Climax in men


Climax in menConcept «Climax» Applicable not only to women. The established stereotype of the symptoms of female climax did not give this concept to become a full phenomenon. Perhaps men were only on hand. Now the men's half of the population is increasingly hearing the word «Climax», which is increasing popularity. Word translated from greek means «stairs». The end of the life path of the Greeks was compared with the steps leading to the underground world of Tartar, and with each step of life in man Ugasala. So the function of the sexual system in the aging of the body.

Climax in men is inevitable, but, like any person, is purely individual in their manifestations. Most with age potency decreases, on average this moment falls for a period of 50 to 60 years. A conventional norm in the CIS countries is a 60-year-old man who can perform sexual intercourse 2-3 times a month. In Europe and the US, the indicators are higher: a man over 80 years old is able to show sexual activity every 7 days. The exceptions are 83-year-old individuals whose sexual investing is difficult to calm.

In medicine, climax designate «Androphausa». Here men are lucky more: compared to women, the climax comes much later, and his manifestations are much softer.

Mechanism of genital changes in the male body

The reason for the genital change in men is a hormone testosterone. Brain Department — The hypothalamus, undergoing age-related changes, loses control over the work of the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland, in turn, reduces the number of hormones that regulate the work of the testicles, which reduces testosterone production. Testosterone in men is responsible for performing the following tasks:

  • the work of the prostate gland, testicles;
  • sperm formation;
  • sexual excitation;
  • Quality and intensity of orgasm.

Beginning of Klimaks

Reasons that contribute to the beginning of the climax and sexual dysfunction in men. Come to a consensus that provokes inevitably advancing changes, medical scientists have not been able to. There are a number of reasons that contribute to the reduction of potency, namely:

  • violation of the vascular system;
  • The presence of diseases: atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, alcoholism;
  • hypodynamine;
  • Disorder of the nervous system, negative emotions, psychogenic factors.

The first signs of menopause in men

The first signs of menopause in menThe initial signs of Klimaks in men are similar to their symptoms with women's climacteric manifestations.


  • heartbeat;
  • peculiar «riding» — Feelings when it throws in the heat, then in the cold, which causes redness of the face and hands, sweating;
  • Dizziness, amplifying during physical exertion and psycho-emotional unrest, and the pain of the left half of the head;
  • arterial pressure instability (in the absence of treatment, arterial hypertension may develop);
  • worsening memory, the ability to concentrate attention;
  • mood swings, irritability, imperitiousness.

Behind them should be a disorder of sexual entry — libido. Potency can fade gradually or the process can accelerate. Sperm volume decreases, as well as the number of spermatozoa, which in it are located, orgasm can not be felt at all. Sexual intercourse is shortened, ejaculation accelerates, which is very upset by male representatives, and sometimes women. However, the process of fertilization does not affect these changes. Sperm stands out almost until the death of death, and one can even become an old age, which there are many examples.

Male Climax reflected on the appearance of a man:

  • By reducing the production of sex hormones, the skin loses its elasticity, becoming a flabby, sagging;
  • Muscles become loose;
  • Intensively, fats are postponed on hips and buttocks;
  • Sometimes there are signs of gynecomastia — increase men's chest glands;
  • Approximately 50% of men in 50 years begin with problems with prostate gland;

The intensity and character of the symptoms of Klimaks is purely individual, as well as its duration: from two to six years.

Climax Treatment in Men

Medicine has long refused to consider the official culprit of Klimaks in men mental activity of man. Unity of opinion indicates exclusively physiological problems that allow «Move aging» Libido for an indefinite period.

To modern methods of combating sexual illness include:

  • Testosterone therapy (testosterone in tablets, capsules) — Increases the number of erections, enhances the sexual attraction, improves intellectual and physical activity;
  • Soothing phytopreparations;
  • Sports, Water Procedures, Aromatherapy, Diet, Psychotherapy.

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