Do you have a predisposition to hypertension?


  • Do you have a predisposition to hypertension?"Thirty and only"

    The first symptoms of hypertensive disease may occur after 30. It can be a headache in the mornings in the field of the backbone, noise in the ears, dizziness, nausea, nasal bleeding, insomnia, "flies" and fog before your eyes. May disturb the pain in the heart, under the blade, in the chest, in the fingers of the hands. Unfortunately, hypertension often does not manifest. You can learn about illness, only regularly measuring pressure!

    The pressure is more than 140/90 mm RT. Art. But such a jump does not necessarily indicate a disease, because at different times of the day and under the influence of various factors (emotional experiences, physical and sexual activity, alcohol intake) indicators can essentially fluctuate. Much more important, how quickly after increasing the pressure comes to normal.

    "See goal"

    Normally, this should take no more than half an hour. For each pressure indicators are individual. For example, for those who have pressure usually lowered, normal as a whole indicators may mean hypertensive crisis. Therefore, experts use such a term as targeted blood pressure - these are the indicators to which. For example, in patients prone to stroke, the target pressure should be slightly elevated compared to the norm. And in hypotoniki - on the contrary.

    The diagnosis "Hypertensive disease" should be based on the results of multiple pressure measurement (at least 5 times a day, including at night and immediately after awakening), made in different days. With a minor increase, the indicators must be removed over several months.

    "Believe in yourself"

    In the risk group - people having in the family of hypertensive and those who in adolescence suffered a vegetative dystonia. If you have the likelihood of hypertension or you found her symptoms - Start prophylaxis! It is advisable to quit smoking, moving regularly - running and swimming, limit salt, normalize weight, sleep at least 8 hours. Potential hypertensive needs to choose a profession that is not associated with nervous and physical overloads. And, of course, it is necessary to regularly monitor blood pressure.

    If the disease already exists, then everything should be done to prevent dangerous complications of the ailment - heart attack and stroke: to conduct constant and adequate treatment appointed by the doctor.

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