How starts prostatitis


  • What is prostatitis?
  • Causes of inflammation
  • And which microbes?
  • At-risk groups
  • Symptoms of prostatitis
  • Upset sexual function

  • What is prostatitis?

    How starts prostatitis
    Prostatitis – This is the most frequent urological disease in men. And this is not surprising, since the factors leading to its development are too common in our lives.

    The painful process with prostatitis begins with inflammation of the output ducts of acinuses. From their walls, the epithelium is listed (lining the cell layer) and accumulates in the tubing together with mucus.

    In addition, microliths are formed - tiny pebbles: they are mixed with mucus and eventually form corks, blocking output. Gradually, traffic jams turn into microabscesses (suppuration), the Drainage of Polek ceases, and they gradually cease to work.

    True, before the blockage of output ducts usually takes quite a lot of time - sometimes months, sometimes years. The process is slowly going, and the patient does not notice anything, since the prostate still produces a secret. But when micro-passages arise, symptoms begin to manifest.

    The first of them is a slight difficulty of urination. Inflamed prostate increases in volume and compresses the urethra. A gradually inflammatory process leads to sclerosis of the bladder neck, and in severe cases, the ureter completely overlaps.

    Second symptom - sexual disorder. The mechanism of the erection is disturbed, orgasm weakened. The result is well known.

    Other characteristic signs of prostatitis:

    • The feeling of burning in the crotch and urethra;
    • unpleasant sensations during defecation;
    • Student painful urination;
    • Difficult and intermittent urination;
    • stretching urethral discharge during defecation;
    • the presence in the urine of floating threads;
    • long-lasting night erections;
    • Accelerated seeds;
    • erased orgasm (it will be said separately);
    • increased overall fatigue;
    • mental depression, waiting for further complications, anxiety;
    • Reduced potency.

    We emphasize: Optionally, these symptoms are observed all at once. The clinical picture of the disease is very volatile - both in different patients and the same patient at different times.

    These are external signs of the disease. And now about the reasons.

    Causes of inflammation

    Of course, inflammation will not be happy anywhere. As a rule, it causes pathogenic microbes. From here and an erroneous idea of «Prostatitis pathogens», To this day, the professionable many doctors.

    How starts prostatitisMeanwhile, specific pathogens, as already mentioned, this disease has no. Of course, if a person suffers from a chronic infectious inflammatory disease like tonsillitis, cholecystitis, hymoritis, and t.D., It is very likely that the pathogen with blood flow will be listed in the prostate (it has very powerful blood supply, otherwise she could not work «By specialty») And there will continue its malicious activity.

    But, as the latest studies show, this is only the second stage of the process, aggravating already caused changes. What kind? And caused by what?

    Here you have to turn to naturopathy («Encourage») - a modern medical concept that has gained great popularity in recent years. Natureopathy is a combination of the newest achievements of science with experience of people, alternative and even esoteric medicine.

    So: naturopaths are convinced (and practice confirms their opinion) that the main cause of many organic disorders - blood stagnation in capillaries.

    In relation to the prostate, the situation seems like this: due to a low-lifting lifestyle, a unhealthy diet, breathing with a bad urban air, all sorts of excesses and other belligent things associated with modern civilization, capillary blood flow in the prostate is disturbed and lipid peroxidation increases and increases. And the last one (if not going into details) facilitates microbes settling and the development of acinuses and other glands.

    Of course, the capillary stagnation causes and typical «structural» Violations - swelling, exudation * and other. One of the important phenomena associated with prostatitis - urethral refluxes, t.E. Reverse urine current when urination due to pressure growth inside the ureter and expansion of ducts connecting it with neighboring formations.

    The usual consequence of reflux - the penetration of infection in the capillaries of urethra and even in circular veins of the penis.

    Outcome - attacks of the so-called urethral fever, sometimes turning into more serious inflammatory complications.

    Thus, when improving the main role is played by the capillary stagnation. Microbes work already on his background.

    And which microbes?

    Speaking in a scientific, infectious process with prostatitis most often cause polyimicrobial associations. This means that the entire bacterial, viral and even fungal «rabble», the blood flow of blood flowing in the prostate (and not extended from there due to capillary stagnation) is accepted «rob» there who is what is much.

    Recently, repeat the first violin in this hooligan «Orchestra» increasingly and more often playing chlamydia. But even they can not be considered on this basis «Prostatitis pathogens», for them «profession» - chlamydia, including trachom.

    In the prostate, they, like other microbes, act, strictly speaking, not in specialization, but simply because they turned up an organ whose cloth «Halted» and «Farmed» Capillary Start: Why would not settle and do not bother? But there are no specific relationships between fabrics of prostate and chlamydia.

    At-risk groups

    • People leading a low-live lifestyle;
    • Representatives «Sittyachy» professions;
    • suffering from chronic constipation;
    • suffering infections of the urogenital system;
    • People with disordered family relationships;
    • Men who are often changing partners;
    • Lovers of alcohol.

    Patients sometimes frighten such wording in the diagnosis as «Prostatitis at the prostate» and «Abacterial prostatitis». This is exactly what was discussed above.

    If the patient found prostatosis, it means that there is nothing to worry about what it is about what, but you only need to put your lifestyle in order: congestive phenomena in capillaries have been revealed, but inflammation has not yet developed. Abacterial prostatitis - stage when the inflammatory process has already begun, but has not yet been infected.

    Symptoms of prostatitis

    A distinctive feature of prostatitis - the practical absence of acute form. Barely prostatitis originated, he immediately becomes chronic. Cases of complete recovery (spontaneous or as a result of treatment) after the first acute stage of single.

    The course of the disease is very slow, and symptomatics is usually smoothed. The manifestations of prostatitis are divided into three main syndrome (symptoms complex): pain, dysuric and sexy.

    How starts prostatitis
    Pain with prostatitis, as a rule, irradiants, t.E. Given - in the seats, crotch and especially scrotum. Prostate N «hurts» In the strict sense of the word, but it is nervous ways to all organs of the small pelvis go from it - this is why pain is often given to the lower back.

    According to the intensity, they are different - from the barely noticeable mining to sharply pronounced, breaking sleep. Pains can enhance or weaken during sexual abstinence or, on the contrary, excessive sexual activity, after discharge, with ejaculation. It is worth noting that pain in the sacrum does not necessarily indicate the prostatitis - they can be associated, for example, with osteochondrosis.

    Dysuria (urination disorder), as a rule, lies in frequent urges and the feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder. The latter is really empty not completely - because the ureter graduated from the increased prostate, and its lumen is reduced.

    Freation and difficulty of urination are expressed at the early stage of prostatitis, and then somewhat weaken, because the body produces adaptation mechanisms. But as Dizuriy's disease develops again increases.

    Finally, sex disorders. Often you have to hear that prostatitis causes impotence, but this is characteristic of a launched disease. And at first develops - and it is not always - disposite, t.E. Reduced potency with its qualitative disorders.

    The latter can be diverse: some erection deteriorates, in others, on the contrary, frequent night erections are observed; accelerated seeds are often observed (associated with a decrease in the initiation threshold of the organic center of the nervous system) and the so-called erased orgasm (dullness of the acuteness of organic sensations).

    Often there are also pains for ejaculation and after orgasm, as a result of which the patient evades sexual life. As far as it is right, let's say later.

    Upset sexual function

    When the prostatitis is running, there is a general oppression of the sexual function, ending with impotence.

    Unlike dysuria, the degree of sexual disorders with prostatitis strongly depends on the sexual constitution - speaking humanly, from whether a strong man or weak. In strong sexual prostatic syndrome develops later and less expressed than weak, and may not develop at all - especially if the patient does not know that he has prostatitis.

    We consider it extremely important for the patient to know, in what state is his health. We are warning only from excessive conciseness and sign in despondency. The well-known fact: if the patient with prostatitis is convinced that he should have a dispositation, and with trepidation it is waiting for her offensive, she will come rather.

    By the way, in the early stages of the prostatitis itself, sexual syndrome - and dysuric too - may be inspired. The man lived calmly and did not know about anything, then he was diagnosed with him, he remembered everything that I heard or read about this disease, she was stunned and began to persist in my respective symptoms - and, please, they obediently appeared!

    Although it is quite possible that the painful process is still on that phase when they seem to be too early to occur.

    Over time, it does not matter or launched prostatitis can cause a number of complications, some of them are very serious.

    * Exudation - The process of seepage fluid from small blood vessels in tissue or body cavity when inflammation.

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