SHEGREEN SYNDROM: Symptoms, diagnostics and forecast


  • Schogen syndrome, symptoms of syndrome
  • Diagnostics of Shegren Syndrome
  • Forecast and treatment of SHEGREEN syndrome

  • Schogen syndrome, symptoms of syndrome

    SHEGREEN SYNDROM - chronic inflammatory disease characterized by dry eyes, mouth and other mucous membranes. This syndrome often accompanies symptoms characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis and systemic red lupus. Syndrome Shegren, as experts believe, is
    AUTO¬immune disease, but the reason for his unknown. It is less wide
    distributed than rheumatoid arthritis, and more often occurs in women,
    than in men.

    SHEGREEN SYNDROM: Symptoms, diagnostics and forecast
    In the SHEGREEN syndrome, leukocyte infiltration occurs
    glands that produce liquid secrets, in particular salivary and tear
    iron. As a result of the damage to the glands with leukocytes, characteristic
    Symptoms - dry mouth and dry eye mucous membrane. At
    SHEGREEN SYNDROME Sometimes mucous membranes are also affected,
    lining gastrointestinal tract, trachea, vulva and vagina.

    Some patients with symptoms
    limit only to dry mouth or thumbnail in the eyes. Because of
    Lack of tear fluid can significantly damage the cornea, and
    sometimes happened irreversible eye damage. Lack of saliva in the mouth
    leads to a blur of taste and smell, the process of eating and
    Swallowing become painful, caries develops faster.

    In other people, the defeat affects many organs. Due to lack
    mucus in the trachea and light respiratory tract becomes more susceptible
    to infection, risk risk of pneumonia. Sometimes the shell is inflated,
    The surrounding heart - develops pericarditis. Often damage
    nerves, especially the nerves of the face. Lesion can affect the liver,
    pancreas, spleen, kidneys and lymph nodes. Arthritis
    It occurs about 33% of patients, and the same are affected
    joints as during rheumatoid arthritis. True, arthritis in syndrome
    Shegren is less severe and usually does not lead to the destruction of the joints.

    Lymphoma, malignant tumor of the lymphatic system, develops in patients with Schogen syndrome 44 times more often than other people.

    Diagnostics of Shegren Syndrome

    When a person has dry mouth,
    Root in the eyes and inflammation of the joints, then the SHEGREEN Syndrome is likely. IN
    Different research help various studies. So, you can evaluate
    Number of tear fluid produced: Put stripes
    filter paper under the lower eyelid and measure the length of its moisturizing
    (Swirr Test). In a person with SHEGREEN syndrome is produced less
    third of the normal amount of tear fluid. Ophthalmologist checks,
    Is there any eye damage.
    To assess the secretion of salivary glands, make more complex
    Studies, such as scanning or biopsy salivary glands.

    In blood tests, pathological antibodies are found, including
    The numbers are highly specific for SHEGREEN syndrome - for example, 85-in. Often U
    Patients with Schogen syndrome there are also antibodies, more characteristic
    For rheumatoid arthritis (rheumatoid factor) or systemic red
    Volchanics (anti-nuclear antibodies). Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (EE)
    Increased in 7 out of 10 patients, and 1 out of 3 reduced the content of red blood cells
    (anemia) or some types of leukocytes in the blood.

    Forecast and treatment of SHEGREEN syndrome

    The forecast depends on the ability of antibodies to damage vitally
    Important organs. In rare cases, pneumonia, renal failure or
    The development of lymphoma lead to the death of the patient. SHEGREEN SYNDROM -
    The disease is incurable, but symptoms can be reduced. With dry eye
    Use eye drops. With dryness in the mouth recommend
    now and then drink a small sip of liquid, chewing a gum without
    sugar rinse mouth. Can avoid drugs that reduce
    salivation and thereby exacerbate this symptom: for example,
    «Anti-informal» means and antihistamine drugs. If
    Damage to the salivary glands is slightly prescribed the drug Pilocarpine,
    which stimulates saliva production. Careful oral hygiene and
    Frequent visits to the dentist can minimize the damage of the teeth.
    Painness and swelling of the salivary glands are treated with analgesics. At
    SHEGREEN Syndrome Symptoms from the joints of the joints are usually easy, so
    It is often enough to assign aspirin and peace. In the presence of bright
    pronounced damage to internal organs effective corticosteroids,
    For example, prednisone taken inside.

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