Pregnancy after cesarean sections

A new pregnancy after the cesarean section is planning about 30% of women, since there are no special contraindications to this except that sometimes such a pregnancy conjugates with certain difficulties. The most favorable time for re-conception - after 3 years, this time is enough to ensure that the body of the woman recovered after the operation, and the scars on the uterus were delayed.

Indications for Cesarean section

Pregnancy, Second Pregnancy, Caesarean Section, Complications for childbirth, testifying to Cesarean, Birth of a child

According to obstetric statistics, approximately 15% of all pregnancies end cesarean cross section. This indicator is higher in complex labor-oriented clinics, since complicated pregnancy increases the likelihood that the future mother will not be able to give birth independently.

The cesarean section is carried out for a number of such reasons:

  1. Too narrow taz of girlfriend.
  2. Heavy gestosis on the last trimension of pregnancy.
  3. Generic activity of a woman is reduced.
  4. Placentamentar presence.
  5. If ultrasound shows vices in the development of the fetus.
  6. Progressive genital infection.
  7. Nervous Mother's Diseases.

Pregnancy, Second Pregnancy, Caesarean Section, Complications for childbirth, testifying to Cesarean, Birth of a child

Preparation of the second pregnancy after the operation of artificial delivery is to complete the protection and use of contraceptives. The uterus should be alone so that the wounds are dragged, and the connecting tissue has become durable.

The most optimal term for the onset of a new pregnancy is 2-3 years. In addition to the fact that the future mother should get new forces, it is also necessary to restore the muscle fibers of the uterus and formed a durable scar. Planning a new conception should go on the general plan, and the woman should adhere to the following conditions:

  • frequent walks in the fresh air;
  • adherence to sleep mode;
  • In order to increase the tone of the muscles of the back and abdomen after the cesarean section, you need to do yoga, fitness, swimming;
  • Daily diet should include fruits, vegetables, products rich in calcium, phosphorus and iron;
  • consultations and inspections of the gynecologist should become regular.

Before re-conceived the child after the cesarean section, partners need to be fully examined at the gynecologist and the urologist, to pass the necessary analyzes that theoretically may interfere with the normal intrauterine development of the fetus.

Since in some cases a new pregnancy after the COP can bear a certain danger of mother and child, then further a woman needs to explore the state of the scar on the uterus with the help of hysterography, hysteroscopy and ultrasound with intrafital sensor.

The hysterography is an x-ray survey procedure and it is carried out no earlier than 6 months after the rowor-separating operation. Hysteroscopy, in turn, allows you to visually inspect the seam using an endoscope. This manipulation should be carried out only in a year.

When examination, the doctor must completely make sure that the scar on the wall of the uterus has enough thickness in order to withstand the pressure and do not break.

Pregnancy after Cesarean

Pregnancy, Second Pregnancy, Caesarean Section, Complications for childbirth, testifying to Cesarean, Birth of a child

During the period of nursing the child, it is especially carefully necessary to follow the state of the seam, and in suspected tissue divergence, you need to immediately go to the hospital treatment. It is necessary to prudently refer to your body, because if you are going to give birth yourself, then the scar must be in good condition.

After transferred cesarean section, the subsequent pregnancy does not exclude the emergence of complications, and each third woman is susceptible to the threat of pregnancy abortion. The most frequent complication in this case is the low location of the placenta.

One of the features of such pregnancy is the improper location of the fetus, and in women after the COP, the child is usually placed in cross position.

Here are dangers that wait for a woman during pregnancy:

  • failure of the scar. The pain is manifested in the lower abdomen and in the lower back;
  • Tarrow of the uterus. It is usually observed when cuts were incorrect during the operation.

The transferred operation of caesarean section can also provoke such complications of pregnancy:

With this pregnancy, it should often be examined on the ultrasound apparatus, especially in cases where a woman is having twins or triples.

Pregnancy after cesarean section always means that it is forbidden to give birth at home. Moreover, any adequate obstetrician gynecologist will simply not allow this, since such labor can turn into unforeseen complications.

Pregnant woman with a seam on the uterus should already be in the hospital at the 35th week of having a child. Before childbirth, it is usually a premature debit of spindlewater, and after childbirth - difficulties with the placenta separation.

As obstetrics say, the girl can give birth vaginally, if the seam thickness on the uterus is at least 4 mm. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that if something goes wrong during childbirth, then the operations cannot be avoided. Epidural anesthesia At childbirth, it is contraindicated because it is necessary to constant control of the process from the roeper.

Birth after Cesarean

Pregnancy, Second Pregnancy, Caesarean Section, Complications for childbirth, testifying to Cesarean, Birth of a child

To say exactly how the process of the Rhodework will be held: naturally or surgically, only a doctor and exclusively in the period from 33 to 35 weeks of pregnancy. How does medical statistics say, each fourth woman can give birth independently after the transferred cesarean sections.

Generic activities are carried out without stimulation, so as not to disrupt the integrity of the elementar. In some cases, testimony to re-operation are:

  1. Too much early pregnancy, 6-12 months after the COP, when the seam still did not have time to delay.
  2. Pregnancy after the second cesarean operation.
  3. Corporate CS.
  4. Age of fear years older than 30 years.
  5. If the scar in the uterus provoked the low location of the placenta.
  6. Pairing or placenta increment.

These signs are impossible to predict up to the birth. With such symptoms, doctors left nothing but to carry out the operation in the name of the child's salvation.

The main reason for the abandonment of natural labor after the COP is the fear of the uterine break. In fact, the percentage of women who have occurred a gap is only 0.2% of the total. In addition, the life and health of the mother with a newborn child threatens. Moreover, the threat of a possible break is successfully detected on the ultrasound.

Cesarean section It is recommended to spend no more than three times and each subsequent operation is increasingly draining the walls of the uterus.

Recommendations of doctors during pregnancy after CS:

  1. Early pregnancy (less than 6 months) requires constant gynecological control.
  2. At the thirtieth week of pregnancy, it is necessary to determine possible risks that may arise during childbirth.
  3. Starting from the 35th week, you need to visit the doctor more often and follow the state of the scar on the uterus.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to lift heavy items, including the older child or a pram.
  5. Supporting bandage is needed in order to reduce the load on the lower back and support the belly.
  6. In the presence of the scar on the uterus it is extremely undesirable to gain weight. Watch your diet.
  7. Try to avoid long trips, flights and stress.

Take care of your health, drive a measured and quiet lifestyle without additional loads. MirSees recommends women planning pregnancy after Cesarean section, take care of yourself and listen to your body. It will contribute to the normal course of pregnancy and easy childbirth.

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