Psychology Enurca


  • Psychological groups

  • If the child is physically and mentally healthy, and suddenly began to occur at night, then the main reason - in the sense of psychological discomfort, caused by the dissatisfaction with the parents' need of a child in love, emotional intimacy, full acceptance of his personality and the wrong selected strategy of upbringing.

    Psychological groups

    Psychology EnurcaPsychological examination of children suffering from Enuresum shows that there are the following categories of small patients who need psychological assistance:

    • Children suffering from lack of attention, affection, emotional intimacy with parents, especially with mothers (in girls, starting in 4 years, the reason may be in a non-harmonic relationship with dad);
    • Children, painfully experiencing breakdown between parents, lack of heat and the coziness of the parental house;
    • Children experiencing a strong pressure of parents that make overly overestimated requirements for them.

    Children belonging to the first category, unconsciously use night control techniques for parents to show them that they are not well taken careful about them during the day.

    If the child is quiet and timid, then the enurs will not usually go. If the child is aggressive, he declares the dissatisfaction of his needs in a more categorical form - night enchnoprez.

    Children of the second category by their violation are trying to connect parents, at least at their bed. If parents do not accept signals from the child's subconscious, it can get sick more seriously.

    If the features of the mum temperament do not coincide with the characteristics of the child (impulsive, the active mother annoys the timid, immersed in his son), and her views on education do not correspond to his essence, then instead of helping the child find themselves, she will «invest» in him his ideas about the world around. Night incontinence of urine in children belonging to the third category is the unconscious disposal from the obsessive pressure of parents.

    Satisfying the vital needs of the child, the harmonization of relations between parents, the love of child and the recognition of his right to be himself - the best medicine from night trouble.

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