Vices of a three-risk valve


  • Failure of the trilateral valve
  • Diagnostic Methods for Diagnostic Valve
  • Variations for the treatment of deficiency of the trilateral valve
  • Stenosis of a triton valve
  • Diagnosis Diagnosis Treatment Diagnostic Valve
  • Treatment of the disease

  • Between the right atrium and the right ventricle of the heart there is a tricuspid or three-rolled valve. It opens in diastole (phase of relaxation) and through the atrocadic opening, limited to this valve, in the phase diastole venous blood from the right atrium freely enters the right ventricle. In Systole (phase reduction), the valve closes and prevents the reverse current of blood from the right ventricle into the right atrium. All the blood from the right ventricle arrives in the pulmonary artery and further into the lungs.

    Failure of the trilateral valve

    Vices of a three-risk valveIn case of insufficiency, the trilateral valve is not completely closed, the entrance to the right atria does not completely climb. As a result, part of the blood from the right ventricle in the systole is back to the right atria.

    The insufficiency of the three-grained valve is two types:

    • Absolute
    • relative

    The absolute deficiency of the three-rolled valve occurs with rheumatic and other valve lesions when the valve flaps are changed by scars and cannot perform their function.

    Relative valve failure occurs when stretching the valve ring due to dilatation (expansion) of the right ventricle during cardiomyopathy and other lesions of the muscles of the right ventricle.

    In case of insufficiency of the three-grained valve, some of the blood from the right ventricle in the systole enters the right atrium. Initially, the right atrium is hypertrophy, trying to cope with an increased load, but soon decompensation occurs, and the atrium muscle is stretched, the right atrium increases in size. During the diastole period, a larger amount of blood from the sservia, which in turn leads to ventricular hypertrophy, and then to decompensation, expansion and violation of the right ventricular heart. Right ventricle can no longer pump out all the blood from a large circle of blood circulation and occurs in a large circulation circle. Evenkers appear, increased venous pressure, vein swelling on the neck, increased liver, accumulation of liquid in abdominal - ascites. Specific symptoms of this heart failure.

    Diagnostic Methods for Diagnostic Valve

    When listening, systolic noise can be detected, increasing on inhalation. But this noise is inconstant, often disappears. With the joining of heart failure, patients have signs of stagnation in a large circulation circle - swelling of the lower extremities. On the electrocardiogram show signs of increasing the right atrium and right ventricle. On the radiograph - a significant increase in the right atrium, to a lesser extent of the right ventricle. In case of echocardiographic examination, there are signs of the sealing of the trimming valve flaps and the reverse blood flow from the right ventricle into the right atria. At the same time, the degree of regurgitation (reverse current of blood) is determined, which is important in determining the testimony for surgical treatment. Depending on the degree of regurgitation, 3 degrees of deficiency of the three-risk valve are determined.

    Variations for the treatment of deficiency of the trilateral valve

    Surgical treatment of the insufficiency of the trilateral valve is performed at 2 and 3 degrees of failure. With the first degree, the operation is usually not done. The prosthetics of the three-rolled valve produce rarely. Only with coarse valve changes, if its recovery is impossible. Typically produce plastic operations on the valve. The valve is stitched, sometimes of three sash form two, the plastic of the connective tissue ring, to which the valve is attached, is made using a rigid reference ring.

    Stenosis of a triton valve

    Stenosis of the three-risk valve is formed in rheumatic diseases of the heart, other infectious diseases of the inner shell of the heart, syphilis. The scars are formed on the valve, the valve sash will grow together with each other or become low-lifted. Such sashs are not able to fully open into the diastole and the narrowing of the atrocadic opening is formed. The narrowing of the entrance to the right ventricle makes it difficult and slows down the emptying of the right atrium. Pressure in atrium increases. Atrial muscle first hypertrophy, but soon decompensation occurs, and the right atrium is stretched, its inner cavity increases. Blood from large veins does not have time to pump and occurs in a large circle circle (swelling, liver increase, ascites - accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity).

    The patient complains of shortness of breath during exercise, fast fatigue, pain in the right hypochondrium, the severity in the right hypochondrium (liver region). Later there are edema on legs, an increase in abdomen in volume. On the neck you can notice the ripple of the veins.

    Diagnosis Diagnosis Treatment Diagnostic Valve

    When listening to the diastolic noise at the base of the sternum. Sometimes it may listen to the opening of the trilateral valve. On the retiethogram there is an increase in the right atrium and the shade of the upper hollow vein. On the electrocardiogram there are signs of increasing the right atrium and a weakly sprinkled increase in the right ventricle. In case of echocardiographic examination, the sealing of the trimbal valve flaps and the narrowing of the right atrial and ventricular opening, a significant increase in the size of the right atrium.

    Treatment of the disease

    In this case, the decompensation occurs quite quickly, so the detection of the stenosis of a three-risk valve is an indication for surgical treatment, especially if there are already signs of stagnation in a large circulation of blood circulation. In most cases, an open tricuspid commissurotomy is produced. At the same time, the threaded flaps of the three-rolled valve burst or dissect. The plastic of the connective tissue ring, to which the valve is attached. Only if the damage to the valves is coarse and it is impossible to fix it, the prosthetics of the three-rolled valve is produced.

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