How and what to smear windmill? Means for dealing with rash


How and what to smear the windmill? Means for dealing with rash
Rash with windmill
OSP in children — The most indicative sign of the disease. Red specks,
which turn into bubbles filled with light liquid, ulcers, quickly
covered with dry crusts, — All this resembles a picture of a natural smallpox,
But in a much easier version, because the windmill, although they are called,
usually regard as a light childhood disease. Indeed, health
Strong children endure the windmill easily and do not even need treatment as
Such. The only task of parents — in time notice new bubbles and
process them with special means.

Hunting bubbles

Rash on the skin of a child infected with windmill, — The first sign of the beginning
Diseases. At first she appears on his face, in the form of single red tubercles,
reminiscent of ordinary acne, then pours to the body, limbs, on
mucous oily cavity and genital organs. Free from rash remain only
palms and plantar stop surfaces.

Bugorki gradually turn into bubbles, and bubbles,
Filing, covered with crusts. The whole process is accompanied by a strong itching:
the child then scratches the skin, revealing bubbles and tearing the resulting
their place is brocker. If you do not prevent comb, the restoration of the skin will delay
For a long time and at the place of the rash will remain ugly scars and «Ospina». That's why
Treatment of such a disease, like a chickenpox in children, should be directed primarily on
Skin facilitation and skin care.

Than to smear windmill?

Than to smear
Windmunk? This question is simple. Any experienced parent
Answer to him — Of course, Zelenkaya. Emerald peas from head to feet -
classical «Outfit» a patient with a chickenpox, which many challenged
in early childhood. However, modern doctors refuse to use
Zelenki in the fight against wind rash and recommend other bubbles for causthing

Zelenka perfectly disinfects and dries elements
windmill, prevents viruses on the skin to multiply and warns infection
other children. However, doctors noticed that when using the green
tender skin child quite often remain «Ospina», And this is a reason to refuse
use of traditional means.

Zelenka is too much dry skin, pulls clothes, her
The advantage is just what emerald stains are easy to track the appearance
New windmill elements. All other of its advantages can be
Compensated by other drugs.

  • How and what to smear the windmill? Means for dealing with rash
    5% manganese solution reduces her skin
    And wonderful dry windmill bubbles. You can use it by
    Several times a day, without restrictions.
  • Methylene silica
    (1-3% solution) in its action does not differ from the green, but easy
    washed off with skin and things.
  • Furaticilina solution is mainly used for
    Rinsing of the mouth and processing of leather and mucous genital organs. For the same purpose
    You can use hydrogen peroxide.
  • «Kalamin» — antiseptic lotion
    Action and pulling itching due to the cooling effect. He warns
    the appearance of combs, accelerates the healing of the wound, does not allow the scar and
    Scrammas. Processing bubbles can be prepared several times a day, not
    Fearing overdose.
  • «Fuccin» — The drug, according to the strength of antiseptic
    actions not inferior to the greenfront, but not leaving traces on clothes. W
    «Fuccin» red color so treated with them «pimples» Look more naturally.
  • In the rivocol solution, antimicrobial effect, he
    prevents bacterial complications, while thanks to yellow color
    Noticeable on the skin. Process bubbles you need twice a day.
  • Some doctors recommend handling
    Elements of windmills with antibacterial and antiviral drugs,
    For example, a synthomycin emulsion, «Aciclovir», «Herpevir», «Viroleksom».
    They contain the effect of viruses, protect against attaching bacterial
  • If the child does not pass the windmill, the first signs of her
    have long been forgotten, and the crusts on the skin still do not want to disappear, you can
    Take advantage of zinc ointment.
  • To get rid of light spots that
    remain on the site of bubbles, you can handle the skin with vegetable oil,
    For example, linen, olive or sunflower.

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