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  • From the history...
  • How circumcision affects health
  • How circumcision affects the psyche
  • Cutting and sex life
  • Public opinion

  • From the history...

    American Corn Magnate John Harvey Kellog
    (manufacturer Kellogg’S Corn Flakes) at the end of the XIXVEK decided to fight
    with masturbation. Being an influential politician, he created in society
    «Antimasturbation hysteria». As physicians wrote,
    Persisted by the ideas of Kelloga, «The results of self-satisfaction can
    to be depletion of orgasnism, paralysis and heart disease. Some
    Masturbation makes losing a reason, others cums life
    Suicide» MARY R. Melendy, MD, The Ideal Woman - for Maidens,
    Wives and Mothers, 1903).

    Gather boys from scary
    The consequences of Kellog decided to surgically - cutting with extreme flesh.
    «It is possible to achieve good results only by deleting a large number
    Skin and mucous member. Then, after receiving the operating
    wound, skin will sit tightly on the penis… What is significantly limited
    Masturbation or at all eradicates her».

    As Kellog claimed,
    «Masturbation agent that almost always helps is circumcision
    In infancy. Moreover, the operation must be carried out without anesthesia to
    The pain accompanying intervention affected the psyche. Well, if
    It will also be connected with the idea of ​​punishment. Women fight
    With perverted enjoyment forms helps caressing the clitoris
    Carbolic acid».

    Paradoxical ideas of Kelloga surprisingly
    Agriculture quickly accepted. Moreover, circumcision
    In infancy it has become popular in other English-speaking countries. If
    In Europe, this practice has defused enough, then in America
    circumcision make so far. Just fighting no longer with masturbation,
    and with diseases: doctors more than a hundred years have supported information about the benefits
    circumcision all new scientific evidence, and ordinary Americans
    continued to pay money for «Necessary» Procedure.

    Circumcision -
    This is an ancient rite, which came to many cultures from ancient Egypt.
    This procedure is still exposed to children from Islamic or Jewish
    families. Of course, it is done with adequate anesthesia, and no one
    does not try to call the child a sense of guilt.

    About the need for this rite - ungrateful case. But sort out
    in the expediency of mass circumcision «Medical indications»
    Australian researchers decided. The results of their work are published
    In the issue of SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS magazine.

    How circumcision affects health

    The end of the 1970s in the US and Europe has two medical lobbies. Alone
    argued that circumcision is a good means of prevention of infections
    and cancer, and others talked about complications to which this

    Do I need to do clip
    Medical use of circumcision is that
    There is no dick in the penis «Pocket», in which various
    Viruses and bacteria. This not only reduces the frequency of urinary infections,
    But the incidence of cervical cancer in women entering into sex
    Communication with cropped men. With such contacts significantly
    The likelihood of transmitting a person's papilloma virus causing
    crayfish. Men Crucification saves from penal cancer.

    This, as the Americans considered, the circumcision saves 90%
    funds that are spent on the treatment of urinary infections in boys.

    Those, the opponents of circumcision believe that all this money will be on the struggle
    with complications of the procedure. Among them most often there are bleeding
    and infection of the operating room. Sometimes complications are complete
    Repeated operations, including penis amputation. In addition, this
    Surgical procedure damages nerves that answer
    For the sensitivity of men's genital organs.

    In Africa where
    Cutting in babies was considered not only as a rite,
    But also a means of prevention of HIV infection, the incidence rate
    Does not decrease. In real conditions of developing countries, the virus can
    Doctor themselves.

    At the same time, for circumcision remain
    «Absolute» medical indications. Can argue about whether
    no remove healthy fabric. However, if the extreme flesh is damaged -
    Circuit's operation remains almost non-alternative method

    How circumcision affects the psyche

    In view of the fact that babies
    do not operate under anesthesia, circumcision is painful for them
    and may injure the child's psyche. As a result, develops
    Currently common condition - post-traumatic
    stressful disorder that pursues men throughout

    At the same time, doctors performing circumcision constantly
    Improve this procedure and every year it becomes less
    Painful. Along with the pain decreases and the likelihood of mental injuries.

    The opinion of some scientists, in addition to the psychotraum, circumcision leads
    To underestimated self-esteem, unjustified malice or depression. Their
    Negative emotions of a man then dump on others: with big
    the probability of a father who has undergone circumcision will want to make it his own
    Son. For the same reason, the doctors who have passed such a procedure will be during
    to prove its benefit to all patients. That's why
    Circumcision once becomes tradition, does not leave society for a long time.

    Cutting and sex life

    Traumating the nerves of the penis, reduces its sensitivity. but
    Surgical techniques are all the time improved, and such damage
    Now insignificant.

    According to researchers,
    At the circumcision of men, sexual disorders still
    arise from immobility of the skin of the penis.

    By some
    data, male circumcision affects the sex life of women: with such
    partner orgasm them occurs significantly less. However, results
    other research says that men cut in infancy,
    Better Other sex technique.

    Public opinion

    testify chosen by Australians publishing
    Men most often become drug addicts and alcoholics. Violations
    In the sexual area lead to the fact that they are less likely to marry. Besides,
    Such people are prone to violence, theft and suicide.

    Circums can rightly argue that the connection of circumcision with all
    social problems have not been proven, and their reason may be that

    Violation of the rights of individual
    people now you can call anything. And, of course, there were those who
    doubt the right of parents to circumcise your children.

    The right to freedom of religion, in the UK a peculiar
    Compromise: the doctor may refuse such an operation if it considers it
    violation of the rights of the child. In turn, no one will condemn parents,
    If they turn to another surgeon.

    In countries where circumcision
    not distributed, there were already cases when children accused parents
    in «irreversible surgical change of healthy genitals». How
    Australians celebrate, the court recognized the parents guilty.

    while some countries refuse circumcision, others are going
    make this practice mass. In Botswana to mass circumcision ready
    and doctors and ordinary residents.

    Apparently, disputes
    about the feasibility of such a procedure will not be subsided for a long time: both
    Parties will appear all new arguments.

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