Keratokonus: Life after surgery


  • Keratokonus: Operation is not necessary for all
  • Memo patient

  • Keratokonus: Operation is not necessary for all

    The study among 2523 patients suffering from keratoconus showed that only 21.6% of their number was required to conduct a cornea transplant, and the average time from the diagnosis was 8.8 years.

    Simply put, if you have keratoconus, it does not mean that the operating table is your only chance to preserve vision. But in this article we will talk about those people to whom this operation was needed and who have already passed through it. Operation is half. And that later? Part of the care of the patient's health takes on the doctor. The rest is in the hands of the most operated.

    Memo patient

    So, you have a microsurgical operation of the end-to-layer (layer) corneal transplant. Slim seam holding donor tissue, can stay in the cornea for a long time (up to year). This allows you to proceed to work with moderate exercise. At the same time, it is necessary to remember the periodic medical control over the state of the seam.

    Keratokonus: Life after surgerySturdy wound healing after a corneal transplant comes only 6-10 months after surgery. Therefore, after discharge from the hospital, you need to continue the recommended treatment at home. Installing drops or laying ointments can be made of clean hands in front of the mirror or in the position of the lying area, as well as with the help of relatives using those techniques with which you met in the hospital.

    If you are assigned to decxazone tablets, prednical or cortisone, then we need to be made strictly according to the scheme, not allowing any independent changes. During the reception period of these drugs, it is necessary to limit the reception of the table salt and increase the reception of dairy products, as well as potassium salts (Kuraga, Raisin).

    Throughout the first month you need to sleep on your back, and then on the side opposite to the operated eye. Food can be ordinary. It is necessary to eliminate alcoholic beverages and reception of vitamin preparations. Excess sweetness is not desirable.

    Useful light gymnastic exercises without jumping, running and slopes. During the rest and walks throughout the first year after surgery, you need to avoid staying on the bright sun. It is impossible to sunbathe, as sunbathing can cause inflammation of the revised cornea.

    In the cold season on the street operated eye need to close the bandage. Eye indoor should be open. You can use darkened glasses. Transplanted cornea for several months, and sometimes several years, has reduced sensitivity. Therefore, you can not dramatically rub the eye with a handkerchief or hand, you need to be careful when washing, cover the operated eye during a strong wind and avoid walking in frosty days even on the second and subsequent years after the operation. It will help protect the cornea from damage and frostbiz.

    You can watch TV, walk in museums, cinema and theater, if not related to difficult and closely moving in transport.

    To conventional or limited work, you can begin in 2-4 months depending on the state of the operated eye and working conditions. The extension of the general mode should be carried out gradually, but during the first year is absolutely contraindicated with the head of the head down, moving games, running, heavy physical work. After going to work, do not forget to appeal to the eyepiece every 2-3 months during the first year after the operation, especially if not removed the cleaned seam.

    With the appearance of redness and lobs in the eye, light-in-friendly and tears you need to urgently seek a doctor. Only early treatment can prevent impairment.

    We wish you a speedy recovery.

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