Eczema. We are treated at home by natural


  • Causes of eczema
  • Aromatherapy
  • Hercules
  • Homeopathy
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  • Diet

    Causes of eczema

    Eczema. We are treated at home by naturalEssentially, eczema is allergic inflammation and skin irritation. Often it causes a rather obvious external reason - for example, it can be a reaction to nickel, which is often added to inexpensive jewelry, watches bracelets, zippers, clips, and t. D. Cosmetics, Perfume and Hair Paint can also be sources of potential allergens, and another large group of stimuli make up fur, feathers, disputes of mold and dust.

    Sometimes people react poorly to various plants, especially with a bright sun, so lovers who have sensitive skin must not forget about possible danger. However, for many people suffering from eczema, external stimuli is not very important compared to some internal factors.

    In the case of allergic eczema, it is often possible to trace from generation to a generation to the eczema, asthma or hay fever (all these disorders are due to the increased reactivity of the body), and in the individual picture of Eczema, different factors can play more important role, among them an emotional disorder, stress and intolerance to any food.

    The determination of a specific combination of factors for each person is often a real detective story, and it is here that a qualified specialist with his holistic approach to the patient can have invaluable help.


    It is very important to remember that the approach to the treatment of a patient eczema should be as flexible as possible. You may need to alternate various oils and change the way of their use, since the nature of this disease depends on the huge number of factors and the skin condition can be improved under the action of one oil, and then when changing symptoms may require something else.

    Among the oils, the most beneficial ones acting on the skin should be called chamomile, geranium, lavender, lemon mint oil (often called Melissa in the first part of her Latin name) and, perhaps, Pink. At first, no more than 1 percent breeding of these oils should be used, and it is necessary to breed them in lightweight water creams, and with a very dry or weakened skin, it is possible to use more thick creams and ointments as the basis or pure vegetable oil. First, these oils are applied separately to see how the skin reacts to each of them.

    Another method of using essential oils with sufficiently extensive skin lesions is adding them to cool compresses: start with 5 drops on 500 ml of water.


    In this disease, herbalism is exceptionally effective, and usually simultaneously use both domestic products and all sorts of external applications. In addition to the oils already mentioned above, to reduce inflammation and accelerate skin healing, creams and ointment and ointment (Symphytum OfficinAK) and marigolds (Calendula Officinalis).

    With a strong itching, often accompanying eczema, one of the best herbs is a middle, or moc. (Stttaria Media); We advise you to cook cream or ointment from fresh grass; In addition, you can simply make an infusion, and when it cools, put compresses with him.

    If the skin is wet, then you can use the tricolor violet violet (Viola Tricolor), clover meadow and even the nettle (uurtica dioica), it helps to dry the skin.

    A very good sedative and healing effect is the oil of a bowlnap (Oenothera Biennis) - it can be applied to the skin or in its pure form, or add to cream. With a traditional approach to Eczema, travestal experts focus on cleansing tissues, and it can bring very good results.

    Eczema. We are treated at home by naturalAmong herbs with blood purifying, or «Alternative», Properties, let's call the clover meadow and nettle nettle, from which the infusions are preparing, as well as Burning Big (Arctium Lappa) and Supll Curchay (Rumex Crispus) used in the form of decoction. Two more herbs very successfully help the removal of toxins from the body: this is a chain bench (Galium Aparine), which contributes to throwing harmful substances through the kidneys, and a dandelion root (Taraxacum officinale), tonic liver and acting as a soft laxative. The first one should be used in the form of infusion, and the second - in the form of a decoction.

    From the above grasses can also be mixtures. However, it is possible to apply them not more than three weeks, and if the skin condition deteriorates, it is necessary to reduce the dose twice.


    At the beginning of the treatment of eczema, we advise you to make a solution of any of the following funds.
    Graphites: With a wet, wet skin, on which weakly attached screens are formed. The secreted liquid is sticky, and the skin-opening areas sometimes even bleed. The place affected by eczema can be located anywhere, but most often they are behind the ears and on the face.

    Rhustox: With dry, with a strong itching eczema, whose stains can appear on hand and wrist brushes. At the same time, small bubbles are often formed on the areas of red-free skin.

    Sulphur: with hot, dry leather and irritant sludge. It feels a strong itching, but scratching is very painful. Any kind of heating (for example, hot bath or lying in bed) significantly aggravates irritation.


    Since in many types of eczema, adverse factor is stress, the study of one of the methods of relaxation can.

    As for the diet, many products may be potentially dangerous, this applies to dairy products. If the patient suffers from eczema since childhood, it is often useful to exclude from a diet for up to three weeks cow's milk, cheese and other dairy products. Another useful approach is to reduce the consumption of sugar, spices, coffee, tea and alcohol, as well as in minimizing food additives.

    It is very useful to take vitamins of group B, sometimes vitamin A may also be required (up to 5000 units. per month). The oil of the autronneter of the two-year can be taken both inside and externally; To maintain the required level of fatty acids in the body.


    Specific dietary recommendations You, of course, can only give a professional because provoking or worsening your condition with eczema can various types of food. If treatment with natural means does not lead to a radical improvement of the condition of the skin for 6 to 8 weeks, it will be necessary for help from a specialist.

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