanin. It absorbs ultraviolet rays, protects the skin and can bind heavy metals. From the bee submora, prepare tincture, ointment, decoctions, decays.

It is worth noting that all these products are rather active substances, especially for the uterine milk and bee poison. They are very often allergic, and if you use the wrong dosage or there is hypersensitivity to components, useful components will be toxic for the body. Therefore, before starting treatment, the bees need to undergo a medical examination and take beekeeping products under the supervision of a doctor.

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