Happiness to see


Happiness to seeThe intensive rhythm of the life of a modern man involves constant readiness for the rapid change of activities. Busy office day at a computer; Evening visit to the fitness club with a party in tennis, a rig in the pool and a hike in the sauna; At the end of the week a party with friends in a nightclub — All these are an integral attributes of the life of a modern urban resident who make our eyes hard to work. It is especially difficult for those whose eyesight is imperfect — Because even the most modern glasses and contact lenses cannot compare with a living eye in the ability to quickly adapt, and also require permanent care.

The only way to protect yourself from anxiety about lenses, solutions or broken glasses — This is surgical intervention. Revolutionary technology of laser correction of view Lasik helped millions of people all over the world to get rid of the need to wear glasses or contact lenses. This is the most secure and efficient method for correcting the most frequent types of violations of vision:

  • Myopia to -20
  • Falnalsity to +6
  • Astigmatism to -6

A separate problem is the age limit (Presbyiopsy) — Violation of the refraction of the eye associated with age. Until recently, radical treatment of age-related drug-freeness did not exist. In 2006, in the UK, the Ophthalmologist of the European Medical Center (EMC) Raid Elias was carried out by an operation on laser correction of age-related drug. In 2008, for the first time in Russia, Dr. Elias conducts a similar operation in the Ophthalmology Department of the European Medical Center.

Dr. Raid Elias
Dr. Raid Elias, to. M. N.

Leading Specialist Ophthalmologist-Surgeon, Candidate­Ditinsky Sciences. Studied and practiced in the Moscow Center for Microsurgery Eyes (Institute. Fedorova), was in diversified in various foreign clinics. Dock­Thor Raid Elias is a valid member of Amerity­Canan Society for Refractive and Cataract Surgeons (ASRCS), American Academy Ophthalmolo­GIA, as well as Russian society of refractive and cataract surgeons. Since 1996 he has headed­Ophthalmology and laser surgery EMC eye surgery. Specializes in vision correction laser operations, as well as the operational treatment of various Pato­Logistics. Certified specialist in conducting­Laser Correction of Age Freshness (Presbyopia). Speaks Russian and English.

The separation of ophthalmology EMC is equipped with a computer excimer laser of the fifth generation VISX STAR S4, as well as Wave Scan Wave System Wave Processing System, which allows the most accurate diagnosis of the entire optical eye system.
Laser work Visx Star S4 IRbased on completely new principles. This is not just the correction of the available refractive defects, but a fundamental improvement in the quality of vision, in which the postoperative acuity of vision is possible; more than 100% (the so-called «Superzing»). Such high results are due to the presence of the system «Eye-Tracking» — Eye tracking systems, which provides a clear operation of the laser beam along a given algorithm, even with the movements of the patient's eye, and the new software that allows you to control the processing of the cornea with a laser beam at each separate point.

European Medical Center
Spiridonevsky per., 5 pages. one
tel. +7 (495) 933 66 55 (around the clock)

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