Stagnant prostatitis as a reflection of problems in sex life men


  • How to suspect a stagnant prostatitis?
  • How to treat stagnant prostatitis?

  • Stagnant prostatitis reflection of problems in sex life menDespite their very modest
    Dimensions comparable with chestnut values, prostate gland — very important
    Reproductive system of men. Banal prostatitis is able to deprive
    opportunities to have children, break a sexy life, turn a strong spirit
    man in neurasthenik and doubtful man. Prostate state of V
    Much determines mental and psychological balance, physical health.
    But contrary to popular belief, not always the cause of prostatitis
    Foreign microbes become painful. Symptoms of inflammation may occur even in
    Absence of infection, only on the background of congestive phenomena in the prostate gland.

    Stagnant or congenital
    Prostatitis is detected in 12% of representatives of the strong floor, and regardless of
    by age.

    Stagnation B
    the prostate gland occurs for many reasons, but all of them can be divided
    Two big groups.

    1. Stagnation
      The secret of the prostate arising from the delay of seed fluid, that is, when
      The actual absence of ejaculation.
    2. Stagnant
      phenomena in the pelvis veins leading to the field of prostate and her edema.

    Stagnation of the secret of prostate arises
    under certain circumstances.

    • In the absence of sexual life, irregular and
      Gentible sexual life, with long abstinence.
    • For hobby
      masturbation, in view of the fact that this method of self-satisfaction does not lead to
      Full emptying of seed paths.
    • With regular contraception with
      interrupted sex act.
    • With a long lack of normal genital
      acts with physiological and mental orgasm.
    • With a tendency to frequent and long sex
      acts, sexual perversions, because they lead to sex depletion.

    Stagnant prostatitis reflection of problems in sex life menConstant phenomena in pelvis veins
    most often occur in the presence of diseases of the rectum, for example, when
    Hemorrhoid, proact, as well as during constipation. But still the main cause of circulatory disorders
    is a sedentary sitting lifestyle and problems in sex life
    men. So constant full-range prostate is noted in the absence of harmony
    and mutual understanding between sexual partners.

    How to suspect a stagnant prostatitis?

    Stagnation in a prostate
    The reason for the appearance of a crotch pain. In this case, pain can
    give in the seats and the inner surface of the hip. Elementary prostate breaks
    bladder emptying process, urine jet becomes weak, noted
    Morning polyuria. It is characteristic that after a stormy night in bed and pain, and
    Violation of urination in most cases disappear without a trace.

    Seed fluid with prostatitis
    Contains lumps of thick transparent mucus, and the orgasm is sometimes accompanied by
    unpleasant sensations.

    Typical manifestations of stagnation in
    Prostate are reduced libido, premature ejaculation, pallor
    orgasm, loosening potency. Gradually increasing sexual problems
    The nature is caused irritability, increased demands and
    Intolerance to others.

    How to treat stagnant prostatitis?

    Stagnant congenital prostatitis
    — reason for
    Immediate appeal to the doctor's urologist. Independently eliminate stagnation in
    The prostate will not succeed, and it can be the basis for the emergence of infectious
    of this prostatitis.

    Help get rid of stagnation
    phenomena in prostate gland Medical massage prostate, medical
    Preparations that improve metabolic processes in the prostate, physiotherapeutic
    Procedures, diet with restriction of sharp and spicy dishes, refusal of alcohol and
    smoking, prevention of constipation and treatment of accompanying diseases of the pelvis organs.

    But what would not say there, the main
    The means of combating stagnant prostatitis is rhythmic and regular
    Sexual activity. Abstinence detail for prostate! No medicine
    you are not able to replace sex if we are talking about such an organ as a prostate
    gland. Sex and once again sex! Otherwise, stagnant prostatitis is not
    Miliate anyone from those who have such a small but constantly requiring
    attention, organ as a prostate gland.

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