It would seem that the hot summer is not at all time for a cold. However, according to the World Health Organization, the statistics of the upper respiratory tract in the summer are 12% higher than in the fall and winter . Cold, Angina, Faringitis, Bronchitis exacerbation - the most common summer ailments. Why?
Main Cause Summer Cold — temperature difference. Entering a hot street in an apartment or office, we turn on the air conditioner to full power, volley drink gas with ice or on the beach, dried, dive into cold water, carelessly forgetting that sharp change temperature — This «thermal stress» For your body and blow to immunity.
In order not to get sick in the summer heat, you should adhere to a few simple rules. First of all, carefully make sure that the difference between the air temperature in the room and the street was not more than 5 degrees. Reduce temperature need gradually. Of course, you will not have the opportunity to dispose of air conditioning in a store or office space. Therefore, we carry with you a lightweight sweater that you can put on, entering the cold room.
The same rules operate in other situations. It is better not to rush in the reservoir, and go slowly, gradually plunging into cool water. Also carefully be treated for cooling drinks. Drink them in small sips, warming in the mouth. Carbonated water we use in summer in large quantities, — Drink is not the most useful. Carbonic acid present in carbonated beverages can irritate the mucous membrane of the larynx, making it more accessible for a variety of viruses and bacteria.
But what to do if the disease failed to prevent? In this case, you should always have reliable preparations at hand to help repay the disease in the embryo. Among such drugs «Hexoral». A variety of dosage forms make it convenient to use it not only at home, but also on the road. Small spray can always have and use with me and use when the first signs of the disease appears. The spray includes hexetidine, which suppresses the reproduction of microorganisms and bacteria causing pain in the throat and other discomfort. A similar effect has a solid for rinsing, which can be used at home — For example, in the morning and before bed. And finally, the drug can be taken in pills for resorption, comfortable in shape and pleasant to taste. «Hexoral Tabs» contain chlorhexidine with antibacterial effect, and benzocaine helps get rid of throat pain.
And remember: any pain, even the most insignificant, — This is the SOS signal that sends you your body. Therefore, at the very first symptoms of the disease, be sure to consult a doctor!